View Full Version : 4th of July parades make you a Republican?

07-02-11, 14:52
Do 4th of July parades make you a Republican? (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20076125-503544.html)

The stupid is strong in this one....

07-02-11, 15:56
Next they'll be telling you it is unconstitutional to celebrate July 4th! :rolleyes:

07-02-11, 15:56
There's a storm a'brewin I tells ya.

07-02-11, 16:16
That's rich. :lol:

In other news, what the hell? Are they really serious about this?
The general direction the mindset of some folks in this country is heading is truly pathetic and sickening. It's July 4th for goodness sake!:mad:

07-02-11, 16:41
parades are on sunny days and people eat more ice cream on those days too, therefore sunny days and ice cream make people more republican

silly causation

07-02-11, 16:43

I think it's about damn time liberal Democrats (socialists) stopped pretending to be Americans.

07-02-11, 17:21
Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats.

I think Democrats, especially the far left would say that Republicans are more patriotic. Patriotism to the left is nationalism and American excpetionalism- two things they think are soooo 20th century.

Suwannee Tim
07-02-11, 18:17
Privately I think Dems must disdain patriotism but publicly, different matter. When a Republican question's a Dem's judgement a familiar refrain is "He's questioning my patriotism!" How dare he!" As though someone's patriotism is beyond question. My definition of patriotism is a willingness to put the interests of the country ahead of personal or partisan interests. By that definition, almost all Dems (the pols, not the grannies and grandpas, working people, etc.) are profoundly unpatriotic and many Republicans mildly so.

07-02-11, 18:36
Privately I think Dems must disdain patriotism but publicly, different matter. When a Republican question's a Dem's judgement a familiar refrain is "He's questioning my patriotism!" How dare he!" As though someone's patriotism is beyond question. My definition of patriotism is a willingness to put the interests of the country ahead of personal or partisan interests. By that definition, almost all Dems (the pols, not the grannies and grandpas, working people, etc.) are profoundly unpatriotic and many Republicans mildly so.

Nothing wrong with questioning someone's patriotism if it deserves to be questioned.

07-02-11, 18:59
Cities are usually heavily Democratic. Growing up in cities makes you an ass. Democrats are asses. Mood disorders in the study below I take to mean not being particularly nice to be around. Screw you if you disagree ;)

“HELL is a city much like London,” opined Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1819. Modern academics agree. Last year Dutch researchers showed that city dwellers have a 21% higher risk of developing anxiety disorders than do their calmer rural countrymen, and a 39% higher risk of developing mood disorders.


When study results are questionable and then you build assumptions based on them, you get all kinds of bad science and govt. policy.

07-02-11, 23:25
As a liberal-leaning independent, I intend to celebrate the Fourth of July by cooking something up on the grill, attending a minor-league baseball game, and enjoying a beautiful summer evening.

I'll fly my American flag in front of my home and even have some red, white, and blue bunting up on the front porch.

Feel free to question my patriotism. And don't be offended when I tell you to kiss my ass. :smile:

07-02-11, 23:33
As a liberal-leaning independent, I intend to celebrate the Fourth of July by cooking something up on the grill, attending a minor-league baseball game, and enjoying a beautiful summer evening.

I'll fly my American flag in front of my home and even have some red, white, and blue bunting up on the front porch.

Feel free to question my patriotism. And don't be offended when I tell you to kiss my ass. :smile:

Grilling Tofu, not keeping score at the game and a French bunting don't cut it. ;)

Happy 4th, my favorite commie! :p

07-03-11, 02:00
After reading this (not here but an article about this research) I've decided to make the effort to take my kids to the local July 4 parade. Not because I want them to become Republicans, but rather I want them to appreciate their country and celebrate its beginning. (And I don't want them becoming Democrats/Socialists/etc :p)

I had gotten kind of lazy about these sorts of things as it is easier to stay home and lounge around and be lazy than to get up, get dressed, and drive to the parade area and sit in the hot sun.

07-03-11, 03:29
It's too bad that the birth of our nation is now being politicized. I wish we could focus more on being AMERICANS first and foremost and about the future of our country.

07-03-11, 03:42
It's too bad that the birth of our nation is now being politicized. I wish we could focus more on being AMERICANS first and foremost and about the future of our country.

I agree, and initially I thought that the article was a bit of political satire from The Onion. Alas, I was wrong.

07-03-11, 06:13
It's too bad that the birth of our nation is now being politicized. I wish we could focus more on being AMERICANS first and foremost and about the future of our country.

I couldn't agree more.

The powers that be, regardless of political orientation, have seen fit to politicize virtually everything in this great nation in a never ending (and, unfortunately, highly successful) effort to "divide and conquer" the vast majority of the American public.

Grilling Tofu, not keeping score at the game and a French bunting don't cut it. ;)

Happy 4th, my favorite commie! :p

While I may ingest the occasional chunk of fried tofu in the curry from a local Thai restaurant, a nice chunk of prime cut New York strip is more likely to land on the grill. Admittedly, I haven't kept box scores at a ball game in thirty years. And I think the bunting was probably made in China but I, hey, my wife bought it so I'm off the hook for that one.

And best wishes for a happy and safe Independence Day spent with family and friends to all.

07-03-11, 10:26

I think it's about damn time liberal Democrats (socialists) stopped pretending to be Americans.


07-03-11, 10:56
The powers that be, regardless of political orientation, have seen fit to politicize virtually everything in this great nation in a never ending (and, unfortunately, highly successful) effort to "divide and conquer" the vast majority of the American public.

I'm glad someone else recognizes this.

07-03-11, 11:57
Independence Day Parades - like the funerals of Veterans - make me proud to be an American. MOST Republicans, make me favor the Constitution Party these days... :rolleyes:

07-03-11, 12:21
It's too bad that the birth of our nation is now being politicized. I wish we could focus more on being AMERICANS first and foremost and about the future of our country.

To be fair, the article is not politicizing the birth of our nation. It is pointing out the political proclivities of those who choose to celebrate the birth. Those facts exist independent of the messenger that brings you the facts.

07-03-11, 17:37

I think it's about damn time liberal Democrats (socialists) stopped pretending to be Americans.

Brother, ain't that the truth.

I spent about 60% of my life growing up in the liberal Mecca, New York City, and I'll tell you straight up that liberals and progressives have more in common with Mao and Stalin than they do with anyone responsible for bringing about the 4th of July.

Thomas M-4
07-03-11, 18:19
Considering Dems admire the European model and the 4th July celebrates us telling the Europeans to kiss our ass we will do it our way. It doesn't surprise me much.

07-04-11, 04:29
Brother, ain't that the truth.

I spent about 60% of my life growing up in the liberal Mecca, New York City, and I'll tell you straight up that liberals and progressives have more in common with Mao and Stalin than they do with anyone responsible for bringing about the 4th of July.


These libs and "progressives" are a mean bunch, and Stalinists at heart. Don't believe me? Just disagree with one or challenge their ideas or beliefs.

See how "civil" they are.

Suwannee Tim
07-04-11, 14:03
Nothing wrong with questioning someone's patriotism if it deserves to be questioned.

Do it to a liberal and hear the anguished howls of outrage. Libs have raised outrage to an art form and this accusation stings like none other.