View Full Version : So I built this wierd paddle holster...

10-22-07, 01:09
I make Kydex and Leather holsters for kicks and occasionally for free for friends and family...

Anyway, I've been experimenting with a kydex holster that was fairly modular, as in I could attach a belt plate or a paddle to it. I've never had any real luck with making paddle holsters. They've never really fit me well.

So, as you can see from the pix, I made a paddle for my latest holster that places the holster fairly high. I canted it so the butt wouldn't print and I must say, it may look funny having that huge paddle sticking down but it's comfy and really concealable. It's not as easy to draw as a regular straight drop belt holster, but it disappears under any sort of loose clothing. I need to take it to work and finish it up tomorrow, but these are the preliminary pix...







10-22-07, 06:12
Looks really good! I'm guessing that you buy molds to do this? I might get up with you to make a double with tension for a 2 1/4" belt, fixed loop.


10-22-07, 08:28
I like it. A little too much cant for my tastes, but the paddle hook looks good.

I bought one of those blackhawk holsters and the paddle sucks hind tit! You have to point the weapon in towards your leg/thigh to get the thing to grab your belt. Otherwise you have a holstered weapon in your hands.

The belt loop probably works ok on the blackhawk, but I bought it as an alternative to having to loop my belt up when I want to grab and go.

10-22-07, 19:48
I like it. A little too much cant for my tastes, but the paddle hook looks good.

I bought one of those blackhawk holsters and the paddle sucks hind tit! You have to point the weapon in towards your leg/thigh to get the thing to grab your belt. Otherwise you have a holstered weapon in your hands.

The belt loop probably works ok on the blackhawk, but I bought it as an alternative to having to loop my belt up when I want to grab and go.

I think it's a bit too canted for my tastes too, but it sure hides the gun better that way.

10-22-07, 20:00
Well it looks like you can pretty much guarantee that the holster won't be coming out of your pants as long as you're wearing a belt. I like to be able to take my bladetech off without having to take my belt partially off.

Otherwise it looks very nice. All the lines are straight and it doesn't just look like someone melted plastic onto their gun which is what I'd normally expect out of aproject like this.

10-22-07, 23:38
madryan that is an outstanding holster, very professional. a lot of the commercial kydex makers could use some tips from you. I like your white outline rear sight.


10-23-07, 00:05
Very nice work. I would be proud to wear it.

10-23-07, 00:27
madryan that is an outstanding holster, very professional. a lot of the commercial kydex makers could use some tips from you. I like your white outline rear sight.


Thanks... I used to use a black marker to color over the white box on the stock plastic Glock sight. I finally just turned it around and now it's much less annoying to me. I'm going to swap them out for an XS tritium dot setup.

I've actually completely finished the edges and done a bit more sculpting so it looks a bit better now. I'll post some good well lit pix of it later this week if ya-all are interested.

I really enjoy making nice things. I work in Aerospace manufacturing and as such my job is really detail oriented. I make holsters... I build the occasional 1911, I carve on my Glocks... I can't stand owning anything that's stock.

Here's a pic of a Kimber I worked over with the holster I made for it...


Here's another Kimber I used to own... I was going for the sort of melted carry treatment, but not as nasty as the Kimber "Custom Shop" In both these guns I used exclusively Ed Brown/Wilson/Nowlin etc. parts.


10-23-07, 06:42
I think it's a great looking holster. Ever think of going pro?

10-23-07, 08:20
I used to use a black marker to color over the white box on the stock plastic Glock sight. I finally just turned it around and now it's much less annoying to me.

Thats what if have done to all my glock sights (front and back). I just reverse them right out of the gate. Eventually I replace them with Serrated front blades.

10-23-07, 17:17
I think it's a great looking holster. Ever think of going pro?

I can't make anything like what I make at work doing it for a living... That and the fact that then something I enjoy would become just another job. I might start doing one occasionally and auctioning it off for charity or something, but I'm not real wild about having to make 5-6 per day to replace my income.