View Full Version : Another SKD Tactical Discount code for Magpul Carbine DVD

05-05-11, 23:24
Please delete

05-05-11, 23:47
SKD asked real nicely that people not do this, and pointed out they will have to stop if people keep posting the coupons. Check out the below in case you missed it on the last one. SKD makes great gear, are great guys, and are running some great specials, and it would be a shame to get them in trouble with their suppliers when guys were just trying to be helpful.

Sorry to interrupt the pool party...
...but I'm about to drop a deuce in the water.

I just saw this, and out of respect for other dealers and our MAP pricing agreement with Magpul, I have to respectfully ask that no one else post these codes publicly. They are made for our customers to take advantage of when they receive their online orders, but we will have to shut down the program for everyone if the codes are published again. I applaud the initiative and willingness to help out your fellow shooters- really I do- but this sort of thread puts us in a tight spot and compromises the integrity of the program.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.


05-05-11, 23:50
:( sorry, wasnt aware they released that statement, thanks for the polite headsup stickman