View Full Version : PVS14 question

10-10-07, 13:18
I just resently switched back to my Aimpoint M2 from an EoTech 552. In the past I have used a Aimpoint with a Helmet Mounted PVS14 without a problem. I had only used the EoTech with the PVS14 in a weapons mounted situation.

The question is now that I have switched back to the Aimpoint M2 and NOW weapons mounted PVS14 my FOV through the PVS14 has decreased (vs. the eoTech) and I see ALOT of tube.. am already 1 notch further bach than I really want to be with the PVS14

Can you guys look at my set up and give me some tips OR let me know if this is normal with a weapon mounted setup??

(I am going to a Free Float Daniel Defense 9.5 in a couple weeks)

I just may have to revert back to a helmet mounted setup.




10-10-07, 14:04
Head mount... And look for an IR laser aimer

The only time I think the weapon mount setup like that has any value is on a dedicated static weapon.

10-10-07, 14:28
Helmet mount with an IR laser is the only way to go for actual combat.

But, there are times when I just mount it on the weapon and use the Aimpoint's dot and yes, the FOV sucks but if you mount them a little further apart you actually get to see around the Aimpoint and it's not too bad.
Of course that requires a continous rail upper.

Or, for a weapon mount, get the IR laser, and ditch the Aimpoint entirely.

I haven't tried the below combination yet, but it looks like it would be pretty effective.


10-10-07, 16:00
You guys have brought up a couple of questions I have held in and/or were unable to locate to my satisfaction via net searches.

Regarding the PVS/14's, what have you guys found to be the best place to purchase these and at wht price are the considered to be a deal, normal, excessive?

On the topic of IR lasers, I was going to look for a PEQ/2 if I made a replica of my A4, but would also be interested in using one on my Commando. Where is the best place to look for an IR laser and again, at what cost are these to be considered a deal, normal or excessive?

Thanks guys. Glad to have found a forum where I believe I can trust the feedback I receive.

10-18-07, 22:44

I went with a straight LaRue mount on my Aimpoint and adjusted it in the mount until I could mount the -14 behind it (in another LaRue mount) and the two are almost touching. This gives you the widest field of view, although it's cut way down from a helmet mount.


11-01-07, 16:48
You guys have brought up a couple of questions I have held in and/or were unable to locate to my satisfaction via net searches.

Regarding the PVS/14's, what have you guys found to be the best place to purchase these and at wht price are the considered to be a deal, normal, excessive?

On the topic of IR lasers, I was going to look for a PEQ/2 if I made a replica of my A4, but would also be interested in using one on my Commando. Where is the best place to look for an IR laser and again, at what cost are these to be considered a deal, normal or excessive?

Thanks guys. Glad to have found a forum where I believe I can trust the feedback I receive.

I don't own a PVS-14, I have a MUM, but here is some info for you:

List is $3595
Average seems to be $3395
Deal seems to be $3195

I bought my MUM from http://www.tacticalnightvision.com/. Vic is a "Dealer" (or whatever the Hell they call it now) on arfcom and mod of the night vision forum. He is a solid stand-up guy to deal with in my experience. My MUM kit is just superb and he was a friendly guy to deal with for a NV nub like me. He answered all my questions, even the stupid ones.

The lowest price I found in a 20 minute idiotnet search gave me this for the PVS-14, http://pvs14.com/. They list the price at $3195, but I've never dealt with them so I can't give a recommendation. Caveat Emptor.

ETA: I hate to say it, but arfcom's NV forum really is an excellent resource. Lots of information on the various units available, as well as plenty of info on avoiding scammers. You might also check out http://www.nightvisionforums.com/

11-02-07, 05:39
Head mount... And look for an IR laser aimer

The only time I think the weapon mount setup like that has any value is on a dedicated static weapon.

I agree with Kevin.

The whole puropse of night vision is to enable you to maintain situational awareness and observation. Lose that, and you are ineffective.

A lot of people think that they like the Aimpoint/EoTech + PVS14. I don't. I tried the combination on a square range (I wanted to have as low of an IR signature as possible) and thought it would be ok. The first time I had to actively look for targets while moving with no illumination was when I realized that it wasn't working.

So I switched back to the IR laser/illuminator with head mounted 14s. I run the 14 on my left eye (I shoot right handed), ir laser/illuminator on a pressure pad. When the lights come on I don't need to take the 14 off right away to be effective, just shoot through the Aimpoint/EoTech with the right eye. When I get a second, flip up the 14.


Don G.
11-02-07, 12:19
Content deleted.

11-04-07, 11:16
I just resently switched back to my Aimpoint M2 from an EoTech 552. In the past I have used a Aimpoint with a Helmet Mounted PVS14 without a problem. I had only used the EoTech with the PVS14 in a weapons mounted situation.

The question is now that I have switched back to the Aimpoint M2 and NOW weapons mounted PVS14 my FOV through the PVS14 has decreased (vs. the eoTech) and I see ALOT of tube.. am already 1 notch further bach than I really want to be with the PVS14

Can you guys look at my set up and give me some tips OR let me know if this is normal with a weapon mounted setup??

(I am going to a Free Float Daniel Defense 9.5 in a couple weeks)

I just may have to revert back to a helmet mounted setup.


Thought I would chime in here....What you're seeing is the biggest issue I have with the AP at night versus the EO and that is the FOV issues. I also can pick up the EO's reticle MUCH quicker AT NIGHT vs. the AP as well.

Now onto the head mount vs. weapon mount. Others here bring up a good point about head mounting solutions. I for one rarely shoot with the 14 on my weapon. I have enough IR lasers to simply have my NOD on my head, (shoot from the ready with my head up) and let my laser do all the talking. It's almost cheating in a way shooting like this, it's VERY effective. For me, I can engage man size targets out to 150m. For longer range of course, a dedicated weapon sight of a Raptor or D740/760 performs these roles on my weapon but I still wear a 14 on my head and simply flip up my 14 when I go to my weapon NOD.

Now with that said, there are MANY folks using a PVS as a weapon sight with a 3x Mil-Spec lens behind an EO. IMHO, this setup gives you the most versatility of both a monoc and magnified weapon sight at 3x with the most bang for the $$. Numerous folks (myself included have taken coyotes at 200m). This is a small critter as we know, so the 14 in this configuration is a very effective medium range platform.

In closing I would say depending on what YOUR specific requirements are will dictate what platform you will need. Most civilians might have a hard time getting a decent IR laser so using the head mounted solution for shooting may not be feasible. In this case, a 14 with a 3x behind an EO would be beneficial. It really all depends what the users requirements are. In your case it sounds like your a mil guy so indeed a head mounted setup with a IR laser of some sort would be most effective. Also if you're a medic I would think you would always want your NOD on your head looking around for folks who need assistance. Hope this helps.
