View Full Version : Torque/scope mount questions. Need help!

06-13-11, 16:49
I've been looking around for a reasonable priced torque wrench that I can put allen wrench heads on so I can have my screws properly torqued on my Aimpoint QRP mount. Does anyone know the proper torque for the QRP mount screws?

I am also a little concerned because I'm afraid I have my screws on my QRP mount on too tight. I have the spacer on the QRP mount and I put loctite on all the screws and screwed them in until they could no longer be screwed any tighter. I just have no idea how much torque I have on the screws. I'm concerned because with the spacer on the QRP mount leaves space between the top and bottom parts of the QRP mount. I'm afraid that if I have the screws on too tight they MAY damage my Aimpoint CompM3. I know the Aimpoint's are built like tanks, but do any of you guys think I should be worried that me having screwed the screws until they can no longer tighten anymore may damage the M3? I think the screws would probably strip before the M3 would be damaged in any way, but I just wanted to hear other peoples take on this.

I have shot with this set up (M3 and QRP mount) close to 1,000 rounds now and about 250 rounds ago I really torqued down my screws as much as I could (I really tightened them good this time, each screw tightened about a quarter turn) and put reference marks on all the screws. Like I said I have shot about 250 rounds since that final tightening of the screws and the addition of reference marks and all screws have stayed in place. My accuracy is still about the same as before (my overall accuracy could be better) so all seems good. But not knowing if the screws are properly torqued is bothering my conscience.

So should I be concerned, or am I just over thinking everything? Where do I find the torque wrench with allen head attachments?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.