View Full Version : I'm thankful for M4C, and didn't really realize how much until today.

06-18-11, 04:53
Today, I was detail stripping my carry G19, examining parts, making sure springs measured up to spec, and I realized something.

When I looked the gun, up down, sights, barrel, slide release, everything...

Everything on the gun was 100% functional, and none of it was something I didn't need.

I realized that it wouldn't be that way if I hadn't joined this site.

Before this site, I was carrying a G17 with primarily race gun parts in the striker, and trigger area, and a lot of my shooting concerns were not valid in the real world.

Same with rifles, before this site, I was using an LWRCi 12.7'' M6A3, and I'd owned some in 6.8, I'd also owned somewhere along the line of 12 suppressors, none of which did anything for me besides cost me money.

I am down to 5. 3 NT4s, and 2 Ti-RANTs. (With another Ti-RANT in the future.)

My optics were an Aimpoint M4S, and ACOG TA31-ECOS-G in LaRue QD mounts, and I was using PMAGs, with tons of Magpul stuff, and aftermarket whiz-bang shit that didn't need to be on the rifle. Think laser sight, with no flashlight, among other dumb shit.

With some much needed bitch smacking and ''this is how it is in the real world'' talk from members here. My equipment is much more functional, for what I am likely to encounter in the real world, and still does what I want it to do on the square range.

I've given up delusions that pistons are better, and I need a laser and night vision. I've taken up better priorities in regards to what I need to train for, and with, and my shooting, as well as my maintenance has gotten better.

Before I joined, I didn't know what an El Presidente Drill was. Today I can shoot a 4.91 second FAST drill. (On my third run. I'm trying to get better.)

This site made me a better shooter, and because of that, has made everybody around me that much safer.

Thank you. Sorry for being an idiot when I first came here.

06-18-11, 12:00
I hear you man. I have gone through the same thing.

Last night I actually laid all of my ARs out and kind of "Took stock"

High quality, simple but not basic. No extra crap hanging off of them anymore. It gives you almost a feeling of release.

06-18-11, 17:18
You think you had it wrong? (well, ok- 12 supressors IS pretty hard to top)

When I first joined this site I had just purchased a drop-in rail and Grip Pod for my first AR (a Stag) and had just bought my first handgun (XDm .40).
I couldn't have told you jack s#!+ about either- in fact if you had asked me to remove my Bolt Carrier Group I would have looked at you like :fie:
I didn't realize how much I had picked up here until I went to a gun show recently and actually knew what the hell (almost) everything was, and was able to sort through all the crap.
Needless to say, the rifle has changed completely, and I am (ironically) back to where I started with the handgun.

So keep it up guys!
Us noobs might be annoying, but believe me- your frustrations are paying off somewhere.

06-18-11, 19:55
Great thread. I remember arguing about why my BM was good to go. I actually went back and read some of my old threads a few weeks ago. Pretty interesting.

06-18-11, 20:06
I didn't realize how much I had picked up here until I went to a gun show recently and actually knew what the hell (almost) everything was, and was able to sort through all the crap.

I don't even enjoy gun shows anymore thanks to this site! lol

06-18-11, 22:09
Funny. I remember when you once praised LWRC as a KAC equivalent. Its funny how spending a little time around here generally steers folks to good, no-nonsense kit.

06-19-11, 08:55
Funny. I remember when you once praised LWRC as a KAC equivalent. Its funny how spending a little time around here generally steers folks to good, no-nonsense kit.

I'm pretty embarrassed about that.

I also regret arguing for pistons in that thread with 87GN. What's funny is that if I use that thread in order to show there isn't much difference in temps between pistons and gas guns, I'll be showing myself arguing FOR pistons in that thread...

I'm pretty glad I got over that ARFCOM gear selection bullshit. Thankfully I never inherited the attitude, and listened.

I'm also thankful I never fell for the Bushmaster, Stag, Oly, XDM thing.

However, I guess the LWRCi thing was more expensive.

06-19-11, 10:17
I don't even enjoy gun shows anymore thanks to this site! lol

I used to love going to gun shows but I have not been to one in almost 2 yrs now !!


06-19-11, 11:52
I used to love going to gun shows but I have not been to one in almost 2 yrs now !!


I still like going to shows...I find them very useful for disposing of stuff I no longer want/use/need. I could'nt agree with any of you more, This site, along with living about 20 minutes from G&R, and going out there and asking Grant alot of questions, later on having him build me a rifle, taking his free defensive handgun/carbine course, really turned me around, I'm a better shooter because of all of this. Now I look at shooting as more of a training opportunity,rather than a chance to go shoot dirt, I have a purpose, to improve as much as possible, My gear selection is simple, I'm a firm believer in the K.I.S.S. princple,I've applied that to my rifle and handguns, and related equiptment and it works well. I can't thank this site or Grant enough. I don't know everything,But, I now know a hell of a lot more than I did, and I've still got along way to go. Thanks to this site, and thanks to Grant.

06-19-11, 12:07
Thanks to this site, I've simplified my collection of AR's and use proven quality components and practical accessories. I've learned to be weary of flashy gadgets and junk. The practical experience of many of our members has been invaluable. Theirs always something to be learned if you keep your mind open and your ego at bay. Thanks

06-19-11, 22:03
I don't even enjoy gun shows anymore thanks to this site! lol

Well, I'm one of those people that if you stick me in a room full of guns, I'm happy as a fly on crap. Seriously.
Besides the chatter alone can be very entertaining, and well worth the price of admission.:p

06-19-11, 22:32
Well, I'm one of those people that if you stick me in a room full of guns, I'm happy as a fly on crap. Seriously.
Besides the chatter alone can be very entertaining, and well worth the price of admission.:p

Lol yeah I still go, but I have to just shake my head at some of the crap that others drool over...you can find some decent stuff though if you really look...

06-20-11, 03:43
Any before and after pics?

If I had a camera I'd post some, but I shoot guns, not pictures.

06-20-11, 05:49
This thread made me go back and look at some of my original posts again. To say I am embarrassed would be a huge understatement. I would like to apologize to Grant, all the Mods, and all the members for the complete idiocy and ignorance I showed when I first signed up. LOL

06-20-11, 06:44
I joined here very early on, and was ultimately banned from TOS for things I posted here. :ph34r:

This was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had already retired my first screen name there when I decided I wanted to focus on the technical aspects of firearms and stay out of GD, and I had already attended a training class or two before coming here, but getting away from romper room and spending my time here hardened my focus on training and application, and the resultant impact(s) that had on my purchases.

This is why I so adamantly defend against some of the transitions M4C has gone, and is going, through. As the focus starts to shift away from training and application and drift more towards self-teaching, spending money on gear instead of ammo, internut picture threads, "critique my build", etc. the benefits of the forum to change gear-queers into shooters begins to fade simply due to numbers.

Just noticed that this month makes my fifth year since joining here. Ironic that this thread should come up during my "anniversary".

06-20-11, 07:08
I joined here very early on, and was ultimately banned from TOS for things I posted here. :ph34r:

This was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had already retired my first screen name there when I decided I wanted to focus on the technical aspects of firearms and stay out of GD, and I had already attended a training class or two before coming here, but getting away from romper room and spending my time here hardened my focus on training and application, and the resultant impact(s) that had on my purchases.

This is why I so adamantly defend against some of the transitions M4C has gone, and is going, through. As the focus starts to shift away from training and application and drift more towards self-teaching, spending money on gear instead of ammo, internut picture threads, "critique my build", etc. the benefits of the forum to change gear-queers into shooters begins to fade simply due to numbers.

Just noticed that this month makes my fifth year since joining here. Ironic that this thread should come up during my "anniversary".

It was a lot of your posts that turned me on to habits I have now actually, and IIRC it was you who inspired a change in most of the components in my carry pistol. When I first came to the site, it was hardly stock, now I'm using 95% stock parts.

I'm glad I found this site, and I actually found it through a post on TOS bashing this site about being too elitist, and how people on it thought they were too good, or something to that effect.

I'm pretty happy about it.