View Full Version : Typical News Media reporting

10-12-07, 23:37
Hey Guys,
I'm sure I don't need to mention the fact that the News media(All) are doing their usual inflamatory reporting job about the most recent school shooting in PA that wasn't(Thankfully!). First, Kudos to the LE in Norristown for their Stellar work in stopping what could have been another absolute disaster.
Now here is what got my attention about the BIASED News reporting. As I was getting dressed this morning for work, I looked up at GMA and saw a video showing all the weapons this Norristown kid supposedly owned. I couldn't believe my eyes! This kid had an Arsenal that any self respecting SOG/SRT unit would give their eye teeth to own. How could a 14 year old kid come up with that kind of firepower? I was trying to figure out who, what, when, where, how, etc., when I saw it. The Weapons did look a little strange in some areas and then I realized why when the video scanned past some of the weapon magazines. AIRSOFT mags! And upon replay of the video, you can see that the weapons are too! Did the News Media report this FACT!. Not that I am aware of. Just let the Public believe that weapons are so easy to get that a 14 year old kid could assemble a hugh arsenal. Lying by Omission! What utter "Barbara Streisand". Typical U.S. News Media Crapola! It's getting to the point where I don't even want to watch the News. FWIW- Rant Off.

10-12-07, 23:52
Was wondering if anyone else thought that way lol. But, the Airsoft thing wouldn't get ratings which sadly it is all about nowadays!

You hit the biggest point though... the agency(s) involved did an outstanding job regardless!

We have interupted a couple of things in this area and nothing is more satisfying than that! Again, kudos to those guys who worked this case.

10-13-07, 05:32
Montgomery County DA Bruce Castor knows what a photo-op is, and he knows that neither the media nor the general public can differentiate between looks-likes and real deals -- so he took full advantage. He spread the entire haul on the table, stood back and let nature take its course.

It was two hours into the news cycle when media started reporting that virtually all of the confiscated pieces were air guns. From then on, most reports I've seen (and I certainly haven't seen 'em all) have said so.

The media took the DA's visual bait -- swallowing the show without reporting all of the tell.

Edit: While donning Scarlet & Gray for my trip to The 'Shoe this morning, I caught CBS's report about this on The Early Show -- not a single mention of air guns. :rolleyes: CNN, AP, and Fox reports did, however.

10-13-07, 06:20
Yea, I noticed that right away too. Sounds like he had a 9mm High Point Carbine and maybe a .22 or two and the rest area all airsoft. What a asinine way to portray the situation. The Prosecutor has even said the kid was all talk at this point and that nothing was really imminent.

Great photo-op though for the gun control ninnies.

There should be consequences for these people for inciting terror in the public when they pull crap like this. Sort of like the Duke "rape case" DA!

ETA The kid did not have any ammo either according to what I read last night. He did have a Black Powder grenade and a couple more in the works.

10-13-07, 19:17
There seems to be no accountabillity in the media today unless it steps on the toe's of law enforcement or U.S. inteligance i.e. cia, homeland security type stories.