View Full Version : My wife was beaten up during a attempted robbery at her store.

07-10-11, 05:02
Early this morning at about 0230 hours my wife had a gun put in her face and was beaten by two masked robbers. It started when things slowed down after she locked up the beer cooler for the night. She stepped outside with her cell phone to give her friend a call.

Well when she stepped out the door two guys with masks on came out of no where and one of them stuck a gun in her face. My wife being no small woman, knocked the gun out of the guys hand with her left hand and smashed him in the face with her cell phone with her right hand. Then the other Guy jumped in and they pummeled her pretty good.

She was able to get back in the store and lock the doors and call 911. She says one guys mask came down and she saw his face but has not been able to pick him out of a photo line up as of this writing. She said when the gun fell it broke so she thinks it may have been fake.

I did not find any of this out until I stopped there to get my coffee on the way into work at 0300. Needless to say I am a little shaken. She would not go to the hospital but the paramedics said she seemed to be okay except for some bumps and bruises and a black eye.

From now on she will be carrying her CZ - 75 compact in her back pocket. I don't care what the store policy is.

07-10-11, 05:30
I'm sorry that happened to your wife. I'm glad she lived through it! Be sure to take photographs of her injuries later on today as the contusions will darken and swell. Photographic evidence might prove helpful pending future prosecution. And try to get her to go and get examined by a doctor. Imaging may be in order to insure that she has no internal and or permanent injuries. Hope they catch the sons-of-bitches.

07-10-11, 05:47
Wow Ghostman! I'm sorry to hear that happened to her, and I'm glad she's ok. Like M-K said, see if you can convince her to at least get looked at by a doctor. Not only for legal reasons, but the aches and pains associated with something like this often don't manafest themselves untill later. I hope they catch the bastards.

07-10-11, 07:22
Thank goodness your wife is OK. You think this stuff always happens to other people. I hope your wife is able to recover both physically and mentally. This has got to be very traumatic. Any thoughts on a new profession?

07-10-11, 07:27
Wow man Im glad she is doing good.

07-10-11, 07:37
Thank goodness your wife is OK. You think this stuff always happens to other people. I hope your wife is able to recover both physically and mentally. This has got to be very traumatic. Any thoughts on a new profession?

This pretty much mirrors my thoughts.

07-10-11, 07:40
She just called me and said she watched the video. The getaway car had two females in front with at least one of the dirtbags in the back. They got a good look at the vehicle but not the tag number.

07-10-11, 07:40
Your wife has a lot of sand that's for sure. Not many unarmed people would have done what she did. Hope she got a solid punch in.

I'm very glad she will be okay.

07-10-11, 07:42
Thank goodness your wife is OK. You think this stuff always happens to other people. I hope your wife is able to recover both physically and mentally. This has got to be very traumatic. Any thoughts on a new profession?

We have been thinking about a new job for her for awhile now. But right now there are no jobs to be had in the area.

07-10-11, 07:47
Sounds like she got in a few hits of her own. Glad she's ok. Let's hope they catch those responsible.

07-10-11, 08:06
Glad everything turned out ok.

07-10-11, 09:34
Oh man I'm really sorry to hear this. 'Hope she recovers quickly!

07-10-11, 09:56
Wow GM, I'm sure that was traumatic for your wife. I'm glad she on the mend. My son was robbed a couple of years ago at gun point coming out of a kinkos in Cinti. The two thugs took his mac book, iphone and wallet. Within one week he got a call from a gal that said she found his contact info on her new mac. She wanted to sell it back to him.. :suicide2: This was a real motivation for ccw us.

Anyhow, hope they catch these thugs and give them some time to reflect on their deeds. I know the general public doesn't approve of a good beat down but I don't have a problem with it if deserved for these types.

07-10-11, 10:50
I wish her a speedy recovery and swift prosecution of the perpetrators.

07-10-11, 11:02
Glad the wife is ok. She's a brave woman! Give her our best and tell her we salute her warrior spirit

07-10-11, 11:53
Damn! Sounds like you got one tough wife. I'm glad she came out of it in such good shape compared to what could have happened.

07-10-11, 11:54
From now on she will be carrying her CZ - 75 compact in her back pocket. I don't care what the store policy is.

I mirror what others have said here. Wow. I'm sure you are both shaken up good.

Speedy recovery to your wife!

07-10-11, 12:31
Glad she's okay buddy. Sorry to hear.

07-10-11, 12:39
Glad she's doing well and had the mindset to fight her attackers off and win. Agreed, keep her armed and stay inside while using the cell.

07-10-11, 12:59
Scumbags. I'm glad she got away from them, if given the chance that kind of sub human will do a lot of damage. I can't imagine what you are going through, I would be livid.

07-10-11, 13:45
Glad to hear that she is Ok. Damn, that is crazy. I also agree about forgetting about the store policy.

07-10-11, 13:48
I'm glad she is doing well, she acted courageously. I hope they catch the scumbags.

07-10-11, 15:03
I'm glad to hear she made it out OK, if slightly banged up. Hopefully she recovers quickly and the trash will be caught and put behind bars. I'd be seeing red if it were mine...

07-10-11, 15:07
best wishes for quick healing...prayers up for their capture!!

get her out to the range & start throwing lead when she's up to it.


07-10-11, 17:22
also,, they might come back and get some ''revenge'', for her hitting him, and ''disrespecting'' him. make sure she has a head's up on looking out for them..

07-10-11, 19:44
knocked the gun out of the guys hand with her left hand and smashed him in the face with her cell phone with her right hand.

Thats whats up!

07-10-11, 21:19
Im sorry that she and you had to go through this. Having said that, kudos to her for keeping her whits about her and for taking action when so many others may not have had the same presence of mind. Give her a hug for me. In the mean time I hope that they find the SOBs and that she is able to find employment else where. I also agree about saying FU to the store policy.

07-10-11, 22:08
Sounds like the thugs will get a bad case of lead poisoning next time.

07-10-11, 22:34
also,, they might come back and get some ''revenge'', for her hitting him, and ''disrespecting'' him. make sure she has a head's up on looking out for them..

That is a very good point! Along with a concealed firearm I would also suggest getting her some mace as well. At least she can carry that in her hand and deploy it immediately going to and from her vehicle, etc.

07-11-11, 03:15
Haha. You're wife's a badass, and if there's anything a woman needs.... it's a set of balls, thankfully, it seems like she's got some.

Glad she's alright, and I hope things go well for you guys.

She's lucky, and I hope this isn't too hard for either of you.

If you guys have kids, I hope they aren't freaked out or anything about it.

I remember I got robbed, and beat up once and people were all freakin' out. It sucks, glad she handled it better than I did. :)

07-11-11, 08:08
Glad things didn't turn out worse then they did. You have one tough wife that's for sure.

07-11-11, 10:30
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm glad your wife was lucky enough to survive the incident but things could have just as easily gone the other way. If anything this should be a lesson in things not to do at 0'dark-thirty, when you're alone (armed or unarmed).

From now on she will be carrying her CZ - 75 compact in her back pocket. I don't care what the store policy is.

I'm sorry, that it took your wife getting beat on by two guys with no one to help her and no way to help herself for ya'll to change your tune. It always seems to happen this way, people decide to prepare for the worst after the worst already happens to them. Too little too late IMO.

07-11-11, 12:30
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm glad your wife was lucky enough to survive the incident but things could have just as easily gone the other way. If anything this should be a lesson in things not to do at 0'dark-thirty, when you're alone (armed or unarmed).

I'm sorry, that it took your wife getting beat on by two guys with no one to help her and no way to help herself for ya'll to change your tune. It always seems to happen this way, people decide to prepare for the worst after the worst already happens to them. Too little too late IMO.

Yup. hell, there's a guy in another thread here who thinks carrying a gun in the car is going to do him some good.

If by "good", you mean being able to go out to your car to show off your gun to your buddies, I guess it'll do him some good...but if by "good", you mean being able to respond when shit happens suddenly, well..... not so much.

07-11-11, 13:54
Glad to hear your wife came out of everything ok. Takes guts to fight back like she did. Hopefully they catch them. Definitely be careful about the revenge factor!!

07-11-11, 14:19
Wow... Your Wife refused to sit back and be a Victim and took it to the assholes. I hope she heals fast and the Scumbags get caught.

The store policy needs to change if she's in harms way....carry and drop the scum if they come back for more.

07-11-11, 23:22
Good on her. During my short stint as a convenience store night clerk, I kept my G26 nearby while on shift.