View Full Version : Creatine and type II Diabetes

05-10-11, 12:44
Yet more possible benefits of creatine:

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise:
May 2011 - Volume 43 - Issue 5 - pp 770-778
doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181fcee7d
Clinical Sciences

Creatine in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Full study:

Creatine in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Pla... : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Fulltext/2011/05000/Creatine_in_Type_2_Diabetes__A_Randomized,.5.aspx)

Potential health related benefits of creatine continues to grow...;)

05-10-11, 13:24
Thanks. While I don't struggle with my numbers, I have been leery of using creatine because of the unknown. Nice to know I can use a little push in the program now. A1C is 5.5 currently, but a 5 the next time I go would sound so much better.

05-10-11, 16:56
Thanks. While I don't struggle with my numbers, I have been leery of using creatine because of the unknown. Nice to know I can use a little push in the program now. A1C is 5.5 currently, but a 5 the next time I go would sound so much better.

People had asked in the past about type II and creatine, and I was unable to give solid advice on that. While I had never seen any studies suggesting it would be an issue, this is the first major study I have seen that found it may in fact be a benefit. No surprise really considering the pile of studies that just keep finding additional potential benefits of this supplement. ;)

05-10-11, 18:17
Every time I have tried creatine it has caused me some "digestive issues"..or I had to gag down 3-4 horse pills at a shot. Anything new in the creatine lines that fixed those problems?

05-10-11, 18:24
Every time I have tried creatine it has caused me some "digestive issues"..or I had to gag down 3-4 horse pills at a shot. Anything new in the creatine lines that fixed those problems?

Pills = waste O $$$

See this thread:


Fully dissolved solves most digestive issues. ;)

05-10-11, 20:35
Will will disagree with me most likely, but if you're having digestive issues and even proper dosing and dissolving doesn't help, there are other options. The two best right now are magnesium creatine chelate and creatine hcl. Creatine nitrate is also a new one.

Green Magnitude
C-bol (mix)

06-20-11, 10:50
I'll try this ASAP as my oral meds are pretty much maxed out, and I still need to drop a couple more points until I am satisfied with my sugar levels. Any particular brand I should be looking at?

06-20-11, 10:57
I'll try this ASAP as my oral meds are pretty much maxed out, and I still need to drop a couple more points until I am satisfied with my sugar levels. Any particular brand I should be looking at?

I would never recommend depending on creatine to control blood sugar levels and no medical advice is intended or implied. For those using creatine, Creapure (preferably micronized but not essential) as the source is what I always recommend. Do a google search for Creapure and you will find a number of companies that use it as their source of creatine. I get mine from Life extension foundation:


06-20-11, 11:14
Thanks for the quick answer Will. Like I said if the product will help shave a few points off my sugar levels I am game to try.