View Full Version : Gear Sector handstop wont fit on Centurion rail?

06-19-11, 09:01
Im trying to put my Gear Sector handstop on my Centurion 9" bottom rail and the handstop will not slide on.

The front portion of the rail seems to be too thick. No dice on the side or upper rails either.

Anyone else using these rails have an issue?

06-19-11, 10:07
So it wont fit on either rail? In my experience, both companies are amazing in every aspect. What im guessing, is the rail is in spec, but on the max side of the spec, and the stop is in spec also, but on the min of the range. Forgive me, because I dont use GS handstops, but I do use other items from them, but will it come completely apart as to allow you to slide them together from each side of the rail?

lethal dose
06-19-11, 10:13
Seems to be the trend. I'm guessing monty's rails are SLIGHTLY larger then spec and gear sector's stuff typically has a snug fit. I was at member scoby's place and he had this very same problem... proved to be the rail was slightly larger then spec (the gs light mount fit fine on other rails fit ok). I believe he filed the gear sector light mount. Problem solved.

Dos Cylindros
06-19-11, 10:34
Interesting as the Gear Sector scout mount I have on my 9" Centurion rail fits like a glove. I have noticed my Tango Down SCAR panels fit a bit tighter than on other rails though.

06-19-11, 10:52
I've had problems with two light mounts.
Both Gear Sector and Centurion make great gear.
See this thread for how I solved the problem.

Where you been Lethal Dose?

06-19-11, 11:58
I just mounted my GS stop on my Centurion,fit perfect.

lethal dose
06-19-11, 12:45
Sounds like it was a batch issue, maybe. I don't wanna speculate much, so I'd contact Jason or Monte if you don't want to fix it yourself. They're both great dudes. Scoby... been slavin', man. Let's shoot again. Soon.

06-21-11, 08:43
Sent Jason an Email, he hadnt heard of any issues.

He did say all new production mounts are going to a "rock on" type due to different out of spec rails.

06-21-11, 10:19
if you guys can measure the rails with a caliper and let me know the width. the anodizer that has been used has been known to do some batches with a double coat which has put stuff out of spec before. i'll see what we got at the shop and measure those

06-21-11, 11:36
if you guys can measure the rails with a caliper and let me know the width. the anodizer that has been used has been known to do some batches with a double coat which has put stuff out of spec before. i'll see what we got at the shop and measure those

Be happy to Joe since I have experienced some issues.

When you say width, do you mean at the widest point? A sketch of what you'd like to see as far as dimensions may be helpful here.

RKB Armory
06-21-11, 12:45
I have the Centurion mid-length cut out model. My GS Light mount fits on all the rails except for the top rail. I mounted it on the side rail, so no harm done.

06-21-11, 12:59
I have two Centurion rails and (I think ) 6+ Gear Sector mounts. On the 7.0 Centurion I have not found ANY slide-on products that will fit, not just the Gear Sector. On the 9.0 I have the same issue with 3 of the 4 sides.

measurements I took on the 7.0 (https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0Ajl2UPK0UHPsdGRZeWU4eE0tRW01ZElueHNFQWlpUUE&single=true&gid=1&output=html)

I used the drawings found here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picatinny_rail) for reference in determining spec dimensions. There is more to it than this but these drawings are a good starting place.