View Full Version : Why should you need 100% Mi Spec???

04-21-11, 20:47
Asked that on Rob S thread on the new chart, starting getting some hate mail. Most AR's advertised as mil-spec are not, everyone knows you get what you pay for. My primary concern was in using the correct barrel steel B-11595E, properly tested, and the correct BCG. These are things that I do plan to upgrade. For civilian shooters most AR's will fill the bill.

04-21-11, 20:49

04-21-11, 20:52
I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Are you asking why it's important or are you just letting us know what you want to do to your gun?

You say for most an standard gun will fit the bill, but you feel you need to upgrade. What's your reason for that?

I guess I don't see what the point is here.

04-21-11, 20:55

1. You never know when you are going to use your AR in a life or death situation. Natural disasters, home defense, ect. When that "I'm ****ed/oh shit" moment hits you want something built well.

2. The price difference between them is small to non-existent. If you can't afford the price difference between a 750 gun and 900 gun you probably should rethink your finances because theres no way you're going to be able to afford to become proficient with either one. Make sure you can keep up on your shooting before diving into a purchase. Once a month minimum. A dude with a crap AR that sits in a case for months between uses is pretty much useless and untrustworthy.

04-21-11, 20:56
If you're trying to troll, you're off to a good start.

04-21-11, 21:02
Asked that on Rob S thread on the new chart, starting getting some hate mail. Most AR's advertised as mil-spec are not, everyone knows you get what you pay for. My primary concern was in using the correct barrel steel B-11595E, properly tested, and the correct BCG. These are things that I do plan to upgrade. For civilian shooters most AR's will fill the bill.

The question you should really ask yourself is why settle when a mil-spec gun is basically the same price as a non-mil-spec gun???

When you use the terms "Civy and fill the bill" you are really saying that a lower grade AR is "good enough."

I am not sure why you think that you get to define what is "good enough" for others, but I think I will pass on you telling me what I need or should have.

Since I choose to use a firearm to defend myself, I am going to bet my life on the best that I can afford. Your life and the lives of your family might not be worth as much as mine so you go with what you feel is the best for you and don't worry about what the rest of us need.
