View Full Version : Seattle PD leave AR unsecured

07-08-11, 16:51
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw an empty police car that looked like this?


07-08-11, 16:55
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw an empty police car that looked like this?


What AR officer?:D

07-08-11, 17:07
I am just glad it wasnt my dept.:lol:

I am sure that Officer has lost the privilege to carry a rifle on duty. Heck if that happened in my dept that would be the least of my worries.

Dumb things like that happen everyday, except this one just happened to be caught on camera. I have seen officer drive off with a long gun left on top of the trunk only to realize it after hearing it hit the ground. Theres always the "that guy" or "black sheep" in every organization, Police Departments are no different.

07-08-11, 17:16
Tread lightly Gents. Threads like this often steer off course quickly and result in the NO LEO threads policy being put into effect. Lately there have been several threads that have benefitted from the removal of the ban so I encourage everyone to play nicely.

Here's the rest of the story. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/124662724.html

07-08-11, 17:20
Im sure there was alot of "remedial training" done after this incedent

07-08-11, 17:38
Linking to a story that where the author makes comments about officers "eating donuts and drinking gourmet coffee when they are not abusing citizens" is not a good way to keep this one open either.

Yes it's a dumb ass mistake and I make no excuses for those involved but I would tread very lightly as Irish suggested.

The no LE thread rule was just recently lifted. Let's not go pissing in the pool.

Title changed and moved to GD.

07-08-11, 17:58
Linking to a story that where the author makes comments about officers "eating donuts and drinking gourmet coffee when they are not abusing citizens" is not a good way to keep this one open either.

I'll see you guys later, I have to go meet my buds on the night shift at Starbucks.


07-08-11, 18:36
I will neither confirm nor deny whether or not I drink gourmet coffee. :smile:

07-08-11, 18:44
If this was my dept. the officer would be facing severe reprimand even possible discharge. Big no no. We had a deputy a few years back leave an 870 leaned against his bumper and forgot about it. A concerned citizen took it and walked it into the courthouse. Deputy was discharged, but he had a couple of reprimands previously.

07-08-11, 19:18
The no LE thread rule was just recently lifted. Let's not go pissing in the pool.

Thank God.

There have been a couple good stories about cops that I wish I could have posted during the ban.

And while the story in the original article does have a definite "slant" the irresponsibility of the action is blatant. But I suspect that is an issue that will be addressed by the embarrassed department.

07-08-11, 19:21
If this was my dept. the officer would be facing severe reprimand even possible discharge. Big no no. We had a deputy a few years back leave an 870 leaned against his bumper and forgot about it. A concerned citizen took it and walked it into the courthouse. Deputy was discharged, but he had a couple of reprimands previously.

My wife actually manages a property with the offices of a rather large Federal agency. One of "theirs" left a Glock .40 on the bathroom sink in a public accessible restroom within the building. A secretary from another tenant office discovered it when she used the bathroom. My wife advised them to call the agency in question and ask if one of their people left something behind in the bathroom. It was retrieved by a member of said agency but I'm not sure what happened to the person who left it in the bathroom.

07-08-11, 19:41
Is Starbucks's House Blend considered gourmet coffee? I mean you can get it at Wal mart. :lol:

07-09-11, 02:39
It's not the first time and damn sure won't be the last time. LEOs are human and make human mistakes.

El Pistolero
07-09-11, 03:11
It must've been a DPMS or an Oly that got left on the trunk because all those people walked by and nobody wanted it.

07-09-11, 03:35
It's not the first time and damn sure won't be the last time. LEOs are human and make human mistakes.

Indeed. Shit happens, gentlemen. It looks like the SPD is just gonna have to bite the bullet on this one. As far as the Officer is concerned, unless he's a 'multiple offender', I suspect he'll be facing a suspension. Which I feel is a fair compromise. It will force him to work on his situational awareness, while allowing the Dept. to save some face in the process.

I sincerely hope this is the case, as I'd hate to see the Officer in question get discharged over this. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he was though. I think we all know how politics can play themselves out in a situation like this. :lol:


07-09-11, 04:02
Indeed. Shit happens, gentlemen. It looks like the SPD is just gonna have to bite the bullet on this one. As far as the Officer is concerned, unless he's a 'multiple offender', I suspect he'll be facing a suspension. Which I feel is a fair compromise. It will force him to work on his situational awareness, while allowing the Dept. to save some face in the process.

I sincerely hope this is the case, as I'd hate to see the Officer in question get discharged over this. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he was though. I think we all know how politics can play themselves out in a situation like this. :lol:


Fired? Nah. I've seen guys keep their jobs for worse. SPD is civil service and if the offending LEO is a member of the FOP he has nothing to worry about except maybe a few unpaid vacation days.

07-09-11, 13:47
Fired? Nah. I've seen guys keep their jobs for worse. SPD is civil service and if the offending LEO is a member of the FOP he has nothing to worry about except maybe a few unpaid vacation days.

I have seen fellow officers get fired for much less, also members of the FOP and local police association. Once the media gets a hold of things like this politics play a big part in the decision.

07-09-11, 16:37
I have seen fellow officers get fired for much less, also members of the FOP and local police association. Once the media gets a hold of things like this politics play a big part in the decision.

Must not had a very good attorney. I've seen many get rehired has a result of quality council.

07-10-11, 13:15
I'll try not to hi-jack ( and this is in no way an LE bash) this but on the subject of unsecured LEO weapons we had an event in my county in 2009 where a person commited suicide with a deputy’s AR.

{I removed the officers name from the story.}



A man fatally shot himself Monday with a rifle he stole from a Kershaw County sheriff’s deputy’s patrol car that was stopped at a gas station near Camden, sheriff’s Capt. Thomley said.

Investigators believe shift Cpl. **** left the car unlocked when he went inside the station’s convenience store to pay for gas and buy a soda about 2:16 p.m., Thomley said.

More than four hours later, a 47-year-old Darlington man was found dead in the backyard of an unoccupied home off Gardner Street — about 1,000 feet from the station, Thomley said.

He died of a single gunshot wound to the head, Coroner Johnny Fellers said.

Kershaw County Medical Center EMS had responded about 6:44 p.m., finding the man lying on the ground, said Donnie Weeks, the hospital’s president and CEO.

The State does not identify people who commit suicide.

*****, who was taken off road duty and is undergoing counseling, left the .223-caliber rifle between the front passenger seat and floorboard, Thomley said.

He reported it missing about 4:45 p.m., Thomley said.

Precisely when the man killed himself is unclear, Thomley said.

The sheriff’s policy dictates firearms be secure, Thomley said. There is no locked device in the front of the car to keep a rifle, he said.

“It would have been more secure in the trunk,” Thomley said. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to have weapons in the front of the vehicle with the door locked or unlocked.”

******, a seven-year veteran with no disciplinary record, had the high-powered rifle because he’s a member of the Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT), commonly known as a SWAT team.

Team members are on call 24 hours a day, and ***** was authorized to carry the weapon at the time, Thomley said.

He was working a 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. shift, Thomley said.


07-10-11, 15:22
Same thing happened in Utah a couple of years ago, in addition to officers having their precision rifles taken out of unsecured vehicles.

07-10-11, 15:23
I have seen fellow officers get fired for much less, also members of the FOP and local police association. Once the media gets a hold of things like this politics play a big part in the decision.

Their PBA must suck balls.

07-10-11, 23:27
Must not had a very good attorney. I've seen many get rehired has a result of quality council.

That could be it but from my experience no matter how minor the offense may have been the remedial action is always much more severe when the matter is in the publics view.

On the flip side to my comment, I have seen officers do worse thing and get off easy, but it was handeled internally and the public never heard of the incident.

07-11-11, 00:39
I'd make him (her?) turn in that rifle and buy as much AR15 and accessories as they felt their life was worth. See how often their own 2-3k worth of gun gets left on top of the cruiser.

07-11-11, 01:03
. . .officers having their precision rifles taken out of unsecured vehicles.

This happened to one of our guy's M700s (insert face palm smiley).

I surmise this sort of thing happens to frequently, media picks up one or two stories. Locally Feds have had problems with weapons being stolen from secured vehicles. My hypothesis is the stolen weapons are taken by individuals who have some knowledge as to what the unmarked vehicles are and then "stalk" them so as to know where and when to burglarize them. These weapons are rarely recovered so I imagine they are sold by professionals who deal in illegal arms trafficking.

07-11-11, 11:41
I'd make him (her?) turn in that rifle and buy as much AR15 and accessories as they felt their life was worth. See how often their own 2-3k worth of gun gets left on top of the cruiser.

Yep. Around here the cops who buy their own rifles and handguns treat them very differently. I watch the local cops clean and maintain their patrol carbines (paid out of pocket) along side the SWAT guys who clean their issued (not paid for) M4s and MP5s and it is night and day.

I have actually seen SWAT guys shoot some WD-40 into the ejection port of their MP5, fire a short burst and call it clean.

07-11-11, 12:12
I'm going to have to revise my MP5 cleaning procedures.

If you don't monitor how your employees use equipment, it goes section 8 real quick.

07-11-11, 14:01
I'm going to have to revise my MP5 cleaning procedures.

If you don't monitor how your employees use equipment, it goes section 8 real quick.

You probably don't want to know about the 5 gallon bucket of mineral spirits with 3 MP5s left submerged barrel down overnight.


07-11-11, 17:08
Cops leave guns, hand and long guns, in places all the time. Far more than anyone realizes or the media reports. You'll often find trends in agencies.