View Full Version : Father Rescues Daughter from Perv

04-10-11, 07:34
Sex offender tries to grab a young girl. She manages to escape and call her father. Dad come to the rescue and apprehends perv. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/04/09/oregon-teen-says-sex-offender-grabbed-father-saved/ . As a new father, I amazed that the father was as restrained as he was. I can't believe that their only charging the suspect for harassment. On the other hand, if some dad did this in my state/MA, he'd be brought up on charges. I can't imagine what this father must have felt.

04-10-11, 07:43
At a minimum the perv should be charged with battery for grabbing the girl. And probably there is a court order that he keep away from children so another charge could result from that. But I think the prosecutor could push an attempted kidnapping charge if the girl's testimony is solid.

The dad did something dangerous, but my hat is off to him.


An Undocumented Worker
04-10-11, 08:43
When the life of your own child is at the mercy of some criminal, I'm pretty sure your own safety is very low on your list of priorities.

04-10-11, 08:58
I'd like to see a picture of the Dad. That is a pretty scary looking perp and for someone to 'body slam' and put him in a head lock would be no simple feat.

Suprised the dad didn't break the guys neck.

04-10-11, 09:04
I'd like to see a picture of the Dad. That is a pretty scary looking perp and for someone to 'body slam' and put him in a head lock would be no simple feat.

Suprised the dad didn't break the guys neck.Its been running on fox news. Dad looks like he's a blue collar guy who can take care of himself. I'm surprised he was as restrained as he was. Many guys would beat the pulp out of someone for being a perv.

04-10-11, 09:08
Being a first time father(6 month old beautiful girl) I now understand the love of parent for child. If the father had seriously ****ed up(in the course of saving his daughter) the perp, I wonder if he would be charged.

04-10-11, 09:12
I heard this last night on Fox New and saw the dad interviewed this morning before I went to work. He looked smaller than the bad guy but it's hard to tell in the photos. He was Freaking MAD and I think that gave him some extra Father Bear protecting his little girl strength. She was able to call him on her cell phone for help and Dad said he was there in seconds.

Here is a link:


04-10-11, 09:16
as a two time parent there is no were they could run or hide if I had to wait 20 years. No one messes with my kids. You think I am bad you got the see their MOM

04-10-11, 09:18
Being a first time father(6 month old beautiful girl) I now understand the love of parent for child. If the father had seriously ****ed up(in the course of saving his daughter) the perp, I wonder if he would be charged.Same here. My wife and I have a beautiful 4 month old daughter.

04-10-11, 10:53
If the dad had known the perv was a convicted sex offender, I wonder if things would have ended differently.

04-10-11, 11:26
Let's slow the train down a bit here.

Relying upon the article for case information is error #1, but it's all we have. With that said, the girl reported that the perp asked what her name was and "tried to grab" her, with no indication that any act had been accomplished, only attempted.

The charges appears to be appropriate, subject to further review of OR law.

Abduction/kidnapping, or an attempt at same, requires an intent to be established under all statutes I've read. An attempt at same would require the same intent. Far more particulars are needed here.

An assault or battery may not have been committed either, depending on the elements in Oregon. There may not be an attempt- option for what is almost certainly a misdemeanor.

I don't know what "harassment" is in Oregon, but what I read so far indicates that it's probably the only charge they could make based on the info they had. Cops are usually pretty good about charging people who try to snatch kids. It's not something they typically punt off.

In some states, the reported acts of the perp may not have been a chargeable offense at all, absent accomplishment of some particular act or proof of intent.

The fact that the perp is a "registered sex offender" means little to nothing without knowing the offense(s) he registered for and his preferred victims/victim selection process. He is also quite likely to be well outside the supervision of any court, and off-paper.

I'll throw this out again... As I've posted many times before, the RSO label is so inclusive these days that it's lost much of its utility. (See also: "Convicted Felon").

Let's also contemplate our victim: While 13yo girls can be oustanding, credible, and reliable victims and witnesses, they can also be..problematic. I'd like to watch her interview tape before I assign any value to her, positive or negative.

As for dad... His conduct will be justifiable in some venues, and readily charged in others. His actions are a good starting point for discussions on things you can do vs things you should do.

Sum: More info required.