View Full Version : No more Glenn Beck on Fox News...

04-07-11, 02:24
I like Glenn Beck's show. Toward he end, he basically went after both parties, the hard left and the unions in a way that was more candid and public than anyone else.

I basically have no reason to watch Fox now. Hannity is unwatchable, period, and O'Reily has gone way too leftist in recent years.

I'll watch read Drudge more now, and other internet news sources.


Glenn Beck, Fox Agree to Divorce
The highly rated host became such a lightning rod that many at Fox wanted him out—and for Beck, the feeling was mutual. Howard Kurtz on the demise of cable's most radioactive show.

Despite his monster ratings, Fox News is bidding farewell to Glenn Beck as tensions between the incendiary host and the top-rated cable news channel have led to a near-total divorce.

I say near-total because the two sides announced a deal Wednesday in which Beck's production company will produce occasional content for Fox. But this is believed to amount to a only handful of specials, and many senior Fox executives are relieved to be rid of Beck, whose ratings have dropped 40 percent, and even more sharply among younger viewers. He was not offered a new contract.

Beck, too, has tired of the friction with Fox and is said by people close to him to be happy to end the partnership.

Whatever the genesis, for Beck to give up his daily 5 p.m. program, which at its peak drew more than 2.5 million viewers, is a case study in how even the most successful broadcast personalities can become too hot to handle.

04-07-11, 03:47
lots of rumors and have to wonder if some execs also got death threats etc.. ? I would not put it past the left to shut him down at any cost

he seems to get a lot of things correct way before others do ? so makes you wonder look at what and who he has uncovered and the things they say ? and yet nobody seems to do anything about it ? strange times we live in for sure

to bad to see him go and hope he has another good outlet for whats going on around us

04-07-11, 04:38
Beck talks about leaving Fox


04-07-11, 05:17
His rating where dropping big time, it's a smart move on his side.

04-07-11, 05:33
His rating where dropping big time, it's a smart move on his side.

Beck has the #4 cable news program on Fox

Higher than Shep, Greta, Cavuto, and Kelly. He has more viewers than that dude Maddow and Olbermann combined, when that kook was still on the air.

Ratings was not Beck's problem. Beck knew, like anyone with a brain knows, that both parties are in on the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the American people, and the parties are owned by the same type of people that own Fox.

Anyone that takes on the system will get knocked down, while shills like Hannity, which are tools of the system, will continue on to spew their insipid nonsense for vapid viewers.

04-07-11, 06:45
Beck has the #4 cable news program on Fox

Higher than Shep, Greta, Cavuto, and Kelly. He has more viewers than that dude Maddow and Olbermann combined, when that kook was still on the air.

Ratings was not Beck's problem. Beck knew, like anyone with a brain knows, that both parties are in on the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the American people, and the parties are owned by the same type of people that own Fox.

Anyone that takes on the system will get knocked down, while shills like Hannity, which are tools of the system, will continue on to spew their insipid nonsense for vapid viewers.
Becks ratings might be harder than the other news shows (not saying much 1.4 million viewers isn't amazing) but compared to a year ago his ratings had slipped considerably, over 50% if he rides it out until his ratings are equal to the others he's going to have a harder time selling himself and his company. If he steps down while in the lead he leaves a winner.

There is no conspiracy theory involved. Beck is a drunk jack ass. Yeah I do judge people based on their past behavior just as much as I blame them for their present behavior. And he was and still is a jack ass. His ratings are the same reason TMZ does so well, people love drama.

04-07-11, 07:02
Hey, maybe some cable network will revive the old "Crossfire" format with Beck and Olberman. Call it SHITFIRE! And give the studio audience an unlimited supply of rotten tomatoes. Or pitchforks and torches. Whatever.

Now that I'd watch.

04-07-11, 07:56
Beck has the #4 cable news program on Fox

Are there 2 Glenn Becks?

04-07-11, 08:32
That's really too bad, Beck was part of our supper hour. Guess it's just going to be red eye on the dvr now.

04-07-11, 08:56
Because most TV sucks and the most basic Dish Network package (Welcome Pack), which is the cheapest I could find, I don't even get Fox News... Others may be in the same boat, so are not watching Glenn, not out of choice, but because we don't get it.

That could explain some ratings...

I heard Glenn today on the radio say that what he has planned will make liberals "pray to Jesus" that Glenn would just go back to Fox News at just the 5pm time slot...

So we will see what tricks he has up his sleeve...

Personally, I think Glenn is one of the best EXPOSE' political media figures out there, and has helped expose Obama and the Destroyers more than most in recent years, but I disagree with him on many fronts and think he is a misguided tool whose whole premise is wrong... But he is him and I am me... Not saying I couldn't hang with him, but I'm sure we would have some heated debates...


04-07-11, 09:16
I've been watching Beck since the HLN days. Sad to see his Fox show die but he'll be back in another form soon I'm sure. In the meantime, I'll be glued to Freedom Watch with the Judge.

04-07-11, 09:50
Beck doesn't get parts of history at all.

04-07-11, 10:01
He's small potatoes compared to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage.

Beck doesn't get parts of history at all.

04-07-11, 10:54
he seems to get a lot of things correct way before others do ? so makes you wonder look at what and who he has uncovered and the things they say ? and yet nobody seems to do anything about it ? strange times we live in for sure.

Alex Jones claims Beck just steals his stuff... http://www.infowars.com/the-glenn-beck-secret/ And I'm not advocating or saying I'm a proponent of either one.

04-07-11, 11:26
Alex Jones claims Beck just steals his stuff... http://www.infowars.com/the-glenn-beck-secret/ And I'm not advocating or saying I'm a proponent of either one.

Dumb and dumber, in my book.

04-07-11, 11:29
Dumb and dumber, in my book.

Birds of a feather... ;)

04-07-11, 11:32
Alex Jones is actually right for once about Beck stealing his stuff. Glenn got a hell of a lot of mileage out of Alex Jones' recent interview with Charlie Sheen.


04-07-11, 11:35
Beck doesn't get parts of history at all.

He is sometimes on point and sometimes he seems to have short circuits in his head. Overall I think the show lost its sizzle.

Judge Andrew N. is pretty good. Let's see if he can stand the test of time.

Hannity is an unintelligent shouter on the radio, but he is better on tv where much of his show is pre-scripted on the teleprompter.

O'Reilly is a left wing dude making money by pretending to be semi conservative.

04-07-11, 11:38
Alex Jones is actually right for once about Beck stealing his stuff. Glenn got a hell of a lot of mileage out of Alex Jones' recent interview with Charlie Sheen.


That was a damn creepy clip

04-07-11, 11:50
O'Reilly is a left wing dude making money by pretending to be semi conservative.

O'Reilly is the only "fair and balanced" host on the network. Calling him a left wing dude is patently disingenuous. You just don't like him because he objective and non-partisan. You would probably learn a thing or two if you started listening to him instead of Savage, Bell and Noory.


04-07-11, 11:56
O'Reilly is the only "fair and balanced" host on the network. Calling him a left wing dude is patently disingenuous. You just don't like him because he objective and non-partisan.

Are you being sarcastic or serious? I'm genuinely curious. I think O'Reilly is a prick and a bully but I don't watch him enough to know his politics.

George Noory is super entertaining on late night road trips. :D

04-07-11, 11:56
I still bought a half-ounce gold American Eagle coin the other day - just to PERSONALLY piss off Anthony Mayer Weiner up in NY. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-happy009.gif

04-07-11, 13:16
At this point I just wish there was a cable station with soft core porn and a news crawler telling me what happened that day.

04-07-11, 13:16
Are you being sarcastic or serious? I'm genuinely curious. I think O'Reilly is a prick and a bully but I don't watch him enough to know his politics.

George Noory is super entertaining on late night road trips. :D

Absolutely serious. You don't watch him enough to know his politics but enough to know he is prick and a bully? His only break from the conservative rank is his opposition to the death penalty.

04-07-11, 13:22
Alex Jones claims Beck just steals his stuff... http://www.infowars.com/the-glenn-beck-secret/ And I'm not advocating or saying I'm a proponent of either one.

Could be but he has brought it to people like the others have not ?

Also seems when someone gets more popular others cry I did this first ?

Bottom line he has brouht a lot to the masses and has a good avg of truths he is far from perfect but at least he is willing to step out

As the ratings go they say he had a huge spike durring one of his projects so really no drop he had a spike and things came back to normal but instead people spin it like he was/is tanking yet he is in the tops of all cable news shows !
Again spun from people who have very little ratings ?

Also I would listen and do my own research not cause he said to but thats the way I am

To those that say he is way off I would say post up some examples then and also put it in % of how much he gets right

Its always easy to point the finger at misses yet not count all the hits

04-07-11, 13:23
At this point I just wish there was a cable station with soft core porn and a news crawler telling me what happened that day.

Thought in Spain or somewhere they had topless weather girls ? :)

04-07-11, 13:31
To those that say he is way off I would say post up some examples then and also put it in % of how much he gets right

Its always easy to point the finger at misses yet not count all the hits

I didn't say he was "way off" but he certainly IS on several points. Just because you like him does not mean he should not be held accountable for spouting bullshit occasionally. He's not a saint.

04-07-11, 13:38
O'Reilly is the only "fair and balanced" host on the network. Calling him a left wing dude is patently disingenuous. You just don't like him because he objective and non-partisan. You would probably learn a thing or two if you started listening to him instead of Savage, Bell and Noory.

O'Reilly is a flip-flopping, anti-Constitutional, biased moron. Watch this video (do not read further until you've watched it):

Now, after watching it, here are some facts (and O'Reilly knew them beforehand):
- Stewart Rhodes (the guy he's interviewing) is a Yale Law graduate.
- O'Reilly purposely doesn't ask him about his background, instead he asks him what he's not (i.e. "So you aren't active duty or a law enforcement officer?"), trying to paint him as someone who's unauthoritative on the subject
- Stewart Rhodes specifically studied the Constitution, yet O'Reilly purposely ignores that and tries to paint him as an uneducated kook who's unfounded in his statements
- O'Reilly had taken the opposite stance just years before, claiming that a state had no right to revoke 2nd Amendment rights, even in times of distress (so he DOES know what the Constitution says)

Now watch it again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isd0FlGb_LY

A liberal in moderate's clothing.

04-07-11, 13:43
You don't watch him enough to know his politics but enough to know he is prick and a bully?

It's not difficult to discern. I've seen several examples of both.

04-07-11, 13:43
O'Reilly is the only "fair and balanced" host on the network. Calling him a left wing dude is patently disingenuous. You just don't like him because he objective and non-partisan. You would probably learn a thing or two if you started listening to him instead of Savage, Bell and Noory.

Indeed. His stance on the New Orleans gun confiscations (http://gatewaypundit.rightnetwork.com/2010/02/bill-oreilly-supports-gun-confiscation-during-weather-emergencies-video/) makes all sorts of sense when compared to those gun rights extremists and his assertion that God causes the tides (not the moon) balances scientific fact with....oh I give up.

He's a ****ing jackass and a stupid one at that.

04-07-11, 13:43
His only break from the conservative rank is his opposition to the death penalty.

That and he supports disarming citizens in states of emergencies. No biggie.

04-07-11, 13:43
At this point I just wish there was a cable station with soft core porn and a news crawler telling me what happened that day.

Spartacus Season 2. Thank me later.

04-07-11, 13:53
That and he supports disarming citizens in states of emergencies. No biggie.

Specifically and especially weather emergencies. Yeah, like those don't happen... every day.

04-07-11, 14:04
Spartacus Season 2. Thank me later.

Seen it, but it didn't have news. Also a bit too much shlong for me. I think Season 1 might have been better.

04-07-11, 14:11
Take a minute and watch his rebuttal and then run your mouths some more...


04-07-11, 14:14
Take a minute and watch his rebuttal and then run your mouths some more...


So... he supports gun confiscation... as long as the courts uphold it? And just how does that change the fact that he SUPPORTS IT. Just because you believe in the power of a court system doesn't give you carte' blanche to go against the Constitution in the first place, which is what he CLEARLY did. He supports gun confiscation during states of emergency and mocked the Oath Keepers when they said it was Unconstitutional because "only the courts have that right." Even Thomas Jefferson said that the Second Amendment would only be needed when they try to take it away. Was he a whack-job too?

Thanks for the video - it confirms he's a flip-flopping, anti-Constitutional liberal.

04-07-11, 14:25
Not sure how a Beck thread got turned to be almost completely about Bill O'Reilly.

On Beck: Not sure what kind of ratings you are supposed to get at 5 oclock on the east coast and 2 on the west. Will be interesting to see who they replace Beck with and how their ratings do. I doubt they will be the kind of success that Beck was at that time slot.

On O'Reilly: He has a way of consistently taking the worst positions of the right and the left. His kind of authoritarian country club conservatism is something I detest, but I do watch his show because he has some of the best point counterpoint debates on cable news between guests and a knack for touching on almost every important topic going on on a particular day in the political/cultural world.

04-07-11, 14:29
So... he supports gun confiscation... as long as the courts uphold it? And just how does that change the fact that he SUPPORTS IT. Just because you believe in the power of a court system doesn't give you carte' blanche to go against the Constitution in the first place, which is what he CLEARLY did. He supports gun confiscation during states of emergency and mocked the Oath Keepers when they said it was Unconstitutional because "only the courts have that right." Even Thomas Jefferson said that the Second Amendment would only be needed when they try to take it away. Was he a whack-job too?

Thanks for the video - it confirms he's a flip-flopping, anti-Constitutional liberal.

This is my problem with him, he is essentially a statist.

At risk of Godwin's Law, everything the Nazis did in Germany was "legal" because their states and courts made it so. And our SCOTUS has violated the Constitution many, many times. The fact that they declared it legal to do so, does not make it correct.

04-07-11, 14:34
I didn't say he was "way off" but he certainly IS on several points. Just because you like him does not mean he should not be held accountable for spouting bullshit occasionally. He's not a saint.

And who is ? Never said he was a saint just saying he has a better avg than most and has brought forward some huge thongs :)
Does any other network do that ? He corrects himself sometimes when shown to be wrong he also says every time do your own research dont believe me but do your own and make your own decision ?

Maybe you think or feel he is off so therefore wrong

Show me where msnbs corrects themslves ?
Like when they edited the black guy with a AR to not show his skin and then said right wing racists had assault rifles ? Is that the news you like ? They got busted never corrected themselves

04-07-11, 14:44
Bill O had his days he is a elitist who cares more about ratings hiss show years ago was good but these days its pretty much worthless entertainment his opinion is now like obama flip flop kiss butt all for ratings

His position on guns is well documented

04-07-11, 16:13
Bill O had his days he is a elitist who cares more about ratings hiss show years ago was good but these days its pretty much worthless entertainment his opinion is now like obama flip flop kiss butt all for ratings

His position on guns is well documented

I pretty much stopped watching him in 2004 with the sunset. He was trying to come off as pro gun regarding semi automatic assault weapons and one of the first things out of his mouth was "I don't think anyone should have an Uzi." That was it for me.

04-07-11, 16:16
...One of the first things out of his mouth was "I don't SteyrAUG should be able to own his favorite weapon." That was it for me.

Fixed :D

04-07-11, 17:35
I turned off my radio and tv along time ago to "news". In recent times I was turned on to Beck's program by a friend. I started watching him. When he is off FOX I won't be watching that network any longer.

The only thing Bill O'Riley ever did was give the world the phrase. . ."**** IT, we'll do it live!" during his Inside Edition days. :D

I can't respect anyone who dosen't believe in the death penalty.

04-07-11, 18:35
Agreed. He's a milquetoast RINO statist at best.

Bill O had his days he is a elitist who cares more about ratings hiss show years ago was good but these days its pretty much worthless entertainment his opinion is now like obama flip flop kiss butt all for ratings

His position on guns is well documented

04-07-11, 19:11
He is sometimes on point and sometimes he seems to have short circuits in his head.

A broken clock is right twice a day.

04-07-11, 20:35
A broken clock is right twice a day.

So do you also feel like this about all the other people at msnbc spreading lies daily and never admiting it ? Editing videos to get their left wing agenda out ! And never apologizing ?

04-07-11, 20:47
So do you also feel like this about all the other people at msnbc spreading lies daily and never admiting it ? Editing videos to get their left wing agenda out ! And never apologizing ?

I'd say most of us do feel outraged at that too but all must be held accountable.

04-07-11, 21:06
Hannity is horrible.

I can't stand his schtick and pandering.

Beck may be crazy, but he may be crazy like a f... Well, I was going to say Fox.


04-07-11, 22:31
So do you also feel like this about all the other people at msnbc spreading lies daily and never admiting it ? Editing videos to get their left wing agenda out ! And never apologizing ?

I watch MSNBC about as much as I watch Fox News - that would equal to about the amount of time I sit in the terminal waiting to depart because I don't have control of whats on the boob tube.

It's all BS entertainment, it's right up their with survivor with it comes to being factual.

04-07-11, 23:04
The fact of the matter is that a true news channel no longer exists. They are just infotainment. I love when you get some of the old time reporters and anchors on Fox and you can just see the disgust when they talk about how news companies no longer have foreign bureaus, real investigative journalism is dead, etc...

Face it, real, objective news is not really available anymore. I am one of the most conservative people any of you might ever meet, but I don't want conservative news any more than I want liberal news. I want NEWS. I'll figure out what my opinion is on it once I've heard the facts.

You know I forgot about one station that you can see fairly objective news on: BBC America. It's just news, not commentary.

04-07-11, 23:10
The fact of the matter is that a true news channel no longer exists. They are just infotainment. I love when you get some of the old time reporters and anchors on Fox and you can just see the disgust when they talk about how news companies no longer have foreign bureaus, real investigative journalism is dead, etc...

Face it, real, objective news is not really available anymore. I am one of the most conservative people any of you might ever meet, but I don't want conservative news any more than I want liberal news. I want NEWS. I'll figure out what my opinion is on it once I've heard the facts.

You know I forgot about one station that you can see fairly objective news on: BBC America. It's just news, not commentary.

Well said.

I remember Tom Brokaw looked like he wanted to throat punch Keith Oberman during the 2008 Republican Convention.

04-07-11, 23:11
I stopped watching Glenn Beck last year when he started in with the religious sermons all the time, and his basic inuendo of if you're not religious you can't be a part of the freedom loving right wing. I haven't sat down, and watched a full show in months.

But I do appreciate his exposing of the string pullers on the left, and pointing out certain people on the right are not our friends, either. Like his style or not there is not a single person on the big networks that come anywhere close. For me I just didn't like the heavy religious overtones always present. Im as libertarian as anyone I know, and do not believe in god or think someone needs to be religious to believe in the same basic principles of government.

I no longer watch very much news. Oreilly is a douche who goes out of his way to be rude to people like Judge Nepalitano who seems like a nice cool guy. Oreilly doesn't like his libertarian viewpoints, and is just flat out mean to the guy on purpose. Hannity doesn't know how to debate or show any critical thinking skills.

04-07-11, 23:45
The fact of the matter is that a true news channel no longer exists. They are just infotainment. I love when you get some of the old time reporters and anchors on Fox and you can just see the disgust when they talk about how news companies no longer have foreign bureaus, real investigative journalism is dead, etc...

Face it, real, objective news is not really available anymore. I am one of the most conservative people any of you might ever meet, but I don't want conservative news any more than I want liberal news. I want NEWS. I'll figure out what my opinion is on it once I've heard the facts.

You know I forgot about one station that you can see fairly objective news on: BBC America. It's just news, not commentary.

Agreed, and well said.

04-08-11, 00:59
I remember Tom Brokaw looked like he wanted to throat punch Keith Oberman during the 2008 Republican Convention.

Not that Tom Brokaw is an example of unbiased journalism. I think he was irritated that Keith wasn't even bothering to hide the bias.

The fact of the matter is that a true news channel no longer exists.

I don't think it ever did. I just think it used to all be slightly left of center biased and as long as every news outlet was like that it seemed like people were just getting the facts.

04-08-11, 08:31
So with Beck not being offered another contract at fox does that mean Soros is winning the attack on fox?

04-08-11, 08:34
So with Beck not being offered another contract at fox does that mean Soros is winning the attack on fox?

He is still working for Fox just not doing the daily 5PM show.

04-08-11, 09:10
I love how he likened himself to Paul Revere. :rolleyes:

04-08-11, 09:11
He is still working for Fox just not doing the daily 5PM show.

That's good. he's a real thorn to the left, I'd hate to see Glenn fade away.

Any Quinn & Rose fans here?

04-08-11, 22:30
Absolutely serious. You don't watch him enough to know his politics but enough to know he is prick and a bully? His only break from the conservative rank is his opposition to the death penalty.

I've been watching him pretty consistently for the last 9 years. His "values" are pretty plastic and his "looking out for the folks" trope is mainly a promotion for the nanny state.

I really don't think he has a clear political stance as to right or left, it seems to me that he is a pie-eyed traditionalist who pines of the fantasy he created about the 1950s of his youth. If he thought Stalin would make that utopian fantasy a reality he'd be on board.

The only shows on the Fox networks (besides their entertainment stuff) that I find consistently worth watching are Stossel and Red Eye.

04-09-11, 00:10
So with Beck not being offered another contract at fox does that mean Soros is winning the attack on fox?

I caught a bit of Beck's radio show today and he implied that Soros got him kicked off Fox but he did not say it directly.

04-09-11, 22:32
Hannity is horrible.

Agreed. He is a high pitched irritant whiner.

I can't stand his schtick and pandering.

Beck may be crazy, but he may be crazy like a f... Well, I was going to say Fox.


Agreed...minus his personal BS and crying idiosyncrasies, I like his show.

04-09-11, 23:10
I caught a bit of Beck's radio show today and he implied that Soros got him kicked off Fox but he did not say it directly.

Of course. It couldn't have anything to do with his dropping ratings, losing advertisers, etc.

Mr. Goodtimes
04-10-11, 00:16
Of course. It couldn't have anything to do with his dropping ratings, losing advertisers, etc.

Soros has been threatening to boycott business that advertise with Beck. Thus Beck is losing advertisers. Fox, while better than others is still a business more than an actuall news organization that focus on reporting and journalism. Fox wants to make money. The powerfull people that be have a lot to say with what the media says; and fox is (because of Beck) starting to (IMHO) over step its boundries. Thus Beck is now quietly going to "go away."

While I cant stand the religious overtones to the Tea Party or Becks show; I like it because Beck is the only one willing to get up on national television and actually speak out against a government over stepping its boundries.

What America needs is common unity. The religious overtones to the Tea Party alienate a lot of people that may agree with the movement other than the religious aspect. I dont care if you're peter puffing gay, straight as an arrow, from the south, north, west, black, white, hispanic, religious, athiest, agnostic etc. If you think that the government has become too big, bloated and is trampling the constitution, then we can fight together.

04-10-11, 18:17
Typical lefties :)
So predictable its sad
Yeah he droped from the 3 show to 4 on cable news ? Oh no
Still way more than any of the msnbc idiots :) ever get talk about sad ratings
Juat like lefty air america oh it failed cause nobody would listen hehehhe

Advertisers he laughed as the left saying he was loosing hundreds of advertisers and yet nobody has that number on tv

Really sad the left is so pathetic it cant stand if someone else has an opinion instead of hearing it they want to shout it down look at school protests or try to shut it down ? Look at media matters and soros declaring war on Beck and Fox talk about knowing your side is wrong so trying to only let people hear your side knowing if they hear both the real truth will come out and people then realize the left is about lies and eing a socialist or communist ? Funny they should move to a truly communist or socialist country and try what they do hehehehe

If you dont like someone just dont listen to them ?
Why try to shut them down unless you are afraid of the truth coming out

04-10-11, 18:50
Whatever advertisers Glenn Beck lost, he still brings in a metric assload of money. I'm not sure exactly what all was behind this change, but I think it may be a tad simplistic to attribute it solely to advertisers.

04-10-11, 19:08
Whatever advertisers Glenn Beck lost, he still brings in a metric assload of money. I'm not sure exactly what all was behind this change, but I think it may be a tad simplistic to attribute it solely to advertisers.

There was no lack of commercials on Fox during Beck's time slot

Saying it was ratings and advertisers is an MSNBC talking point.

For example, Robert Maddcow and Keith Olberturd, constantly spoke of Becks poor ratings...really? If Beck has poor ratings, what does that say about anyone on MSBNC or CNN. They would kill for poor ratings like that. The top 12 cable news programs all belong to FOX, with Robert Maddcow stepping in at an abysmal #13.

Yeah, Beck had bad viewership :rolleyes:

1. The O'Reilly Factor 3.102 million total viewers
2. Hannity 2.127 million total viewers
3. Special Report with Bret Baier 2.118 million total viewers
4. Glenn Beck 1.939 million total viewers
5. Fox Report with Shepard Smith 1.896 million total viewers
6. On the Record with Greta van Susteren 1.633 million total viewers
7. Your World with Neil Cavuto 1.416 million total viewers
8. America's Newsroom 1.265 million total viewers
9. America Live 1.210 million total viewers
10. Studio B 1.204 million total viewers
11. The O'Reilly Factor (11PM Repeat) Fox News -- 1.2 million total viewers
12. Happening Now 1.073 million total viewers
13. The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC -- 1.065 million total viewers

04-10-11, 19:21

04-10-11, 19:28
The O'Reilly Factor (11PM Repeat) Fox News -- 1.2 million total viewers

It must be humiliating to be beaten by a re-run.

Check out Beck's website if you think he had problems with ratings or advertisers, clearly he didn't.


04-10-11, 19:28
There was no lack of commercials on Fox during Beck's time slot

Saying it was ratings and advertisers is an MSNBC talking point.

For example, Robert Maddcow and Keith Olberturd, constantly spoke of Becks poor ratings...really? If Beck has poor ratings, what does that say about anyone on MSBNC or CNN. They would kill for poor ratings like that. The top 12 cable news programs all belong to FOX, with Robert Maddcow stepping in at an abysmal #13.

Yeah, Beck had bad viewership :rolleyes:

What does that say about anyone on MSNBC? Just ask ol' Keith...

KEITH OLBERMANN: I hate to intrude with the facts but ours is the highest rated cable news program viewers 35 and younger and the highest rated cable news program for all viewers not on Fixed News. And since Fixed News has since now migrated completely over to serving propaganda to tin foil hatters, conspiracy theorists, paranoids and racists it is not a news organization making this show the highest rated cable news program, period.


04-10-11, 19:29
Whatever advertisers Glenn Beck lost, he still brings in a metric assload of money. I'm not sure exactly what all was behind this change, but I think it may be a tad simplistic to attribute it solely to advertisers.

I don't think it was solely advertisers and ratings. I think a lot of it had to do with control. This article sums it up pretty well...


I think Fox was tired of apologizing and defending him while not being able to reign him in, and Beck was tired of their attempts to do so.

04-10-11, 19:33
What does that say about anyone on MSNBC? Just ask ol' Keith...

He was actually correct. Problem is, the demographic he was using, 35 and younger, isn't the one that matters. The 25-54 demographic is the one that matters.

04-10-11, 19:35
Keep in mind Becks time slot is not good for viewers. Most working people get off at 5 let alone 5 EST (2PM PST).

I have to wonder if he was on at 8PM EST what his ratings would be.

04-10-11, 19:38
Keep in mind Becks time slot is not good for viewers. Most working people get off at 5 let alone 5 EST (2PM PST).

I have to wonder if he was on at 8PM EST what his ratings would be.

He should have been given Greta's slot a long time ago. The number one reason I couldn't watch Beck more often is his time slot.

It's very possible Beck could have beaten Hannity and maybe even O'Reily if he had Greta's slot.

04-10-11, 19:43
Another thing to keep in mind is that cable is losing users by the truckload. Beck might be getting out ahead of the eventual collapse of Cox and Comast business model. People are using wireless to connect to the Internet and are using Hulu and Netflix. There's no reason to have an HBO package, for instance. As this develops, it appears being tethered to a 5pm slot on a cable channel is a disadvantage.


04-10-11, 20:13
He was actually correct. Problem is, the demographic he was using, 35 and younger, isn't the one that matters. The 25-54 demographic is the one that matters.

Actually correct that he's the highest of everyone not on Fox News? Yeah, I suppose. As if that is something to be trumpeting...

From the link:

Yes, and the Toronto Blue Jays are the best team in Major League Baseball if you ignore all those situated in America.

The whole 'Fox sucks and MSNBC is a paragon of objectivity' schtick is asinine.

Another thing to keep in mind is that cable is losing users by the truckload. Beck might be getting out ahead of the eventual collapse of Cox and Comast business model. People are using wireless to connect to the Internet and are using Hulu and Netflix. There's no reason to have an HBO package, for instance. As this develops, it appears being tethered to a 5pm slot on a cable channel is a disadvantage.


Good point. He's been expanding his online presence for over a year now.

04-10-11, 21:15
Actually correct that he's the highest of everyone not on Fox News? Yeah, I suppose. As if that is something to be trumpeting...

From the link:

No, highest of the odd ratings bracket "under 35" (noone really gives a shit about that bracket. the one that matters is 25-54)

The whole 'Fox sucks and MSNBC is a paragon of objectivity' schtick is asinine.

I don't think you'll here anyone say MSNBC is objective. I personally think FOX and MSNBC and HLN and CNN and every cable news show blows.

04-10-11, 22:16
Keith used some fuzzy math even with the youger demos ?
Basically he had to lie to make himself feel good :)

I am the best shooter on this forum ! As long as you dont count anyone better than me :)

See I can be just like keith o :) man am I good

Funny how any one on msnbc or any cable news network comment about bad ratings

Kinda like the kid that looses and demands a trophy for finishing last and then says see those idiots in 1-3 poistion arent any better than me my trophy is the same as theirs