View Full Version : More Happy Fun Times with the TSA...

06-27-11, 23:52
Seriously? So a 95 year old lady is now a credible threat? Give me a break...

If this thread is a no-no, sorry. But this was just to bizarre to pass up.

Travis B
06-28-11, 06:42
TSA cannot exempt any group from screening because we know from intelligence that there are terrorists out there that would then exploit that vulnerability.

She was a 100-lb, 95 year old lady! She was not trying to get her virgins. That may be a new low for the TSA.

If the terrorist groups would exploit that vulnerability, I don't think they would use Ms. Daisy as their explosives mule.

06-28-11, 07:54
is it me or would people who worked for the TSA, had it been around 100 years ago, been beaten in public, and no one would have cried foul about it?

oh wait, it wouldn't have been around 100 years ago, because we didnt have to worry about Radical Muslim Males between the ages of 15-50 100 years ago..... oh wait, did I just racial profile?

06-28-11, 08:44
Most of the TSA people I run into are actually pretty easy to talk and work with. They seem to be th 30yr old plus ex-mil people for some reason.

I was absolutly floored earlier this week. I'm going thru security. I picked the line with out a scanner- by they way what is that? You have these million dollar scanners, but then have a line that doens't have one- guess which one bad guys would pick? :shout:

So I'm in line and the lady behind me has a like a three month old baby in a car seat with attached wheels to make it roll. They take the kid out and the TSA agent takes the seat/roller, bypasses the x-ray machine and passes it around the metal detector. Another TSA agent takes it over to the test station and does the swab test and they had it back to mom on the other side. You could have fit a samauri sword on that seat it was so big. You could had put a couple of hundred rounds of ammo in there and no one would have known. You could have put a platoons worth of box cutters and OC spray in the thing.

While this is going on, the screener is giving me crap about whether I really don't have any more liquids in my bag. Then he starts asking about my belt. Since there is no microwave scanner on this line, I left it on. I have worn this particular belt (don't tell them it is a 5.11 belt with velcro on it for my IWB holster, or else they might freak!) literaly hundreds of times thru security.

They are hassling me about minutia, when they let this huge thing right thru. Now, obviuosly, the lady and her baby are not a risk at all- I'm not complaining they are too lenient, it is just the peaks and valleys in protection that drive me nuts. It's like a dike system to hold back a river that has gaps in it, but huge piles in other places. It makes no sense at all to me.

I'm going to sew my belt to my jeans so that it won't come off and see how they deal with that.

06-28-11, 08:58
...If the terrorist groups would exploit that vulnerability, I don't think they would use Ms. Daisy as their explosives mule.
That was my first thought- I know folks would like to think of all terrorists being the bumbling idiots they're often portrayed as, but I would think if they really wanted to take something out they'd be just a tad more subtle.... I seriously doubt they'd try to roll on through with Granny and a wheelchair (or diaper) full of (insert your favorite explosive compound here).

oh wait, it wouldn't have been around 100 years ago, because we didnt have to worry about Radical Muslim Males between the ages of 15-50 100 years ago..... oh wait, did I just racial profile?
The thing about it is, imho, there is no racial profiling going on here- just blanket profiling, blatant harassment of (generally) law abiding US citizens, and a general disregard for peoples' basic human rights.
But I guess that's the rationale behind all this anyway-because any Average Joe/Jane might have a wad of semtex shoved up their ass, so we'll just brush all that racial/constitutional/basic human decency crap aside and finger everybody (guilty until groped innocent I guess) so we can all be safe.:rolleyes:
What a load of bollocks!

My apologies if the above quote was intended as a joke- wasn't going at you, JW- just making a general observation.

06-28-11, 09:34
oh wait, did I just racial profile?

What really chaps my ass is when I'm waiting in line at the scanners and you see someone who looks the part of a middle eastern terrorist or just a shady individual in general stroll right on through security while at the same time a U.S service man/woman is getting the third degree from the scanners. All so they can keep up the appearance of being impartial and not stereotyping; which I guess is what they are trying to do with the elderly lady.

06-28-11, 17:24
Meanwhile the Muslim bitch wearing the burka behind grandma gets a pass because heaven forbid if we should racially profile anyone.

06-28-11, 22:21
I flew once in my Service Alpha uniform on orders as I would be checking into a formal school right away. I was searched long and hard, and every time my shirt stays, collar stays, ribbons, badges, etc. beeped on the handheld, I had to answer a slew of questions again.

But, when flying normally, I wear sweats and tank top with my tattooed chest and sleeves showing, and yet I get treated like a normal individual? Am I more of a threat to national security in my uniform rather than as a tat'd up 20-something?

Anyways, **** the TSA. Our 4th Amendment rights be damned, only the suspicious looking muslims have that right reserved for them.

06-29-11, 02:35
TSA agents tend to be one hair higher than those "workfare" (Work for welfare) programs in the mid-90's.

06-29-11, 02:45
new TSA Worker

YO dog I got a job at the airport so I can quit mcdonalds now ! man now that they unions I set dog

that seems to be the mentality of them ?

again my mom was strip searched !!!!! yeah 80 year old with a massive limp OH who was flying on a employee pass from my dad who is a retired pilot and yup let the middle eastern kid through because we dont racial profile

06-29-11, 05:10
Absolute lunacy. . .

Forth Amendment -

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

06-29-11, 09:46
Absolute lunacy. . .

You and your silly Constitution.

Many TSA workers are developing cancer due to the usage of the full body scanners that were NEVER tested, contrary to what the media told you. Read the article and the links here (http://www.infowars.com/cancer-surges-in-body-scanner-operators-tsa-launches-cover-up/) for more information.

06-29-11, 10:21
You and your silly Constitution.

Many TSA workers are developing cancer due to the usage of the full body scanners that were NEVER tested, contrary to what the media told you. Read the article and the links here (http://www.infowars.com/cancer-surges-in-body-scanner-operators-tsa-launches-cover-up/) for more information.

Want to have some fun on your next travels, go through the scanner and then fall to the ground screaming.

Though I'm sure doing so somehow violates Federal law.

06-29-11, 10:27
Want to have some fun on your next travels, go through the scanner and then fall to the ground screaming.

I'm not a fan of steel bracelets and I fly way too often to deal with their shenanigans. ;)

I avoid the scanners at all cost and have since the beginning. Typically most airports have at least 1 security line in the area without the scanner and just the metal detector or they funnel 2 lines into 1 scanner and utilize a metal detector for over flow. I pace myself and ensure that I only go through the metal detector or I will submit to a patdown rather than going through the cancer machine.

06-29-11, 18:23
Want to have some fun on your next travels, go through the scanner and then fall to the ground screaming.

Though I'm sure doing so somehow violates Federal law.

Pop a Alka seltzer tablet in first and chew it up so you spew froth also :)

06-29-11, 21:31
I fly way too often as well........due to my job. I like carrying a couple of gun mags with me, maybe even a BCM catalog. I always wonder the questions I will be asked if my carry on is ever searched. Having gun mags with gun porn in them constitutes very suspicious activity. Even though I have already been finger printed, carry a passport all the time, have been licenced and medically qualified and have a company issued ID on display at all times. Oh and here is the kicker......I am actually a US citizen born right here in the USA! :):rolleyes:
Go figure, lets go back to the private security companies who did the screening, at least they were asleep half the time.

07-13-11, 12:24
Police charge mother in TSA airport altercation. (http://www.tennessean.com/article/20110713/NEWS01/307130115/Police-charge-mother-Nashville-airport-altercation)

07-13-11, 14:37
Want to have some fun on your next travels, go through the scanner and then fall to the ground screaming.


I'm not a fan of steel bracelets and I fly way too often to deal with their shenanigans. ;)


Police charge mother in TSA airport altercation. (http://www.tennessean.com/article/20110713/NEWS01/307130115/Police-charge-mother-Nashville-airport-altercation)

Not at all funny

The wife wants to take a trip to Florida next year to take the kids to Disney World. I would rather drive two days straight to get there than deal with stuff like this.

FWIW, the local airport around me seems to have decenst enough TSA workers.

07-13-11, 17:58
We will not fly again. I can get to my wife's family's house in 36hrs driving if I need to for an emergency. All my family lives within 30 minutes of me.

And this is why this is such a joke, an embarrassment, and while your kids and wife are getting sexually assaulted the TSA's own internal testers are able to get weapons/explosives through much of the time without a problem. They are ineffective, violate human rights and dignity, and they should be prosecuted for the sexual assaults.


07-13-11, 20:17
The wife wants to take a trip to Florida next year to take the kids to Disney World. I would rather drive two days straight to get there than deal with stuff like this.

Typically I fly by myself and quite often due to work. In the near future my wife and I will be taking my 8 month old son to visit family in upstate New York and will be flying due to proximity. I can assure you that neither myself, my wife or my boy will be going through their cancer causing radiation machines and we will not be sexually assaulted, groped and molested by the TSA. Everyone has to draw a line in the sand and mine is that no one lays a hand on my wife and my son.

07-13-11, 23:15
The wife wants to take a trip to Florida next year to take the kids to Disney World. I would rather drive two days straight to get there than deal with stuff like this.

I had no problems with Orlando TSA last fall. Only a minor burp when the ticket agent wanted to put my orange disclosure tag inside the gun case rather than in the suitcase containing it.

Watching their folks work for a period of time, I was actually surprised at how smoothly they kept travelers flowing despite the volume they were doing.

I've been patted down many times for flight. While I find it a bit silly, and I would still be able to secret items within my clothing if I so chose, I don't feel "sexually assaulted". I have also flown with children who have been patted down as well. I think the use of such hyperbole does a disservice to what is otherwise a valid argument and prudent conversation.

Despite the inconvenience of the TSA screening process, I still prefer flying to driving extended distances, or for unexpected trips.

07-14-11, 00:30
I've been patted down many times for flight. While I find it a bit silly, and I would still be able to secret items within my clothing if I so chose, I don't feel "sexually assaulted". I have also flown with children who have been patted down as well. I think the use of such hyperbole does a disservice to what is otherwise a valid argument and prudent conversation.

I value your opinion but I disagree with your assessment that considering their actions to be sexual assault is hyperbole. Maybe criminal sexual contact would be a more appropriate way of phrasing it after reading a few more different legal definitions, although the first would definitely apply in some jurisdictions.

The TSA are not sworn law enforcement officers conducting a search with probable cause. I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but I highly doubt you as an LEO can just arbitrarily grab someone's vagina, anus, penis, breasts, etc. while conducting a Terry stop or something similar without a reasonable articulable suspicion. The TSA do this on a regular basis without cause and there have been many incidents where they've been proven to be pedophiles, rapists and thieves. If you'd like I can provide an extensive list of links to prove that these are in fact all true and have happened on multiple occasions.

It might be an easier pill to swallow if these inept dullards were even close to competent but they've had over 25,000 security breaches (
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/07/13/earlyshow/main20079029.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody) since 2001 and that's only counting the ones they know about. I could go on and on but I have other things I need to attend to. Google "TSA sexual assault" for plenty of reading.

This is from a Ron Paul article published today and I sincerely hope that the American Traveler Dignity Act is passed.

The press reports are horrifying: 95-year-old women humiliated; children molested; disabled people abused; men and women subjected to unwarranted groping and touching of their most private areas; involuntary radiation exposure. If the perpetrators were a gang of criminals, their headquarters would be raided by SWAT teams and armed federal agents. Unfortunately, in this case the perpetrators are armed federal agents. This is the sorry situation ten years after the creation of the Transportation Security Administration.

The requirement that Americans be forced to undergo this appalling treatment simply for the "privilege" of traveling in their own country reveals much about how the federal government feels about our liberties. The unfortunate fact that we put up with this does not speak well for our willingness to stand up to an abusive government.

Many Americans continue to fool themselves into accepting TSA abuse by saying "I don't mind giving up my freedoms for security." In fact, they are giving up their liberties and not receiving security in return. Last week, for example, just days after an elderly cancer victim was forced to submit to a cruel and pointless TSA search, including removal of an adult diaper, a Nigerian immigrant somehow managed stroll through TSA security checks and board a flight from New York to LA – with a stolen, expired boarding pass and an out-of-date student ID as his sole identification! He was detained and questioned, only to be released to do it again 5 days later! We should not be surprised to find government ineptitude and indifference at the TSA.

Last question... If some woman called 911 and complained of being sexually assaulted, guy grabbed her tits or crotch, while you were the responding officer what would your response be when you found out the guy in the bar says he was only looking for contraband? I don't see a bit of difference between nonconsensual sexual contact between 2 citizens or when a person who collects a government paycheck is doing the same thing, they should be arrested to.

Last, last question... What the heck happened to the 4th Amendment anyways?

Those who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - B. Franklin

07-14-11, 18:29
Clayton Morris, the weekend host for Fox and Friends, said today that TSA had to pat down his little boy. He said how old he was but I can't remember but he was still in diapers. And when he asked why he was told that the little boys red white and blue shirt was "suspect".....

07-14-11, 18:36
Clayton Morris, the weekend host for Fox and Friends, said today that TSA had to pat down his little boy. He said how old he was but I can't remember but he was still in diapers. And when he asked why he was told that the little boys red white and blue shirt was "suspect".....

Apparently the security threat was his 11 month old son as tweeted here: http://muckrack.com/ClaytonMorris

07-14-11, 19:46
new TSA Worker

YO dog I got a job at the airport so I can quit mcdonalds now ! man now that they unions I set dog

that seems to be the mentality of them ?

Pretty much.

TSA agents are usually fat bodies, not all that well educated, and not qualified to make a cheeseburger at Mcdonalds.

If they were capable of doing anything else they wouldn't be touching dicks, molesting children or checking old people diapers for a living.

They are the very definition of useful idiots.

And now they are unionized so don't expect anything better.

07-15-11, 17:10
I had no problems with Orlando TSA last fall. Only a minor burp when the ticket agent wanted to put my orange disclosure tag inside the gun case rather than in the suitcase containing it.

Watching their folks work for a period of time, I was actually surprised at how smoothly they kept travelers flowing despite the volume they were doing.

I've been patted down many times for flight. While I find it a bit silly, and I would still be able to secret items within my clothing if I so chose, I don't feel "sexually assaulted". I have also flown with children who have been patted down as well. I think the use of such hyperbole does a disservice to what is otherwise a valid argument and prudent conversation.

Despite the inconvenience of the TSA screening process, I still prefer flying to driving extended distances, or for unexpected trips.

I believe we have the freedom of movement/travel, and without probable cause no government agent or agency should be able to search you. These are private airlines and they should be the ones deciding what safety they want, and let consumers decide what level of intrusion they are willing to put up with on their own free will not a government mandate.

I mean if the traveling in the air can get you searched without your consent then why not on land, and water, too, without any PC or crossing any international boundaries.

And before anyone says planes are more dangerous than anything else you can pack just about any weapon you want in a land or sea based vehicle. We allow cargo ships to enter ports, often next to large population centers, and most of the time they only get a cursory search in things like crew cabins for fruits, and other prohibited items. Customs will do random searches of some things...most stuff is not even checked.

Look at what McVeigh did to OKC Fed building, ect.

Last but not least do your research on the TSA's own results with their own investigators trying to sneak some things through. If you think this dog n pony show and human rights abuse is keeping you any safer think again. The only reason more planes have not gone down is because of incompetence on the part of the attackers not anything the TSA has done.

Just this week a government agent left his duty weapon on a changing station in an airport bathroom...a taser was found on a plane last week. Their own agents can get stuff in a most of the time in internal testing. While passenger screening has resorted to molesting little kids, airport workers are barely screened at all, and the screening is so lax more than a few TSA agents have been found to have stolen $40k+ in passenger items. What makes anyone think someone who would steal that amount of items wouldn't take a bribe to get something on a plane?

Lastly our southern border is basically wide open with thousands of illegal crossings everyday. If you can sneak a bundle of drugs across you can sneak militants with guns, and other weapons. Instead of spending this money on rational legal security we subject our own citizens to molestation and sexual assault just to move within the country which is a recognized right according to "old" SCOTUS case law. I know old rights, dignity, and small government are 'old and outdated for the modern world' but that same argument is made on why we shouldn't have things like AR's because the founders never imagined modern guns when they wrote the Constitution. They never imagined planes, either, so I guess we should make that into a privilege subject to sexual assault and child molestation like what was been done. Maybe to own an AR, which the founders never invisioned, we should make ownership of an AR or other semi-auto magazine fed rifle subject to mental health checks by a government agent, home searches, interviews with family and friends, financial records searches, and the government should be able to arbitrarily deny you ownership based if they put you on the terrorist watch list or not. I mean if they can deny you the right to freedom of movement without a single judge's ruling or court proceeding why not gun ownership, too?

You can do your own research on the case history on freedom of movement but suffice to say SCOTUS has said before people have the right of movement between states. If a poll tax is unconstitutional so should any taxes based on movement, any law requiring sexual assault and child molestation, and be treated the same as if you were walking down the sidewalk.

I really think people have just become conditioned to actions like the government molesting little kids to get on a flight, and when these kids who are getting molested grow up I wonder what they are going to support? I mean you have a person who grew up getting their private parts touched to get on a plane, and think its normal government behavior....when I was a kid and flew I got to sit on the captains knee in flight, they gave me a set of "wings", and I had a great time. I probably wouldn't have had a great time if I got fondled, and any action but sitting down and shutting up on a flight will get you arrested. We are destroying what America was in the name of a false notion of security where everyone no matter their age is treated as a potential terrorist, and criminal. 11 months old, 90 years old, and everything in between.

And if you want to know where Im coming from on this on my 2nd deployment my unit was put in charge of screening people for both a State Department and FBI + foreign government supported site for processing information on the trials going on for Saddam and others...as well as we oversaw an Iraqi interrogation facility. Ive frisked people thousands of times. We treated Iraqis...both detainees and workers better than what our government treats our own people. Saddam was executed about 100 yards from where I slept. The building was less than a stones throw over our compounds wall, and it was less than a month after I left. They had around 100-150 Iraqis that came through our gate everyday that had to be searched. I treated them way better than Ive been treated by the TSA. We treated the detainees better than Ive been treated by the TSA let alone the numerous articles Ive read on what goes on in our airports. Ive taken M16's, M2's, and Mk19's on flights yet if I took my family on a flight they want to molest my kids or sexually assault my wife?

07-15-11, 17:30
Federal Court rules TSA cancer causing radiation scans are not against the 4th Amendment. http://blogs.forbes.com/kashmirhill/2011/07/15/federal-court-rules-that-tsa-naked-scans-are-constitutional/


Boiling a frog while sliding down a slippery slope...

07-15-11, 17:34
And another 94 year old woman in a wheelchair gets molested. http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=news/local&id=8250625

"She said it would be in-depth. She started the putdown, and at that point, she asked mom to spread her legs. She stood there with her legs spread and she checked every place thoroughly," said Malone.

"They groped her. All of her body. Her crotch, her breasts. And everything else," said son Joe Peterson.

Sure sounds like sexual assault to me.

07-15-11, 17:48
And another 94 year old woman in a wheelchair gets molested. http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=news/local&id=8250625

Sure sounds like sexual assault to me.

Exactly my point. If travel by plane means you have to get your private areas fondled then why not auto travel? We are constantly reminded driving a car is a privilege. So is travel on a flight. So whats stopping auto travel from the same molestation and sexual assault + exposure to radiation that you get for flying on a plane? I guess freedom of movement means only on your own two legs because even lawn mowers and bicycles open you up to auto related regulations, and by extension since they are the same legally now, a privilege, then anything other than your own two feet should open you up to molestation of your kids and wife.

07-16-11, 01:25
And another 94 year old woman in a wheelchair gets molested. http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=news/local&id=8250625

Sure sounds like sexual assault to me.

If I was 94 and the TSA was making the nation safer by giving me a pat down I'd be sure to shit my pants as they fondled my nether region. Oopsie poopsie! :eek:

07-16-11, 12:28
Woman gropes TSA agent. (http://www.myfoxny.com/dpps/news/woman-arrested-for-groping-tsa-agent-07152011_14151365) She is facing felony sexual abuse charges!

07-17-11, 08:12
That's priceless....:lol:

It's pretty funny (or sad- take your pick) how people are going along with this BS- maybe they're just not paying attention, or pulling the ol' blanket over their heads but the way some of them talk, you'd think the TSA was singlehandedly responsible for stopping terrorism in America. AND would probably see no problem with it being exapnded.
Coming soon to your neighborhood: TSA checkpoints on the road and at major retailers for your safety!

07-18-11, 13:24
Woman gropes TSA agent. (http://www.myfoxny.com/dpps/news/woman-arrested-for-groping-tsa-agent-07152011_14151365) She is facing felony sexual abuse charges!

Updated report here. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2011/07/18/longmont-woman-draws-national-attention-in-tsa-groping-case/

07-20-11, 11:23
Felony charges dropped. (http://denver.cbslocal.com/2011/07/19/no-felony-charges-for-longmont-woman-in-tsa-groping-case/) I think it would've been really interesting to see her go to court on felony charges for groping a TSA agent. Hypocrites.

Travis B
07-20-11, 13:05
Felony charges dropped. (http://denver.cbslocal.com/2011/07/19/no-felony-charges-for-longmont-woman-in-tsa-groping-case/) I think it would've been really interesting to see her go to court on felony charges for groping a TSA agent. Hypocrites.

Glad to see she can still own a firearm. It's crazy that grabbing boob could get that right taken away.

07-20-11, 18:54
Federal Court rules TSA cancer causing radiation scans are not against the 4th Amendment. http://blogs.forbes.com/kashmirhill/2011/07/15/federal-court-rules-that-tsa-naked-scans-are-constitutional/


Boiling a frog while sliding down a slippery slope...

federal govt deciding the limits of their own power??? :sarcastic:

09-21-11, 15:31
Today the TSA let a man with a knife through security, board a plane and then the wingnut proceeds to threaten people and LEOs with said contraband. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705391170/Salt-Lake-airplane-passenger-carried-knife-on-board-made-threats-police-say.html

They also just fired 28 TSA workers and suspended 15 for "improper baggage screening". http://articles.cnn.com/2011-09-18/travel/travel_tsa-screeners_1_tsa-officers-tsa-administrator-john-pistole-bags?_s=PM:TRAVEL

And of course don't forget about the recent drug distribution ring that the TSA was involved in. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/revamp-tsa-critics-insist-after-drug-arrests-at-1863172.html

Or the Mississippi TSA Assistant Federal Security Director who was just arrested for stabbing a co-worker to death. http://beta.clarionledger.com/article/20110921/NEWS/109210353/1002/news01

And another busted for stealing... http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/20/justice/tsa-theft/

Another TSA agent arrested for rape. http://www.wtvf.com/story/15510568/tsa-agent-charged-with-statutory-rape

TSA agent charged with sex crimes against a child. http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-norfolk/tsa-worker-charged-with-sex-crimes-against-child-nevada

I could go on and on and on...

09-21-11, 18:32
Today the TSA let a man with a knife through security, board a plane and then the wingnut proceeds to threaten people and LEOs with said contraband. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705391170/Salt-Lake-airplane-passenger-carried-knife-on-board-made-threats-police-say.html

They also just fired 28 TSA workers and suspended 15 for "improper baggage screening". http://articles.cnn.com/2011-09-18/travel/travel_tsa-screeners_1_tsa-officers-tsa-administrator-john-pistole-bags?_s=PM:TRAVEL

And of course don't forget about the recent drug distribution ring that the TSA was involved in. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/revamp-tsa-critics-insist-after-drug-arrests-at-1863172.html

Or the Mississippi TSA Assistant Federal Security Director who was just arrested for stabbing a co-worker to death. http://beta.clarionledger.com/article/20110921/NEWS/109210353/1002/news01

And another busted for stealing... http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/20/justice/tsa-theft/

Another TSA agent arrested for rape. http://www.wtvf.com/story/15510568/tsa-agent-charged-with-statutory-rape

TSA agent charged with sex crimes against a child. http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-norfolk/tsa-worker-charged-with-sex-crimes-against-child-nevada

I could go on and on and on...

Irish, the mistake that you are making is to equate the caliber of TSA agents to your typical law enforcement officer. In reality, they are glorified security personnel and come from the same pool of applicants as your local "mall cop." However, I do share your frustration.

09-22-11, 12:27
Irish, the mistake that you are making is to equate the caliber of TSA agents to your typical law enforcement officer. In reality, they are glorified security personnel and come from the same pool of applicants as your local "mall cop." However, I do share your frustration.

PM inbound so we don't get too much thread drift.

09-22-11, 21:00
New rules for screening children, in place during my recent travel.


DHS: New airport security policy for children
(CBS/AP)WASHINGTON - Children 12 years old and younger soon will no longer be required to remove their shoes at airport security checkpoints, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Congress on Tuesday. The policy also includes other ways to screen young children without resorting to a pat-down that involves touching private areas on the body.

Mauser KAR98K
09-22-11, 22:22
What about those that have the mental capacity of 12 year olds, namely Liberals?

09-23-11, 12:00
What about those that have the mental capacity of 12 year olds, namely Liberals?

Those are the ones conducting the searches.

09-23-11, 18:29
New rules for screening children, in place during my recent travel.


Instead of patting down a young child, screeners will soon be told to send children through metal detectors or the walk-through imaging machines multiple times to capture a clear picture and use more explosive trace detection tools such as hand swabs, according to a homeland security official speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the measures.

The government is expected to soon begin testing a new airport screening system on a small number of travelers who volunteer personal information that intelligence officials will vet. If cleared, these travelers could go through security faster, in some cases, because they won't be asked to take their shoes off.

So they'll still get their dose of radiation but this is better because they don't have to take their shoes off? Or did I miss something?

Also, how much do you want to bet if it all works out this personal info will soon become mandatory?

Gotta love the end quote:

"It's an annoyance to people," Lieberman said of the security measures. "But they put up with it."

.....because if they don't we'll throw their ass in jail. :rolleyes:

Pink furries for your handcuffs anyone?

09-24-11, 11:41
So they'll still get their dose of radiation but this is better because they don't have to take their shoes off? Or did I miss something?

So instead of sexually assaulting your children they'll just give them cancer instead. Perfect solution.

09-24-11, 13:21
And before anyone says planes are more dangerous than anything else you can pack just about any weapon you want in a land or sea based vehicle. We allow cargo ships to enter ports, often next to large population centers, and most of the time they only get a cursory search in things like crew cabins for fruits, and other prohibited items. Customs will do random searches of some things...most stuff is not even checked.

Come on man, give us a little more credit than that. Every ship and crew must be cleared and it's not just fruits. Every single container that comes off every single ship is inspected with the VACIS and every single container is driven through the Radiation Portal Monitor. Per agency directive, every single radiation alert is resolved. Any suspicious container is completely emptied and fully inspected.

I'm not saying every little nook and cranny of every single ship is inspected, but you make it sound like we don't do anything. That's not the case.

09-24-11, 18:24
Microwaved, irradiated, or fondled- take your pick.

09-25-11, 17:50
Microwaved, irradiated, or fondled- take your pick.

Pretty much sums it up. :mad:

12-03-11, 13:12

Girls purse has a gun design on it. Denied boarding by TSA

12-03-11, 13:47
Girls purse has a gun design on it. Denied boarding by TSA

Sadly, TSA has gone berserk. Their people seem to delight in being able to exercise any power they can over passengers for no purpose beyond their own petty ends. Hopefully, TSA's gate personnel will be culled in the upcoming budget cuts.

Still, at this point everyone knows TSA is unreasonable so you have to deal with the situation as it is and not give them an excuse to detain you. -It is stunning that flying has gone from something that once was cool to something that is miserable in such a short span of time.

12-03-11, 15:18
There have several other incidents in the past few weeks that I haven't bothered to report but since the thread is going active again... 85 year old grandmother strip searched at JFK. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/lenore-zimmerman-85-hurt-strip-search-tsa-agents-jfk-airport-article-1.986198

12-03-11, 15:23
A handful of muslims fly planes into buildings and now everyone in America is a suspected terrorist with no rights. :rolleyes:

12-03-11, 17:51
Last month I caught a flight home from Honolulu International. While going through the TSA hokey pokey they were herding everyone through the scanners. I was the only one to speak up and request a pat down as opposed to being scanned. The two TSA “agents” looked at each other in utter bewilderment. One of them spoke up and said, “yes. . .yes you can”. So I then declined the scan and requested to be patted down instead.

I could tell from their reaction that they were not used to having anyone decline the scan. The guy obviously did not want to pat me down but I could give a ****. He then went into a lengthy explanation of the pat down procedure and how they use microwave scanners and not x-ray scanners, I assume to coax me into opting out of it. I stood there with a shit eating grin and waited for him to finish with his filibuster. I then told him that I still wanted to be patted down and that it doesn’t bother me as I perform thousands of pat downs a year on suspects at work. The TSA agent then asked me if I would like to go off into a room to be patted down for my own privacy. Again I smiled at him like a Chester cat and told him no thanks as I have nothing to hide from anyone.

That was the piss poorest pat down, he was not very thorough. It was obvious he was uncomfortable doing it. He did not even bother to properly pat down my southern region, I could have had a polymer knife or a cake of Semtex in there for all he knew.

They are an offensive if not oppressive joke. :rolleyes:

The looks on all the sheep’s faces as they passed by me going through the scanner was priceless, “gee I wonder what he did?” :lol:

12-03-11, 17:54
When the SOB's start jumping in front of cars on the interstate to do their T&A grab, I look forward to seeing LOTS of TSA hood ornaments! :D

12-03-11, 17:58
Last month I caught a flight home from Honolulu International. While going through the TSA hokey pokey they were herding everyone through the scanners. I was the only one to speak up and request a pat down as opposed to being scanned. The two TSA “agents” looked at each other in utter bewilderment. One of them spoke up and said, “yes. . .yes you can”. So I then declined the scan and requested to be patted down instead.

I could tell from their reaction that they were not used to having anyone decline the scan. The guy obviously did not want to pat me down but I could give a ****. He then went into a lengthy explanation of the pat down procedure and how they use microwave scanners and not x-ray scanners, I assume to coax me into opting out of it. I stood there with a shit eating grin and waited for him to finish with his filibuster. I then told him that I still wanted to be patted down and that it doesn’t bother me as I perform thousands of pat downs a year on suspects at work. The TSA agent then asked me if I would like to go off into a room to be patted down for my own privacy. Again I smiled at him like a Chester cat and told him no thanks as I have nothing to hide from anyone.

That was the piss poorest pat down, he was not very thorough. It was obvious he was uncomfortable doing it. He did not even bother to properly pat down my southern region, I could have had a polymer knife or a cake of Semtex in there for all he knew.

They are an offensive if not oppressive joke. :rolleyes:

The looks on all the sheep’s faces as they passed by me going through the scanner was priceless, “gee I wonder what he did?” :lol:

It would only bother me if I had low hanging nuts. On my 2nd tour to Iraq I got to pat down 150-200 Iraqis a day, and only one time did I catch someones nuts with the hand sweep. I apologized, he groaned, and that was that.

I did learn manual pat downs are worthless. With clothing on and doing it by hand you can miss a lot. We never had anything get through but just doing so many myself I realize its a wasted effort if someone was half way smart.

12-03-11, 20:34
I'm actually surprised that more people don't opt out.

What surprises me more is how easy it is to make sure that you don't have to go thru a scanner. Lots of airports don't have them at every line, so you can just choose one that just has metal detectors. Either that or time it so that the scanner is backlogged and they just put people thru the detectors.

12-05-11, 01:15
We are coming to a time when the only thing that will restore this country to sanity will be violence. It terrifies me.