View Full Version : Massive Haboob(sand storm) in Arizona

07-06-11, 08:05
Holy Crap!? Evidentally the weather hasn't calmed down yet this year. From Massive Tornado's in places that normally don't get them, to record flooding, to out of control Wildfires, and now this....

In Tempe and Phoenix Arizona. Saw where 9400 people were without power, and Phoenix Skyharbor Airport(nice place btw) was shut down for an hour.


07-06-11, 08:13
Wow. So the high winds that come with the sandstorm are dangerous, but what kind of effect does the sand have on houses and cars? If it is moving with the 60-70 mph winds will it eat paint?

07-06-11, 09:52

07-06-11, 10:29
What next... locusts? :D

07-06-11, 12:36
I was in Phoenix over the weekend bring my son to see the grandparents. We left yesterday and obviously just missed this. You could see/sense the weather brewing all weekend. Those storms are pretty amazing.

07-06-11, 16:17
:D I guess it's a good thing I am in Iraqazona where it's a cool 115 degrees.

07-06-11, 22:13
We get those every so often. It usually means a good rain afterwards so I like them. I think some parts of the valley got 3/4 of an inch from that storm....thats a lot by the way for Phoenix.

My cousin posted a pic on Facebook so I ran outside to try and get a picture from the top of the levy down the street. When I got to the top I saw that it was on the other side of the riverbed, about 1/4 mile wide, and I didnt get back to the house before it got me.

07-07-11, 00:34
North area our yard was brown and pool was brown insane weather

07-08-11, 09:37
I was caught in a sand/dust storm on the way to Phoenix a few years ago. Was just North of Eloy on the I-10. I have driven in some pretty crappy weather in my time but that was some crazy shit. Being from back East I had never seen such a thing so I was amazed at watching the wall of dust roll across the freeway.

07-19-11, 17:18
And another one... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2016375/Arizona-dust-storm-3-000ft-high-cloud-turns-sky-brown.html

07-19-11, 17:42
Took a picture of it from the levy next to my house. Yes that is a riverbed in the foreground of the picture.


07-19-11, 19:03
Well... at least it's a dry dust.

07-19-11, 21:08
Isn't a shamal a sandstorm?

07-20-11, 02:56
Shamal is the Arabic word for "wind" and more specifically the northwesterly winds that blow through Iraq and the Persian Gulf area.

Isn't a shamal a sandstorm?

07-20-11, 08:36
Well... at least it's a dry dust.


Shamal is the Arabic word for "wind" and more specifically the northwesterly winds that blow through Iraq and the Persian Gulf area.

Learn something new every day.

Luckily the monsoons have arrived here in Tucson. We needed them in a bad way, so as much as I detest rain, it's a good thing for cutting down on all this dust.

07-20-11, 08:45
Send that monsoon this way. We haven't had more than a quarter inch in 2 months...... And I'm in Indiana, where we had WAY TO MUCH this spring.... Weather patterns are getting ridiculous in all parts of the country/world..... "The Day After Tomorrow"?

07-20-11, 14:36
If I could muster up a Superman style breath, I would certainly give those monsoons a blast you way. All the dry weather we had there for a bit was hell for the forest fires they were trying to contain. So for once I was happy to see the rain.

07-20-11, 14:37
We could use the water in AZ. As far as I am concerned it could rain a couple of horus everyday. It would be good for us.


Learn something new every day.

Luckily the monsoons have arrived here in Tucson. We needed them in a bad way, so as much as I detest rain, it's a good thing for cutting down on all this dust.

07-20-11, 15:10
Unfortunately with the rain generally comes lightning and that means we have to evac the building and miss out on work time. Now I am all for taking a break from time to time but we lose sometimes up to three hours of production time which means less units out the door for the military.

But yes I agree we do need it for sure.

07-22-11, 09:55
It was the most terrible weather event I've ever survived. We were without power for TWO whole hours.

The next day I had to sweep my porch and entry way. The humanity.