View Full Version : RIP Officer Brent Long, Terre Haute PD

07-12-11, 14:04


07-12-11, 14:19

He leaves behind a family of three.


07-12-11, 14:48
There seems to have been a number of officer deaths associated with warrant service in general and the US Marshal's in particular this year.

07-12-11, 17:03
RIP to the fallen officer and my prayers go out to his family. This is close to home for me.

07-12-11, 17:11
LEO deaths by gunfire are up %25 (http://www.odmp.org/search/year) for 2011 and we have just cracked the middle of the year.

07-14-11, 05:36

07-14-11, 09:33
It seems lot's of LEO are getting killed in the line of duty believe it or not on random DV calls...they show up, some asshole is going postal, and they have the incredibly bad luck of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Aren't domestics the most dangerous calls? I can't figure out why, in my town anyways, they usually only roll one car to domestics. I'm sure there are protocols, and I've never thought to ask my LEO friends here, but it seems weird.

07-14-11, 09:34
I believe traffic stops are the most dangerous.

07-14-11, 09:50
This guy was a very good friend of a brother of mine.

07-14-11, 09:53
Fellas, please don't get my thread locked. This guy was a very good friend of a brother of mine.

Definitely wasn't trying to 'bash'. So sorry for your brother and the officers family. The story and posts just made me shake my head as to how dangerous it is for LEO's out there.

07-14-11, 09:57

07-14-11, 10:22
Prayers sent for the fallen, may he rest in peace and his family find the strength to carry on. That goes for any and every fallen American hero, where ever they are.

07-14-11, 10:34
Fellas, please don't get my thread locked. This guy was a very good friend of a brother of mine.

I hope his family is okay, and making it.

I hope you are too. Stay safe, man.

I only wish I could do what cops do for a living. Life had other plans.

07-14-11, 10:44
Sorry for the loss of your friend.

A lot of things don't make sense these days.

Giving a moment of respect to all who serve for liberty, peace, justice & safety makes sense to me.

07-14-11, 13:34
Everyone straighten up, I have better things to do than edit posts, and delete content to get us back on track.

Condolences to the officer's family and friends. May he rest in peace.

07-14-11, 13:46
I believe traffic stops are the most dangerous.

I would actually lean towards domestics. People are emotional. 9 out of 10 they know the cops are coming. There is ALWAYS a weapon somewhere in a home (keep em out of the kitchen and bedrooms) and they are on their home turf.

Car stops are dangerous based on the pure volume of them that you do. So many go "routine" that complacency is easy to catch.

Dragon Slayer
07-14-11, 19:09
Rest in peace, G-D bless you forever.

07-15-11, 01:27
RIP Officer Long.

LEO murders are up. Line of duty deaths by gunfire are at 41 currently for 2011, that is a 28% jump from this time last year.

Unfortunately a sign of the times and I fear things will only get worse.


07-15-11, 19:58
Prayers sent for the fallen officer, his family and friends.