View Full Version : Gotta brag a bit....

10-01-07, 09:18
Earlier this year I had decided that I was tired of being overweight. I've been plagued by this for quite some time and had hit a personal high of 306. I made a commitment to lose 100 pounds and have been working on this since March. It's been a bit up and down until about the last 60 days.

While I still have a way to go, I lost another 6 pounds last week for a total of 29 pounds lost so far!

Never thought I'd ever be able to actually say that I'm losing weight, but there you go.

Anyway, just felt like sharing.


10-01-07, 09:56
Way to go! Keep up the good work. I am doing the same. I was at a personal high of 280 and am now down to 220. I also had a set back or two. I just keep watching my in take and walking every day for at least an hour. Both our dogs and myself have greatly benefited from it. I want to get to 190 pounds and I will make it.

10-01-07, 09:57
I've heard the expression "nothing tastes as good as thin feels", but I prefer "nothing tastes as good as FIT feels".

I'm a generally thin guy, but my weight, and fitness, do fluctuate. I ALWAYS feel better, get through the day easier, am of a better mood, and just am generally a better person when I'm sticking to my diet/exercise routine than when I'm not.

Good on ya! Remember that fitness is as much a part (if not more) of survival as weapons and training.:D

10-01-07, 11:07
Nice going Giff!

While I haven't been struggling with my weight, even though I've lost 9 pounds since the spring, I'm trying to get into decent racing shape for next season. It's tough but consistency is the key. Remember that you're going to have some ups and downs but stay consistent and you'll get there.

Great job so far, keep up the good work and let us know how you're doing.

Oh and get out on your Cross bike! Mine is all ready to go to Ironcross next weekend!

10-01-07, 11:36
Congrats and keep on it!


Keith E.
10-01-07, 12:11
Congratulations and keep up the good work for your family and friends like you around also.


10-01-07, 15:04
That's great Giff! Keep going Man!

I struggle with the weight as well, and really have a slow metabolism due to a Hypo Thyroid issue. Before I went on the hormone, I would fall asleep in the middle of the day even after Cardio 5X a week for 30 minutes.

My all time high was 305lbs. about 25 years ago. I got down to 222 in my late 20's through a "Lot" of running, and Volleyball. I've always seemed to be able to workout much more than push away from the "Taters". :)

At 51 I'm at 5'11" and 230 lbs. and the Doc wants me to lose 10% of my body weight, mostly "Abdominal Fat" because abdominal fat tissue can lead to higher risks of diabetes. (My blood sugar level has been a little too high the last year or so.)

I've been recuperating from back surgery for the last 6 weeks and couldn't walk for 4 weeks before that, and I can't wait to get back on my Eliptical machine and get back into some resemblance of "Fit".

I agree with Rob...being fit is as, if not more important than weaponry.


10-01-07, 15:09

One of the things I have found is that loosing weight fast usually = putting it back on. The best way I have found is to gradually change my eating habits and stay as physically active as possible. For most of us though, this will be a life-long struggle.

Good luck with meeting your goal!

Age 25 - 135 lbs.
Age 40 - 165 lbs.
Age 53 - 195 lbs, back "down" to 187 now.

Another 25 lbs and I'll be happy.

10-01-07, 18:25
While I still have a way to go, I lost another 6 pounds last week for a total of 29 pounds lost so far!


Good for you Sir!

10-01-07, 18:36
Bro I am in the same boat I need to get serious in the gym and stop screwing around. I need to drop about 20-25 Lbs.

Robb Jensen
10-01-07, 20:21
Bro I am in the same boat I need to get serious in the gym and stop screwing around. I need to drop about 20-25 Lbs.

Good job GIFFMAN!

Yeah me too. I'd like to get back down to 195-200lbs like I was before my neck and hip surgery in 2004. I just joined my local fitness center tonight.

10-01-07, 20:23
Yeah me too. I'd like to get back down to 195-200lbs like I was before my neck and hip surgery in 2004. I just joined my local fitness center tonight.

The first step has been taken now just don't lose sight of your goals.

10-01-07, 20:44
Congrats! I went from 6'0" 200 pounds to 150 pounds. Now I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week to put it back on with the right weight - I'm at 160 now. Keep it up! The only down side is having to buy a completely new wardrobe. :D

10-01-07, 20:44
Yeah me too. I'd like to get back down to 195-200lbs like I was before my neck and hip surgery in 2004. I just joined my local fitness center tonight.

Gettin' old is a bitch! That was the main cause of my back surgery. Too much wear and tear and the fact that I'm 51 trying to act like I'm still 25.


10-01-07, 20:46
Congrats! I went from 6'0" 200 pounds to 150 pounds. Now I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week to put it back on with the right weight - I'm at 160 now. Keep it up! The only down side is having to buy a completely new wardrobe. :D

That would mean that your "Tactical Wardrobe" id for sale at $.20 on the dollar??? :)


Robb Jensen
10-01-07, 21:12
Gettin' old is a bitch! That was the main cause of my back surgery. Too much wear and tear and the fact that I'm 51 trying to act like I'm still 25.


Mine was from a vehicle crash. One herniated disc in my neck (w/stenosis) and another disc pressing on a nerve to my arm/shoulder causing it to stay asleep with weakness and nerve damage.

10-01-07, 21:58
Thats awesome Giff.

Your commitment is noted since you were walking when we chatted on the phone the other day :D

10-01-07, 22:34
Congratulations. Being fit will improve your performance in all aspects of life.

10-01-07, 22:47
Earlier this year I had decided that I was tired of being overweight. I've been plagued by this for quite some time and had hit a personal high of 306. I made a commitment to lose 100 pounds and have been working on this since March. It's been a bit up and down until about the last 60 days.

While I still have a way to go, I lost another 6 pounds last week for a total of 29 pounds lost so far!

Never thought I'd ever be able to actually say that I'm losing weight, but there you go.

Anyway, just felt like sharing.


Girlfriend and I joined weight watchers and I started swimming. Lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks. Your not alone!

10-01-07, 23:13
Great work, Giff! Being healthy is incredibly important, and is often overlooked. The will to succeed will carry you, if you let it. I am personally trying to get back up to my fighting weight of 200 lbs. Though we're going different directions, the commitment and effort is similar. Meet you at 200, Bro.:cool:

10-02-07, 10:26
Thats awesome Giff.

Your commitment is noted since you were walking when we chatted on the phone the other day :D

More like trying to wrangle the children!!!! I think cattle herding would be easier some days!!!

10-02-07, 10:29
Great work, Giff! Being healthy is incredibly important, and is often overlooked. The will to succeed will carry you, if you let it. I am personally trying to get back up to my fighting weight of 200 lbs. Though we're going different directions, the commitment and effort is similar. Meet you at 200, Bro.:cool:


Sounds good, we'll see who gets there first! On the way down I'm also trying to hit the major muscle groups, especially the biceps, triceps and shoulders. I've been "blessed" with good genetics in the legs, but I do need to start working some squats and such in to shape the glutes and thighs more.


10-02-07, 17:11
:D Good job dude!

10-04-07, 16:08
Congrats! One major tip for you, as it helped me by leaps and bounds.

If you drink pop, drop it. It was the easiest 10 pounds I've ever lost. The weight loss of cutting pop will be over shadowed by how much better you feel when you cut caffeine from your diet though. I lost 5% of my body weight in under two weeks with no additional steps aside from putting down the pop can for the record.

Other than my little mini keg my shirt conceals (I try not to walk into the wind :D ), I'm a relatively in shape guy at 6 feet even and 190 pounds. I used to be in top shape, but I've let myself go over the past couple years. I used to work out every other day at least, now the only work out I get is carrying stuff at work. That's changing though.

I'm hoping to get back to 185 with hardly any fat like I was just a couple years back. Building muscle has always been easy for me, it's shedding fat that's hard to do. :(

10-04-07, 20:37
Keep at it!

I have a little weight to lose myself.

In high school I was about 120.

I stayed steady at about 130 until 26 or 27.

Then I went up to a max of about 195 last summer.

I turned 31 yesterday and am about 180-185. I'd like to drop at least 10 or so...

130 was too skinny.

10-05-07, 09:28
Nice Job!!

I am with you. Been working on my weight also. Earlier this summer, I got some more help here in the shop and I have been back in the gym and out of the fridge.
For the first 2 months, I just cleaned up the junk out of my diet. Now for the last few weeks, I have cut out carbs (starch and sugar) on M-F. Then on Sat and Sun I can eat what I want.

Keep up the great work Giff!!!

10-05-07, 09:42
For the first 2 months, I just cleaned up the junk out of my diet. Now for the last few weeks, I have cut out carbs (starch and sugar) on M-F. Then on Sat and Sun I can eat what I want.

It's amazing how much of an affect things like this can have. Get all the sodas, junk food, and other crap out of the house and most people are 50% of the way there.

I don't keep anything but water, soymilk and fruit juice in my fridge (not even beer :eek: )and I don't keep any cookies, candies, etc. It makes it much easier to resist if I have to get up and leave the house to go get a "treat".:D

10-05-07, 10:06
Great job guy, keep up the good work. Sticking to a diet ain't easy bro. I'm 45, 5'11, 220lbs and if I don't watch it, I'll be wearing a cow bell around my neck! I fluctuate, depending on the holiday season, but have maintained my weight for the last 4 years. I love pastas, bread, and all the other crap thats not good for you. My thing is to eat healthy during the week, low or no fat everything, eat all the foo foo salads, fruits, veggies, tuna (with no fat mayo) , almonds, fish and multi-grain bread to keep my cholesterol down and healthy breakfast bars, that I can possibly stand, then cheat on the weekends. I ain't cutting out my Eli's BBQ ribs & medium rare NY strips once a week. I draw the line there!:p , but it works for me. My girlfriend used to drink a starbucks latte every morning and couldn't figure out how she gained 5 pounds in a month while on a strict diet until she found out that foo foo drink had around 450 calories in it!

10-05-07, 13:02
It's amazing how much of an affect things like this can have. Get all the sodas, junk food, and other crap out of the house and most people are 50% of the way there.

I don't keep anything but water, soymilk and fruit juice in my fridge (not even beer :eek: )and I don't keep any cookies, candies, etc. It makes it much easier to resist if I have to get up and leave the house to go get a "treat".:D

Soo true!

Just getting the major junk out of the house will yield significant results.

10-05-07, 14:48
Eat for sustenance, not entertainment.

I have found that the Zone diet is a good guide for portions and ratios of carbs to proteins. Really any "plan" that you can stick to and use as a guideline, instead of just aimlessly filling your gut, is a good start.

10-07-07, 21:31
Giff: Thanks for sharing. I'm sitting on a bunch of lard and need to get off my lard can. At 59, I learned you go down fast and getting back up gets more difficult. Exercise is a cure-all. Excess weight is a killer, especially if you're in bed with Arthur R. Like my country cousin, I've worn out two faces and a set of teeth. Its bad when your body has rejected your face. When it cools off, I'm going to start back exercizing.


10-08-07, 09:11
Nice Job!!

I am with you. Been working on my weight also. Earlier this summer, I got some more help here in the shop and I have been back in the gym and out of the fridge.
For the first 2 months, I just cleaned up the junk out of my diet. Now for the last few weeks, I have cut out carbs (starch and sugar) on M-F. Then on Sat and Sun I can eat what I want.

Keep up the great work Giff!!!

Good job, Paul! How much you lost so far?

I'm down another 2.5 or so this week for a total of 32.5 now! Basically 1/3rd of my way there!