View Full Version : Storing Your Pistol Safely

04-04-11, 18:40

I have to remove my ccw pistol a few times each day. Each time, I unload the pistol and store it in a small safe.

Do any of you think this is overkill? Would you feel comfortable storing the pistol in the safe while loaded?


04-04-11, 19:08

I have to remove my ccw pistol a few times each day. Each time, I unload the pistol and store it in a small safe.

Do any of you think this is overkill? Would you feel comfortable storing the pistol in the safe while loaded?


I would be consistent, whether unloading or keeping it loaded.

I personally keep it hot.

If you are constantly loading and unloading, don't load the same rounds over and over again, you can get set back of the bullet into the case which will increase pressures, and depending on the caliber, that can have catastrophic results.

04-04-11, 19:21
I would be consistent, whether unloading or keeping it loaded.

I personally keep it hot.

If you are constantly loading and unloading, don't load the same rounds over and over again, you can get set back of the bullet into the case which will increase pressures, and depending on the caliber, that can have catastrophic results.

I am worried about set back. It is one of the issues that makes frequently unloading and loading the gun such a pain in the tail.

Thanks for the response.

04-04-11, 19:32
I have no problem putting the loaded gun in the safe, particularly when left in the holster. That's what I do, take off the holster with gun in it and place the whole thing in the safe. The less I handle the gun, the less chance I have to screw something up. Obviously, depending on the situation, and holster type/location, that may not always be an option.

04-04-11, 20:03
my glock i keep holstered if it's loaded, slide locked back if it's not.
the p7 i keep loaded, holstered or not. Generally goes in the top drawer of my night stand. Consistency is really the key thing here. If you pick up your gun and it's always loaded you will treat it as such. I think really just keeping everything loaded is the safest way to go, it keeps you in the right mindset.

22's, rifles and other things i don't shoot much stay unloaded in the safe.

I have no children in my household, so if you have kids, do it differently.

04-04-11, 20:11
I keep my firearms loaded unless they're going to see long term safe time.

Makes things easy to keep track of and involves minimal manipulation outside the holster.

04-04-11, 22:33
All of my pistols are carried and stored with a round in the chamber and a full magazine. The AR is stored with an empty chamber, but with a full magazine inserted.

I've never been concerned about storing them this way.

04-05-11, 17:30
Thanks for the replies. They have given me much to consider.


04-05-11, 17:44
I keep My CCW Hk 45c in the Holster Loaded and it stays out next to my chair and moved next to my bed at Night, If I did Put it in the safe I would just leave it in the holster .

As Templar said don't use the same round My stepdad Did the same thing you do and would always put the round back on top in the Mag ,it Pushed the Bullet really far back into the case .I caught this one day when we went out shooting I have no doubt it would have caused a problem if fired.

04-05-11, 17:52
My only question would be why would you be concerned about storing a loaded pistol in a locked safe?

It's safer in there than being in a holster.

04-05-11, 20:19
As Templar said don't use the same round My stepdad Did the same thing you do and would always put the round back on top in the Mag ,it Pushed the Bullet really far back into the case .I caught this one day when we went out shooting I have no doubt it would have caused a problem if fired.

Any time I unload one of my pistols, that round gets inspected before going back into circulation. My 1911 is the worst about it.

04-08-11, 14:06
Any time I unload one of my pistols, that round gets inspected before going back into circulation. My 1911 is the worst about it.

Same here, I go one step further and mark the base of the round with a sharpie, that round goes to the bottom of my reload magazine. When all rounds are marked, that magazine becomes the first magazine fired at the range.

04-08-11, 20:13
My night stand gun is ALWAYS hot. It get's locked up in a drawer safe by either me or the Mrs., who ever leaves last and then taken back out once we are home. My CCW is always hot as I NEVER leave it unattended.

04-08-11, 20:57
Just put it in the safe. I would not unload it for the reason others have noted: each time you re-chamber that round, you run the risk of moving the bullet further back into the case and creating high pressures upon discharge.

I keep a pistol at home loaded and chambered in the GunVault Safe (http://www.gunvaultsafe.com/) under the nightstand next to our bed. I've got four kids, 3.5 years to 13 years, so I wanted hot, safe and easily accessible in the dark. Never think twice about it.

04-08-11, 21:47
Thanks for the replies. I too have set back problems more frequently with the .45. I have a couple of .45's on the desk right now that almost disappeared into the case.


04-09-11, 09:07
When I am carrying a Glock it stays loaded all of the time. When it is removed from its holster I place one of the Raven Concealment trigger guard covers on it. It works great for me since I keep the weapon in the rack with me when I am sleeping.

04-09-11, 11:41
I leave mine hot

04-09-11, 11:56
All guns are always loaded!
Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy!
Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target!
Always be sure of your target!

If your put your loaded pistol into a locked safe, are you violating any of the above safety rules? If not, what is the problem with storing it loaded?

04-09-11, 11:58
Safer to lock it up loaded than to be constantly finger ****ing it. I almost never unload my carry gun.

04-09-11, 14:40
If you're worried about bullet set back or a loaded gun in a safe, store and/or carry it in condition 3 (empty chamber, full mag). You wouldn't have to unload it and a simple rack would bring it up to speed. Seems like it would solve your problems.

04-09-11, 20:49
If not, what is the problem with storing it loaded?

The fact that it is unattended. About 5 years ago my Doc accidentally discovered an aortic aneurysm. It was big enough to require immediate surgery. Had it not been discovered, I wouldn't have been around much longer and I would have left behind a loaded gun that someone would have to deal with. That concerns me, but I guess it is no different than having a loaded gun in th holster. This experience made me rethink a lot of things. Sometimes more than I should.


04-09-11, 21:00
If we assiduously follow the safety rules, EVERY gun we pick up is treated as loaded. When I come upon a gun, whether in a safe, nightstand, drawer, glove box, or shoved in some guys pants--it get treated the same--as if it is loaded. That way I am never surprised...

04-09-11, 21:10
DocGKR covered it...they are always loaded!

When someone wants to see a gun of mine at home, I check it and hand it to them. When they get it, if they don't immediately check it, I ask, "Is it loaded?" That generally gets them all goggle-eyed and they ask, "I thought you checked it?"

Good sign of a rookie is they don't immediately check a gun when they pick it up.

But maybe it's just me...


04-09-11, 21:46
Many years ago, my Uncle gave me my Grandfather's shotgun. Standing in the driveway, I jacked out 4 shells. The "always loaded"rule prevented a tragedy.

An additional rule I was taught was to never leave a loaded gun unattended. I'm questioning that rule; hence, the thread.

04-09-11, 22:08
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned using a padlock. (or did I miss something?) If you don't have a gun safe or vault you can often put an appropriate size padlock in the trigger guard behind the trigger. Of course this won't work with a 1911.

As for myself, I worry about firemen coming into my burning house and having the gun cook off. So I leave the chamber empty. Just paranoid I guess.

04-10-11, 01:54
Ok, so what is your point? To argue with everything everyone said or what? I heard that rule too. And it was in the context of a loaded weapon laying around where others can access it, not locked in a frickin' safe.

So either listen to what others have said, or dick around with loading and unloading several times a day.

Many years ago, my Uncle gave me my Grandfather's shotgun. Standing in the driveway, I jacked out 4 shells. The "always loaded"rule prevented a tragedy.

An additional rule I was taught was to never leave a loaded gun unattended. I'm questioning that rule; hence, the thread.

04-10-11, 09:34
Ok, so what is your point? To argue with everything everyone said or what? I heard that rule too. And it was in the context of a loaded weapon laying around where others can access it, not locked in a frickin' safe.

So either listen to what others have said, or dick around with loading and unloading several times a day.

Thanks to everyone who responded. I think this thread has run its course and should be closed.