View Full Version : ATF to require gun buyer information in states that border Mexico

07-12-11, 01:06
So now we need MORE regulation to "stop" what they allowed to happen in the first place. . .:confused:


Under the new policy, federal firearms licensees in Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico must report purchases of two or more of some types of rifles by the same person in a five-day span. The requirement applies to purchases of semi-automatic rifles that have detachable magazines and a caliber of greater than .22.

07-12-11, 08:09
I expected they would come up with something new due to this whole ordeal. I'm not too worried though. I know where I stand legally.

07-12-11, 08:16
So now we need MORE regulation to "stop" what they [ caused ] to happen in the first place. . .:confused:


Just an editing suggestion.

07-12-11, 08:29
I've said all along that the whole reason behind that operation was to force the issue of more gun control. What better way to prove that our "lax" gun controls are fueling the cartels in Mexico then to make sure that guns from the US make it there.

07-12-11, 10:08
create or contribute to the problem to justify the actions & push the agenda...


Events Response Outcome

Beware of the man behind the curtain...

07-12-11, 12:08
create or contribute to the problem to justify the actions & push the agenda...


Events Response Outcome

Beware of the man behind the curtain...

Game, set, match.

07-12-11, 12:19
Maybe more regs should be placed on the ATF.....

Heavy Metal
07-12-11, 12:28
There is already a suit being filed to stop this. ATF has no statutory authority to make this manditory.

07-12-11, 13:35
The ATF again succeeds in keeping the sheeple's feelings from being hurt. Damn the constitution, damn liberty, damn the whole American system, lets reign in more ****ing votes. Right?:suicide2:

07-12-11, 14:50
I have sent an email to Senator Issa requesting that Congress intervene. Shit was being reported voluntarily and the we were being duped all the way from the White House to the streets of America.

This is the kind of stuff that makes people lose confidence in their government.

07-13-11, 05:12
create or contribute to the problem to justify the actions & push the agenda...


Events Response Outcome

Beware of the man behind the curtain...

False flag ops and the "wizard" behind the curtain, spot on.

To echo Steyr. . .checkmate.

I have sent an email to Senator Issa requesting that Congress intervene. Shit was being reported voluntarily and the we were being duped all the way from the White House to the streets of America.

Good on you, being a resident of one of the states effected by this I need to get on the ball and send correspondence to my employee on The Hill as well.

This is the kind of stuff that makes people lose confidence in their government.

And fear them.

07-13-11, 09:22
July 12, 2011 at 6:51am by Buck Sexton
Today the administration’s plans are beginning to come into effect. Through an Executive Order, the Obama administration is implementing new restrictions on the sale of certain weapons in border states, and increasing the penalties for violating certain firearms laws.


07-13-11, 10:55
July 12, 2011 at 6:51am by Buck Sexton
Today the administration’s plans are beginning to come into effect. Through an Executive Order, the Obama administration is implementing new restrictions on the sale of certain weapons in border states, and increasing the penalties for violating certain firearms laws.


Yep. Damn the Constitution. Damn the American people.

I'm totally convinced that Obama is out to destroy the United States of America.

07-13-11, 11:05
Dig that username of yours BTW,

Those other quotes are actually "Iraqgunz's".

FTR, I did not want to be credited w/ or steal his thunder.

FWIW, imo, an Executive Order ratifying a UN treaty is exactly the type of tactic/startegy/method that I would be VERY perspicacious & pyrrhonistic of.

07-13-11, 11:25
July 12, 2011 at 6:51am by Buck Sexton
Today the administration’s plans are beginning to come into effect. Through an Executive Order, the Obama administration is implementing new restrictions on the sale of certain weapons in border states, and increasing the penalties for violating certain firearms laws.


This makes me want to bang my head on a wall.

As far as legality of my purchasing of a firearm I'm not concerned. What does concern me is the fact that "We the people" now have to pay for what these people in a position of authority allowed to happen.

07-13-11, 11:48
I feel like I woke up in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

07-14-11, 04:11
Dig that username of yours BTW,

Those other quotes are actually "Iraqgunz's".

Hah, most dont pick up on it.

Oops, fixed the quotes. . .didn't edit the username when I copied and pasted the sequence. Thx.

07-14-11, 10:28
Dig that username of yours BTW,

Those other quotes are actually "Iraqgunz's".

FTR, I did not want to be credited w/ or steal his thunder.

FWIW, imo, an Executive Order ratifying a UN treaty is exactly the type of tactic/startegy/method that I would be VERY perspicacious & pyrrhonistic of.

Treaties have to be ratified by 2/3rds of the Senate, and they cannot use treaties to violate the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land not UN treaties. Constitution takes precedence.

07-14-11, 10:58
I'm not going to discuss the scemantics / contextual meaning / potential convoluted or perceived interpretation(s) or flow chart of the insurrection act / 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill / H.R. 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 et alia.

Way too busy for that & not going to step on that claymore/trip line or into that "KZ" on this venue. I did not say it would be successful. What I said & implied was to be vigilant/watchful.

While I can't comment with certitude, I'm fairly certain we are in agreement regarding the constitution & it's meaning. It's the other people's interpretations/agendas I'm concerend with.

I'm sure it will work out.

07-14-11, 10:59
Treaties have to be ratified by 2/3rds of the Senate, and they cannot use treaties to violate the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land not UN treaties. Constitution takes precedence.

"Congress shall write no law," "shall not be infringed," and on and on.

You're right...but it happens all the time anyway.

07-14-11, 23:11
Treaties have to be ratified by 2/3rds of the Senate, and they cannot use treaties to violate the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land not UN treaties. Constitution takes precedence.

While I agree with you. . .

We the people have not lived under Constitutional law for at least the last 50 years. I don't think people understand just how far down the slippery slope we've gone.