View Full Version : How free is your state?

06-13-11, 11:12

This was linked in a email I recently got from the NRA. I'm still looking through all the information but thought folks here might be interested. Wish NC was higher than 18 but I guess it could be much worse.

06-13-11, 13:20
Holy crap. AZ is #22??? I'd have put us in the top 10.

06-13-11, 14:30
Ohio, 42.. how could we possibly be behind Illinois..:eek:

06-13-11, 14:34
Hmm. Indiana is only #3. We need to do some work here. :haha:

06-13-11, 16:18
hate this kind of BS though from these reports !!!!

Although of course not appearing in our index, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s antics have attracted unfavorable nationwide attention.36 Also not covered by the period of our index is the controversial stop and-identify law.

PUKE OK quit the political BS

read the criteria ? kinda slanted in some ways

no smoking laws ? is that a freedom or do smokers impose on my freedom ?

so I take this stuff with a large grain of salt :)

06-13-11, 16:42
Well, while at a well deserved 49, at least we didn't come in last thanks to our neighbor.

What a bunch of dopes running the show up here.

06-13-11, 17:15
Well, while at a well deserved 49, at least we didn't come in last thanks to our neighbor.

What a bunch of dopes running the show up here.

Yeah, I was happy to see that Kalifornia beat out New Jersey and New York.

Of course that is like saying this turd has less corn in it.

06-13-11, 17:18
I'm nestled right under you at #48 Safetyhit.
What a joke Commiefornia is. Train wreck that everyone can see yet nobody wants to do anything that is real.
The voters elect Brown who was part of the problem to begin with the union's lobbying & payolaing him in a early as the 70's<.
Definition of insanity....

Gov. Brown says I won't raise taxes unless voters approve it.

Right, like voters are going to vote for highter taxes in this economy & high unemployment rate w/ more UDA's than ever before sucking from the state's teet while the state is so dysfunctional it sucks from the Fed's teet. So then your left w/ no choice but to cut programs, education, LEO's getting pink slipped already, LEA's getting budget cuts, prison populations of 30,000+ released back into GP in a high unemployment rate state, LEO's salaries & OT getting whacked etc ad nauseum.


Meanwhile the state laughs & thumbs it's nose at the Federal marijuana/cannabis laws (Gateway Drug officially) & the Fed does nothing to shut it down. The dope revenue mostly goes unreported as it is a chartible non profit donation organization that takes the cash proceeds & stuffs it into the marijuana/cannabis Collective's owners pocket unreported to the State & Fed. Gee, how about monitoring it better so you can use the revenue collected to offset the other programs, education, LEA's, expenses/not as profitable revenue streams.

I have personally worked on Protective details for Collective owners to escort them home from their AO to their residences. I asked one owner how much he had in the black bags as we had a good dialogue & I have CCW.
He said he had over 100K for that weekend of business. So I still can't figure out how you can have Narcotics & guns together or reasonable proximity like outside the door but I don't make the laws. So then reclassify Marijuana as none Narcotic. But no, we have to scratch our heads trying to see the logic or lack of....For all intents & purposes you have legalized it in reality.

It will just be a matter of time before more people, gangs et alia figure out to surveil the "Collectives" follow the "Bag Man" home and do a rollin ambush or stage an AOP at the choke point/KZ etc. Stay tuned for that entertainment on the news as "SpeedyBud.com".

Makes perfect sense right ?
It's a humongous turd no matter what end you pick it up from.
Sans my personal beliefs I'm just putting it in perspective.

You can't make this stuff up folks.

06-14-11, 03:18
Battle Born Bitches!

That is all :D

06-14-11, 10:43

06-14-11, 22:44
I'll be upgrading from 48th to 7th in a few years! WOOHOO! CA is a shithole, as far as people go. The day I can give my guns their balls back will be a day to remember.

06-15-11, 06:22
43 for Maryland. About where I expected.

To much DC influence in this state.

06-15-11, 06:59
#31 for PA - meh... if ya' gotta be stuck north of the capitol (Richmond!), it'll do.

We got shall issue and OC, Class III/NFA and no mag restrictions. If we could get rid of the union thugs and nanny state, we'd be cookin' with gas! :o

06-15-11, 07:37
All I have to say, is we have to take our country back.

06-15-11, 21:38
woot # 11
welcome to the gunshine state of florida. now if we can just get rid of all those damn yankee transplants down here.

massholes, ex- NY'ers, " I'm from jersey how bout you ?"

Go to a sports bar during football season and it is packed with cheese heads,steeler, and giants/jets fans...uggggh

Too many buckeye and michigan fans down here too. go gators !!


06-15-11, 23:09
Holy crap. AZ is #22??? I'd have put us in the top 10.

I wouldn't buy into that list too much. They got Iowa at #13 where you can't own NFA weapons ahead of TX and GA. Iowa has some of the most ridiculous laws you ever heard of.

06-16-11, 01:01
It is a violation of the law to sell or distribute drugs or narcotics without having first obtained the appropriate Iowa drug tax stamp.
A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public.
One-armed piano players must perform for free.
Kisses may last for no more than five minutes.
Tanning bed facilities must warn of the risk of getting a sunburn.
A board was created to regulate among other things, hearing aids.
Ministers must obtain a permit to carry their liquor across state lines.
Doctors who treat a person with gonorrhea must report this to the local board of health and include the disease’s “probable origin”.
All boxes used to pick hops must be exactly 36 inches long.

06-16-11, 03:50
I love the Old Dominion, it's my home, but I wouldn't put it in the top 10. Their tax reasoning is absurd. We have crazy taxes in this state. Granted, none of them are really high, but we have taxes on everything. Income tax, state and local sales taxes, property taxes (including vehicles), internet sales taxes, etc, etc. Americans for Tax Reform have us at 40.

As far as gun laws, they are pretty good, but far from the best and they certainly don't drag Virginia from 40 to 9.

We are still a control state when it comes to alcohol too.

And what is up with the marijuana crap? I'm for legalization and an end to the "WoD" but if it is illegal federally, why does it matter what the state laws are? BTW, it's illegal in VA. They do enforce it.

There is no way I'd put Virginia ahead of Florida. No way.

06-27-11, 15:29
Oregon #8 overall but #1 personal

06-27-11, 15:46
Oregon #8 overall but #1 personal

I'd agree with that. Bitchin' ain't it?

Crow Hunter
06-27-11, 20:26
I actually agree with Tennessee's rating.

We do have good corporate laws and pretty good gun laws and no income tax (for right now) but we meddle to much in people's afairs for my tastes.

I don't smoke, never have and never will. I don't like to be around smokers, but it isn't the damn government's problem if a business owner wants to smoke or allow smoking in his establishment. If I don't want to smoke or be around them, I won't go in.

We used to outlaw cake walks for schools.... Of course, you can get around it by making it a "donation" to walk, but geez guys, come on...

Other than the lazy, ignorant morons that live here, it is an okay place to live.

We don't need to lower the beer tax though. That is the only thing keeping most of these cretins from being in a drunken stupor the whole month. Their SSI checks run out about 2 weeks in.:mad: