View Full Version : Question about new BCM upper parkerizing (update from BCM)

07-13-11, 19:42
Ok so I just got my 16in LW BFH upper from BCM today. I started to closely inspect it and saw what appears to be rust. It is not spotted or pitted, rather there are areas that are rust colored under the front sight post and behind. These areas look almost like water spots you would see on drywall. Also there is one very heavy rust colored ring just below the muzzle of the weapon. All of it seems to be below the finish. I contacted BCM and they said I could send it in and they would inspect it. They dont think it is rust, rather discoloration from parkerizing. Also they said they would allow me to exchange if I wanted. I don't want to go through the trouble if it is just discoloured. Do you think it is rust and I should send back?


07-13-11, 19:43
Per the forum rules you need to contact BCM first.

07-14-11, 09:56
OP made contact with BCM and has updated information. Title has also been changed.

07-14-11, 11:03
So what is the verdict?? Doesn't look like rust, maybe discoloration or stain of some sort.

07-14-11, 11:08
I highly doubt it's rust, just looks like discoloration, but since it bugged you enough to post about it, I'd have them exchange it. Me, I'd be out shooting the shit out of it. :D

07-14-11, 11:28
Looks fine. rub a light CLP on it and shoot it.

Doc Safari
07-14-11, 11:46
The barrel on my BCM carbine came with a couple of scuff marks where the Parkerizing was rubbed off a little. Since I ordered the gun factory new I know it wasn't a case of that happening to it while sitting in a gun shop.

Guess what? I shoot the rifle and I don't sweat it.

I'd rather have a rifle that might be a little rough around the edges but I can have absolute confidence in, rather than a rifle that is store window perfect but is of inferior quality.

Just my two cents. :smile:

07-14-11, 11:52
Hard to say what it is, but my guess is no to rust.

Most all barrels get some oxidation on them from time to time. What I do is take some 000 steel wool and solvent and scrub the area. This does not hurt anything and will remove any discoloring or minor rust that might be there.


07-14-11, 11:53
I'm pretty sure it's not rust. I would bet it's discoloration from where a certain type of oil was in contact with the barrel in some time of storage. The phosphate coatings change color and shade with oil or other sealants. Many common assembly and preservative oils are dark tan or even reddish. I don't know what BCM uses but it has a distinctive smell. Oh, FWIW I recently bought a BCM upper and saw similar marks, and didn't think twice about it. They disappeared when I rubbed SLIP2000 over the whole thing as a preservative.

07-14-11, 11:54
It looks like a stain from not getting a quick/full rinse after phosphate. Cosmetic.

07-14-11, 12:23
rub a light CLP on it and shoot it.

This and this

Hard to say what it is, but my guess is no to rust.

Most all barrels get some oxidation on them from time to time. What I do is take some 000 steel wool and solvent and scrub the area. This does not hurt anything and will remove any discoloring or minor rust that might be there.

07-14-11, 12:27
I was thinking it was cosmetic and a side effect of park or sitting in oil. I took oil and a cloth to it and nothing came up. Maybe it will burn off when I shoot the sh** out of it:D

07-14-11, 13:48
Assuming it's going to be carried/used/shot and not kept as a safe queen for display, just shoot it and enjoy. It will quickly accumulate wear and dings if used and this won't even be noticeable.

07-14-11, 14:13
Lube it up and then go shoot. It's an AR not a piece of art.

07-14-11, 14:33
How does it shoot? ;)

07-14-11, 14:54
run whatcha brung!

Its good to go

07-14-11, 15:17
That wavy brown pattern is not rust. It happens that way sometimes in the park tank. Many M14s and late M1 Garands are like that.

07-14-11, 15:27
I can't believe the amount of bandwidth being used about this.

07-14-11, 15:31
Looks like a less than perfect park job. Every AK I ever built and parked looks similar.

07-14-11, 16:27
I can't believe the amount of bandwidth being used about this.

My thoughts exactly. Go shoot it!

07-14-11, 17:17
My thoughts exactly. Go shoot it!

I will once my DE BCG comes in the mail:D