View Full Version : The Kingdom *PLOT SPOILERS*

09-30-07, 10:09
Took the wife to see "The Kingdom" last night. I thought it was a pretty good movie. Sure, there were mistakes and strange things, but there also some pretty decent scenes.

Of course, the RPG flies slower than a pidgeon and arms within 5 feet, but what do you expect? Overall it was worth seeing.


Robb Jensen
09-30-07, 10:16
Took the wife to see "The Kingdom" last night. I thought it was a pretty good movie. Sure, there were mistakes and strange things, but there also some pretty decent scenes.

Of course, the RPG flies slower than a pidgeon and arms within 5 feet, but what do you expect? Overall it was worth seeing.


I took my wife to see it last night with some friends as well. We all liked it too.

09-30-07, 10:52
The lovely wife and I went to yesterdays early afternoon showing. Plenty of intense action and very few mistakes that I caught. It even attemps a bit of a morality tale in its ending. All in all were we glad we went.

10-01-07, 17:02
Saw it today. I thought it was better than "3:10 to Yuma" but no way near "The Brave One"

I'll buy it when it comes out on dvd.

Cold Zero
10-01-07, 17:35
We enjoyed it as well. Good flick.

10-01-07, 17:45
RPGs stands for rocket propelled grenades. Granted, I haven't seen one in real life but with a velocity of 115 m/s-300 m/s we're talking covering a football field in a second. Movies always show them going slow enough to dodge. What's up with that? (I assume RPG-7)

Jay Cunningham
10-01-07, 18:11
RPGs stands for rocket propelled grenades. Granted, I haven't seen one in real life but with a velocity of 115 m/s-300 m/s we're talking covering a football field in a second. Movies always show them going slow enough to dodge. What's up with that? (I assume RPG-7)

Just to be nitpicky, RPG is a transliteration of РПГ, the Russian abbreviation of Reaktivnyy/Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyot (реактивный/ручной противотанковый гранатомёт), "hand held anti-tank grenade launcher".

English-speakers slapped the "rocket propelled grenade" monniker on there, though it is appropriate.

10-01-07, 18:21
Just to be nitpicky, RPG is a transliteration of РПГ, the Russian abbreviation of Reaktivnyy/Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyot (реактивный/ручной противотанковый гранатомёт), "hand held anti-tank grenade launcher".

English-speakers slapped the "rocket propelled grenade" monniker on there, though it is appropriate.

Alright, get technical. :rolleyes: For all intents and purposes... :D :D but your right. :p

10-01-07, 19:05
I thoroughly enjoyed it, I think they did a great job for Hollywood. Michael Mann wrote the screenplay.

Yes, one of the Saudi cops had a M4A1 without a rear sight, but it's not that noticeable unless you really look for it.







Bat Guano
10-01-07, 21:53
My wife and daughter wanted to go to "3:10", and as it happened "Kingdom" was playing right alongside it--so I went to the "Middle Eastern" while they took in the western.

Pretty intense, particularly with the initial attack and bombing. Will definitely have to see it again as it moves fast. (A helluva lot of rounds fired!)

10-01-07, 22:39
Good movie. The girlfriend and I both liked it.

10-02-07, 08:11
Saw it this weekend and enjoyed. The short history lesson at the beginning really framed the Big Picture. There are some folks who know way more than me who think Saudi Arabia IS the problem. Very thought provoking.
One principal re-established: always carry a knife; it never misfires or runs out of ammo, and at person-to-person range works every time.

10-02-07, 09:30
Awww I like G3 rifles!
The Saudi cop was so good he didn't need a rear sight.
I don't see any Steyr Augs,,,,,,,

10-02-07, 09:37
I thought I saw an FN F2000 right before the raid on the house.


Cold Zero
10-02-07, 11:31
As LDM said, a sharp knife is a useful thing to keep handy.:cool:

10-02-07, 11:38
Saw it this weekend and enjoyed. The short history lesson at the beginning really framed the Big Picture.

Have not seen it, heard it was a PRO-Saudi propaganda piece, a lot of the claims and statements in the movie are factually not true. Any truth to this?

10-02-07, 12:07
Have not seen it, heard it was a PRO-Saudi propaganda piece, a lot of the claims and statements in the movie are factually not true. Any truth to this?

Pro-who in Saudi? The Royal gov't? The Wahabis? I don't think either.

I think they did a great job with it as a entertainment piece, pretty balanced as far as I'm concerned.

Definitely anti-terrorist.

10-02-07, 14:12
Took the wife to see "The Kingdom" last night. I thought it was a pretty good movie. Sure, there were mistakes and strange things, but there also some pretty decent scenes.

Of course, the RPG flies slower than a pidgeon and arms within 5 feet, but what do you expect? Overall it was worth seeing.


i also love the fact that anything hit by an rpg instantly explodes...

movie was good though - definitely on the dvd buy list.

10-02-07, 18:10
Have not seen it, heard it was a PRO-Saudi propaganda piece, a lot of the claims and statements in the movie are factually not true. Any truth to this?

I've had a class in Critical Thinking, and it didn't seem like it to me.

10-02-07, 18:18
Thanks for the feedback, that was why I asked, the negative review seemed one-sided.

10-02-07, 19:30
Have not seen it, heard it was a PRO-Saudi propaganda piece, a lot of the claims and statements in the movie are factually not true. Any truth to this?


I really enjoyed the movie and would see it again just for the last 30 minutes. Also if you're a Tim McGraw fan like myself, he has a small role in the movie as one of the housing complex dwellers.

10-03-07, 10:39
I thought it was well done and action packed.

10-03-07, 10:50
Good movie, love the convoy work and how they actually showed some of the indicators.
at the end was a good touch about the reality of this world, the world is round.

Seth Harness
10-03-07, 17:12
The wife and I are going to see it friday night, this movie review thread is making me want to see it more. There are very few good movies in this genre. Some of my favorites are "Tears of the sun", Black hawk down", "Shooter". An older and kinda korny 4th place would be "Navy seals". "Proof of life" falls in there somewhere also.

On a slightly different plain, every man(or woman who likes this sorta' thing) should see "The 13th warrior".

10-03-07, 17:49
On a slightly different plain, every man(or woman who likes this sorta' thing) should see "The 13th warrior".

Dude, you are joking right? I saw that in Vancouver, British Columbia at the premier showing and I was so disappointed.

IMO, anything where Harry Humphries, Mick Gould and the guy that did the technical direction for "The Way of the Gun" is good to go in my books:cool: .

10-03-07, 18:16
In as much as I used to live in sunny Riyadh, I have been looking forward to seeing this flick for months. Seems like the release needed some re-work for reasons that have not been publicized yet, but I suspect pressure from the Saudis about 'being our friends'. Either way, I plan on seeing the movie this weekend.

10-03-07, 19:00
An older and kinda korny 4th place would be "Navy seals".

Dude, you are alright in my book. Anyone who publically admits they like "Navy Seals" on M4 Carbine has balls! ;)

Sidewinder - I'd be curious to know if the wide shots of the city are actually Ridayh stock shots or if they are shots of Abu Dhabi. I think it was shot in Arizona and Abu Dhabi.


10-03-07, 19:06
Dude, you are alright in my book. Anyone who publically admits they like "Navy Seals" on M4 Carbine has balls! ;)

:p LOL:p ROFLMAO:D The copy of "Navy SEALs" in my collection belongs to my brother....honest;)

10-03-07, 19:35
In as much as I used to live in sunny Riyadh, I have been looking forward to seeing this flick for months. Seems like the release needed some re-work for reasons that have not been publicized yet, but I suspect pressure from the Saudis about 'being our friends'. Either way, I plan on seeing the movie this weekend.

The re-work was needed because the original ending had one of the Saudi cops as a sleeper who blew himself and the entire FBI team up at the very end when they're about to leave.

The director and Mann felt that it just was too much.

10-03-07, 20:05
Dude, you are alright in my book. Anyone who publically admits they like "Navy Seals" on M4 Carbine has balls! ;)

Sidewinder - I'd be curious to know if the wide shots of the city are actually Ridayh stock shots or if they are shots of Abu Dhabi. I think it was shot in Arizona and Abu Dhabi.


The Saudis would never permit filming anything besides Julia Childs on BBC hoping to convert heathens to Islam. I read they filmed in Arizona as you mentioned. The source was an interview with Jenifer Gardner. The Emerates would also be a good place, thats the first I heard of that, but I will keep my eyes open for anything familiar. Being an Earthling, it is sometimes hard to tell which part of the moon they used. :confused:

I will be back after I see the flick.

BTW- The note about Senior Sheens fine movie drew a laugh. Juevos indeed.

Seth Harness
10-03-07, 20:35
Dude, you are joking right? I saw that in Vancouver, British Columbia at the premier showing and I was so disappointed.

IMO, anything where Harry Humphries, Mick Gould and the guy that did the technical direction for "The Way of the Gun" is good to go in my books:cool: .

the point of the movie is what I think is cool. The only viking, norse man etc. style movie where the vikings arent just going around raping and slaughtering aimlessly. Not only that but the simple fact that a band of 13 bad asses would STAND! in the face of hundreds regardless of the outcome. that is undeniably tough as shit. One mans trash is another mans treasure :D

Seth Harness
10-03-07, 20:47
:p LOL:p ROFLMAO:D The copy of "Navy SEALs" in my collection belongs to my brother....honest;)

When that movie first came out there was nothing else out that was like it. I guess I'll never forget the first time I saw it, and I guess thats why I still like it. ;)

10-03-07, 21:00
I hear ya Seth. I remember the first time I saw it at the theatre and it blew me away. It was, like you say, the coolest thing at the time. The entry into the BG's hideaway where they were keeping the Navy crewmen was just too cool. And the whole, "God, here" was unforgetable. Michael Bain and Charlie Sheen were great and that chick Kilmer, gave me Senior Woodrow;) .

The pace of the last 30 minutes of "The Kingdom" was very well done. A sense of extreme frantic need to move and act was well captured by the director. Who would have thought that Jennifer Garner was such a bad ass?

10-03-07, 21:51
I thought it was pretty good. Slow in the middle with a great shoot out at the end. I will buy it on DVD.


10-03-07, 22:11
My buddy was the 2nd 2nd AD on The Kingdom and the entire convoy scene was shot on a closed portion of Loop 202 in Mesa, AZ.

As for the movie, I really enjoyed it. They got a lot of the tactical stuff right and it was nice to see the actors keeping their fingers off the trigger until they were ready to shoot (for the most part).

I still think Blackhawk Down was one of the best produced films from a technical standpoint. Sure, there were moments of Hollywood-ism but by and large, they nailed the tactical stuff. Another great one: Heat. One of the baddest gunfights I've ever seen!

Seth Harness
10-04-07, 18:07
Another great one: Heat. One of the baddest gunfights I've ever seen!

+1 For sure!

10-04-07, 20:27
It WAS filmed in Arizona. Someone was killed during filming- I think a props guy. There was a vehicular accident involving an all terrain or dune buggy type and another vehicle. The poor guy suffered serious injuries and died a day later maybe.

www.imdb.com is a good site to check out for movies.

So, did Jamie Foxx just play Tubbs from Miami Vice again because that is what it looks like could happen to me.

10-04-07, 20:43
Saw it last night. Jennifer Garner in a green 5.11 and tanto folder is major HOT.

10-04-07, 22:46
Went and saw it tonight...

One word, intense!

Told my fiancee if she wanted to see it next week when I'm off, I'd go again :D

I'll certainly get the DVD when it comes out.

10-04-07, 23:06
We read in the newspaper review that it only had 2 stars... but who believes the newspapers nowadays anyways. =)

I agree with all, it was definitely a great movie. GO SEE IT!

10-05-07, 13:09
Any flick where Durkas get shot in the face is good to go in my book.

10-05-07, 14:54
I read in an online article that it had a anti-terrorist, pro-american view. that correct? if so, I'm gonna go see it.:cool:

10-05-07, 17:35
Just saw it this afternoon...good damn movie.:)

I thought they took it a little easy on the Saudi prince. I know they were kind of going for a "harmless/clueless/but sneaky" thing, but damn, did they ever brutalize that State Department guy....

I have always said that the measure of a good movie is how much I am thinking about it three days after I see it. I'll get back with you on that.

10-05-07, 18:38
Let's not start throwing too many spoilers out.

I really appreciate your guys' comments and that you do like the movie but I don't need it ruined...

Movies aren't easily ruined for me but at some point we might have to post *spoilers* in the title.

10-05-07, 19:56
really good movie

10-06-07, 23:22
My wife an I saw it today. We both enjoyed it. Illustrates the fact that regardless of your religious position, there can be a humanitarian side to even the worst of the taught "Anti- American" factions.


10-07-07, 16:20
Well, I finally saw the flick today and enjoyed it. I did see the down range set was Abu Dhabi intersperced I think with some stock footage of Riyadh in a couple of the aerials.

I agree the movie was a Pro-American view of the situation over there and the Hollywood screen writers injected some of the usual dramatic effect to drive the point home to an audience who mostly cant point Saudi out on a map.

I also noted the theme closely resembled what has happened in a couple of instances after the Khobar Towers incident and the USS Cole in Yeman.

The montage history lesson in the beginning was I thought quite good. That subject would make a good break out session for a producer to make a documentry.

As someone who has lived and moved around that region periodically for the last 20+ years, I can say that as Americans, we can do better understanding how formidable the opponents we face can be. I think the movie pointed out the deep seated resentment and outright hatred many middle easterners are towards our country. It is a complicated part of the world that will never settle and I am glad there was at least one producer who took the bull by the horns and made a move for all of us Kafirs to enjoy.

al hum du allah :cool:

10-09-07, 16:16
Wife and I saw it too... Liked it a lot! Nice to see the .308 represented...

It put me back into a funk about Iraq and 'Stan though... It seems we either truly "occupy" and take over Iraq as "New-USA" and colonize it or we get the hell out and let them kill themselves in what seems to be an inevitable civil war... :( (not to hijack... just a comment)


10-09-07, 20:22
Saw it last saturday, it's a good movie. Should have been though, Michael Mann was involved.

10-10-07, 19:58
Saw it last saturday, it's a good movie. Should have been though, Michael Mann was involved.

Not to mention the erstwhile Harry Humphries. He is one of the first to 'go Hollywood'.

10-11-07, 18:41
Just got back. Was a bit dissapointed, not as much action as I thought. The camera work was shoddy, had the stupid blair witch feel to it.

Other than that, it was okay.

10-12-07, 15:18
My 14 year old son really wants to see this. Is it too much for his age? I want to go but don't think my wife would enjoy it...

10-12-07, 16:43
My 14 year old son really wants to see this. Is it too much for his age? I want to go but don't think my wife would enjoy it...

I would have been fine seeing it at 14. It's intense in some scenes, but without knowing your son, I can't really make a recommendation either way.

10-12-07, 18:49
I would have been fine seeing it at 14. It's intense in some scenes, but without knowing your son, I can't really make a recommendation either way.

I avoid the sex stuff more than the violence so it sounds like it will be OK.

I took my 13 year old nephew to see Apollo 13 (when it first came out) and was not amused with the crude language that added nothing to the movie.
