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07-14-11, 12:03

07-28-11, 16:52
The Mexican-American Boom: Births Overtake Immigration


complete report here:


We have a mess on our hands for sure

07-28-11, 17:37

07-28-11, 18:14
This is just another example of why America is doomed. This country has been circling the drain socially since the 60's.

07-28-11, 18:19
We have arrived here by social engineering. It was no accident and it sure as hell didn’t happen spontaneously. Long ago America’s fate was decided.

It is no coincidence that every facet of the American way of life has been and is being attacked; dumbing down our education system, the take over of our universities by extremist, deindustrialization, the Federal Reserve (central banking system), the allowance of mass illegal “immigration”, the “war on poverty”, affirmative action, section eight housing, et al. . .

If you cannot invade a country and take it by force you simply erode it away over time through a myriad of smoke a mirror techniques. Both Republican and Democrat administrations have proven time and again that they want an unsecure border. We exhaust our defense resources on securing places like the DMZ and Iraq all the while inviting every despot the world over to our shores with their ill intents.

The powers at be want to “unify” the nations of the North American hemisphere. No borders, all open using a common currency (the Amero), NAFTA, the Trans Texas Corridor, gawd I could go on.

Globalism, ain’t it great?

07-28-11, 18:46
We have arrived here by social engineering. It was no accident and it sure as hell didn’t happen spontaneously. Long ago America’s fate was decided.

It is no coincidence that every facet of the American way of life has been and is being attacked; dumbing down our education system, the take over of our universities by extremist, deindustrialization, the Federal Reserve (central banking system), the allowance of mass illegal “immigration”, the “war on poverty”, affirmative action, section eight housing, et al. . .

If you cannot invade a country and take it by force you simply erode it away over time through a myriad of smoke a mirror techniques. Both Republican and Democrat administrations have proven time and again that they want an unsecure border. We exhaust our defense resources on securing places like the DMZ and Iraq all the while inviting every despot the world over to our shores with their ill intents.

The powers at be want to “unify” the nations of the North American hemisphere. No borders, all open using a common currency (the Amero), NAFTA, the Trans Texas Corridor, gawd I could go on.

Globalism, ain’t it great?

Mostly agree.

Little known factoid is Mexican trucking was opened up beyond the pilot program, and they can now go all over the US.

Even the labour party is up in arms...

(WASHINGTON) – Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa today castigated the U.S. Department of Transportation for agreeing to open the border to long-haul Mexican trucks. Opening the border endangers America’s highway safety, border security and warehouse and trucking jobs.


07-28-11, 19:40
We have a mess on our hands for sure

I don't even think the real problem is immigration its that the people coming here are scum. Real 3rd world scum. I have zero issues with all the asians who have come over since they have shown themselves to be excellent business owners, they seek education, and have been an improvement. I have a problem with 3rd world scumbags who want their own little communities all over the place and want their shithole laws applied here.

When I was doing satellite dish jobs Id go out to some bum**** road, drive down their dirt path for a mile, and it would be like a little town back there. Cockfighting roosters being raised, beer cans all over, their trailers were shit, and they would buy one "back 40" place and put 10 trailers in it. I went to one place and they had an old gutted out car with two pit pulls chained to it. They have ZERO concern for American way of life, English, jack shit else. Who knows what when on there when gringo me wasnt there.

07-28-11, 20:01
I don't even think the real problem is immigration its that the people coming here are scum. Real 3rd world scum. I have zero issues with all the asians who have come over since they have shown themselves to be excellent business owners, they seek education, and have been an improvement. I have a problem with 3rd world scumbags who want their own little communities all over the place and want their shithole laws applied here.

When I was doing satellite dish jobs Id go out to some bum**** road, drive down their dirt path for a mile, and it would be like a little town back there. Cockfighting roosters being raised, beer cans all over, their trailers were shit, and they would buy one "back 40" place and put 10 trailers in it. I went to one place and they had an old gutted out car with two pit pulls chained to it. They have ZERO concern for American way of life, English, jack shit else. Who knows what when on there when gringo me wasnt there.

This isn't entirely true.

Check out many areas in Westminster or Long Beach, CA, where the Asian communities there are heavily engaged in welfare and social security/disability fraud. I have extended family there and can provide first hand accounts of it.


People with refugee status from southeast Asia, such as Cambodians, Vietnamese, etc.. frequently come here and are on the public dole. Many claim PTSD due to conditions during the wars/genocide and start collecting disability the moment they arrive. They have kids and receive welfare checks and the kids begin the journey on welfare as well.

Many of these people have MediCal and Medicare. As we all know, many of these programs are full of fraud and corruption. Here is one example. You go to a M.D., frequently an Asian, who gets your state insurance information. They cook up a file for you and you are treated for a imaginary condition. Multiple visits are needed to fix the condition. Each time you return for treatment, the visits generate revenue for the practice. The doctor cuts the "fake patient", a kick-back of around $30-$50 for just showing up. There really isn't any treatment taking place, but a file is maintained in case there are audits.

This patient then receives a prescription for medication. He takes it to a pharmacy, run by a corrupt pharmacist, usually an Asian as well. The prescription is "filled". The patient receives a monetary kick-back (no medications), and the pharmacist pockets the difference from the billing.

Every single immigrant is able to milk the system. We just happen to have a lot more Mexicans doing it because there are more of them.

07-28-11, 20:28

07-28-11, 20:51
We have arrived here by social engineering. It was no accident and it sure as hell didn’t happen spontaneously. Long ago America’s fate was decided.

It is no coincidence that every facet of the American way of life has been and is being attacked; dumbing down our education system, the take over of our universities by extremist, deindustrialization, the Federal Reserve (central banking system), the allowance of mass illegal “immigration”, the “war on poverty”, affirmative action, section eight housing, et al. . .

If you cannot invade a country and take it by force you simply erode it away over time through a myriad of smoke a mirror techniques. Both Republican and Democrat administrations have proven time and again that they want an unsecure border. We exhaust our defense resources on securing places like the DMZ and Iraq all the while inviting every despot the world over to our shores with their ill intents.

The powers at be want to “unify” the nations of the North American hemisphere. No borders, all open using a common currency (the Amero), NAFTA, the Trans Texas Corridor, gawd I could go on.

Globalism, ain’t it great?
The term for what has happened to our nation is dispossessed. A military invasion could not have worked. LBJ is the one that shut the front door to western european imigration, then opened the door to third world dumps. It was (is) the only way to destroy our culture. It is our culture that is the most important part to maintaining our national identy and in turn our nation.

07-28-11, 21:02
With a little luck I may leave this place before it gets here.

Where would you go Mars? This seems like the best place left.

07-28-11, 21:25

07-28-11, 21:51
This is just another example of why America is doomed. This country has been circling the drain socially since the 60's.

We can still fix it. While there are some of us who could do what it takes, I am just not sure as a country we can.

07-29-11, 10:45
I felt this was fitting for your thread hop...my census form was just returned again.

In response to the question: "Do you have any dependents?" I replied "12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployable people, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; Half of Mexico; and 535 more in the U.S. House and Senate. Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer


07-29-11, 11:17

i read the .pdf file and it really just seems to talk in riddles. they speak of sustainability and point indicators. Also, in power sharing. Aside from the snarky maddowesque remarks thrown around, quite frankly, I think the author seriously just did a cut and paste job at random points in the paper.

07-29-11, 12:07

07-29-11, 12:20
I agree with most of your point. It is a bit cryptic at points. Some is palgerised from other sources no doubt. But there are some genuine nuggets to glean off of and catch some Buzz words for referrance the Globalists' use. Namely, the term "Smart Growth" being one. Some of the copy and text resonates w/ me and other I converse with regulary.
WE can see a lot of it in our own observations w/o this so I can validate it for myself that it is real.

“The children are our future. And that is why, ultimately,
we’re screwed unless we do something about it. If you haven’t
noticed, the children who are our future are good looking but they
aren’t all that bright. As dense as they might be, they will
eventually notice that adults have spent all the money, spread
disease, and turned the planet into a smoky, filthy ball of death.
We’re raising an entire generation of dumb, pissed-off kids who
know where the handguns are kept. This is not a good recipe for a
happy future. The alternative is for adults to stop running up
debts, polluting, and having reckless sex. For this to happen,
several billion Individuals (ibid.) would have to become less
stupid, selfish, and horny. This is not likely.”

That resonates with my observations as well for example.

"While a bit ‘over the top’, Mr. Adams’ description of the
present and a possible future seem to be close to the target. In spite of all of the information available to support the conclusion that it isn’t very smart to exhaust our natural and monetary capital, to continue polluting and to continue “We’re raising an entire generation of dumb, pissed-off kids who know where the handguns are kept. This is not a good recipe for a happy future. The alternative is for adults to stop running up debts, polluting, and having reckless sex. For this to happen, several billion Individuals (ibid.) would have to
become less stupid, selfish, and horny. This is not likely.”
the practice of unsafe sex, we continue to do all three. Our systematic failure to protect and educate children may lead to a lack of hope and civility in the communities of the future. Local Agenda 21 (LA21) has been put forth by the signatories to the Declaration of Rio and Chapter 28 of the Agenda 21 Action Programme as a context for actions that improve the present, avoid the futures we don’t want and move toward the futures that we would prefer. LA21 also suggests tools for use by local authorities to address these important economic, environmental and social questions about our present and future.

the first thing that came to mind with that statement was the view of education in the eyes of Marx, that the parents will corrupt the mind of the child and its the view of the state to correct that course of action. A de facto ward of the state. Yes, everytime I read about smart planning, its really just central planning entities which are not "democratic" entities. What strikes me as quite sad is that the globalists actively take on the republic and write hundreds if not thousands of pages on it, when the foundation of "it" was based on three sheets of parchment on display at NARA.

07-29-11, 12:22
It would appear that since they can't root us out they will breed us out. I hate to state that you now more than ever need to be selective when choosing a mate, but that is what it would seem. Americans breed with Americans and not illegals. Tragically though these brown baby makers are fertile as all hell and will lay down and open up their legs for a 10$ crack rock to anyone with a hard dick.

Well said, Isn't that the truth. The Sperminator (Arnold) should have listened to your well headed advice...Poor failed leadership again

07-29-11, 12:28
The Mexican-American Boom: Births Overtake Immigration


complete report here:


Outstanding! Another fun fact to brighten my day.:rolleyes:

07-29-11, 12:36

07-29-11, 12:43
Well said, Isn't that the truth. The Sperminator (Arnold) should have listened to your well headed advice...Poor failed leadership again

In total agreement brother, although I think she got more than a couple of puffs on a glass pipe for her effort.:D

07-29-11, 12:47
Yep, I agree with all our points as well.
EXCEPT regarding "which are not "democratic" entities."

I have some examples & articles that don't indicate that. Just have to find where I stored those. Headed out for workout and then work. I can post from my location remotely later.

I will find them and revisit & this to iiustrate & illucidate the contrary. The purpose of my post was to tie in & show the nexxus regarding the term "Smart Growth" w/ Agenda 21.

understood. maybe i should have expanded, my issue with the smart growth and planning is...is that optional? what if i dont want to participate? the article and its discussion on growth seems to feel like "here is your growth and you will like it" phenomenon. The author mentioned individual rights, but almost as if those rights were explicitly quantified, does LA21 need to be measured at the micro level?

07-29-11, 13:03

07-29-11, 14:53
Check, solid copy.
I reposted the data in the thread above and it's all there.

Here's the main link with it's tributaries for definitions & conceptual relevance.


Yes, they are coming after your individual property rights where needed to & more rights than that, after they void the constitution etc. One of the things that distinguishes our great Constitutional Republic is just that our Constitution. Once that is out of the way game over, Socialism pure & simple.
Right of individual property pownership is NOT on their agenda. Only the wealthy/elite will be able to afford it due to economic tumoil.

Seems like a bad dream right ?
Make no mistake it's here right now at our front door. Bank on it....

Hoploethos, Thanks for sharing this. I thought I was pretty well informed on these type issues but learned something new and very disturbing today.

07-29-11, 16:58
There will most likely be a succession. The last bastian of a Republic / free society, or attempted succession of beliefs of Libertarian / Constitutionalists minded people would be my best guestimate.

I'll meet you there! :ph34r: Another great thread by the way.

07-29-11, 19:49
I'm tracking the same as you Moose-Knuckle. Unless the people wake up (most likely won't it appears too late) OUR collective fates are sealed no doubt. People had better get use to Socialism or make a stand because because there is no question it is on our front door steps right now. What cracks me up are the ones in denial that can't see the forrest through the trees & then become dismissive when in reality it's their own ignorance. With a little luck I may leave this place before it gets here. But our future generations are screwed beyond belief.

imo, he wants to use Insurrection Act of 1807 as the vehicle to implement the agenda.

He won't need the Congress to ratify the treaty after that get's implemented with Executive Orders etc. I didn't write that in other threads puposely to confuse or put people in a constitutional "DEF CON" state, but I would guestimate we are at a DEF CON 3.5 - 4 level regarding our Constitution and Bundle of Rights at this current moment. What's sad to me is the level of apathy and ignorance. No doubt in my mind it will be very difficult for people to change it back once they are disarmed & figure out their fate & destiny as such. FREEDOM as a Constitutional Republic as we define it will be extinct.

BY muti-cultural integration/diversity design and alienating natural US citizens simultaneously, it errodes and denegrates our founding cultures' beliefs, axioms, paradigms that were authored by our founding fathers. Which distinguishes & separates our great Consitutional Republic from others etc. Free market system will be virtually non-existant as we can already see it is erroding and deteriorating in real time.

Political Prestigitation at it's finest....

What I see is continued Terrorism within the US (regardless of status be it natives, naturalized, legal immigrants, UDA's / OTM's etc.) & continued world Terrorism as usual making more of a Police State a reality to quell it as a best World Governance can. More mass deaths, eugenics by programmed default if you will....

Your thoughts Moose-Knuckle et al ?

HOP, I think you and I have read the same writing on the same wall brother.

When Obama was "selected" my father told me he got the sinking feeling that we may never see another "free election" again. At this point he might be right. With the stroke of his pen POTUS can make himself a Constitutional Dictator (http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20020607.html). The board has been set and the pieces are in motion. How many tongue and cheek comments has POTUS made recently about being a dictator?

As Lt. Col. Dave Grossman so eloquently put it, "sheep have two speeds - graze and stampede". People have been groomed to be obedient little sheep. As a whole they feel everything is peachy king until wham the next legit terror attack and or false flag op then pandemonium ensues. After the dust settles they will beg their elected officials for more legislation that will give them a warm false sense of security. Patriot Act? Sure, why not so long as it keeps us safe for a little while longer. The 4th Amendment, who needs that? The TSA will ensure your personal safety.

Benjamin Franklin said it best, “those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”.

As for Agenda 21 . . . we are the proverbial frog in the pot and the water is about to come to a rolling boil. :help:

07-30-11, 10:17

07-30-11, 14:53
All by Political Prestigitation done during WEINERGATE which got the headlines from our beloved media looking out for our best interests.

I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who caught that. ;)

As for being optional or not, if you do not bow to the will of the globalists you will simply be labeled as a "domestic terrorist" or the like and rounded up and sent off to a re-education camp oops I mean a Department of Homeland Security Detention Center.

07-30-11, 19:43

08-01-11, 23:06
I personally think we need to hold our elected representatives accountable. No more double talk. We need to drastically reduce immigration, close the anchor baby loophole, not allow immigrants to bring extended family to our country once they obtain their citizenship, cut off aid to illegal immigrants, etc...:help:
If I remember my history correctly I could have sworn that we had a law in place that gave precedence to skilled immigrants?! This was enacted with the japanese and chinese. We need to go back to that.

I believe New Zealand has a point system. You get X amount of points for assets, education, etc... If you do not have enough points you do not get into the country.

If you have a elected official who is floundering on immigration then you tell them good luck getting your vote in the future. We need to let the politicians know that they don't need to worry about the spanish population forecast because their asses will be voted out long before those little bastards are able to breed they way into the majority minority spot.
We need to get past this black/white bullshit. I gotta tell you that I have more in common with my black friends and coworkers, than hispanic, indian, muslim, asians......None of them want to embrace the american culture instead they want all of the benefits of being american and then they want the U.S. to cater to their cultural and social ideals!!! That's bullshit.....what ever happened to when in Rome?
When in the U.S. means.....jack and shit....and jack left town!:angry:

This is what we need to do. Then when/if we've used up those avenues. We look at the fact this is a republic of nation states and those states do not have to stay in the republic if they don't want to.

Hell Texas has this in their state constitution. Of course the chances of Texas getting their house in order is fast becoming a non starter. I'm in San Antonio and anglos only make up about 36% of the population down here. WTH? We can't afford to lose the warm water ports in Texas or the natural resources. SOooooo? This is getting ugly and it will only get uglier.

08-02-11, 03:23
This whole illegal thing is certainly starting to piss me right off. I see that the Obama Administration is going to challenge the new laws set to take effect on 01 SEP 2011 in Alabama.

If the federal government is not going to do it's job, then it needs to step aside and allow the states to do so. Here is something that I received from one of our U.K brethren about the situation in the U.K as it pertains to illegals. I have not been able to verify it's accuracy- but it sounds right to me.

Oh BRITAIN , where did we go wrong?

We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.?

Are you aware of the following?

The British Government provides the following financial assistance: -
BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER (bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National Insurance contributions to the British government all their working life) Weekly allowance: £106.00
IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN (No Income Tax and National Insurance contribution whatsoever) Weekly allowance: £250.00

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Weekly Spouse allowance: £25.00

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Additional weekly hardship allowance £0.00
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN Additional weekly hardship allowance £100.00

A British old age pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant/refugee yet receives nothing


Please read all and then forward to all your contacts so that we can lobby for a decent state pension.

After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.

As an interesting side note. I asked some of our Iraqi workers what happens if you are "illegal" within Iraq and you are arrested by the police. I was told that you will be brought to jail or prison (although you can buy your way out of detention) and eventually will see a judge. If it is deemed that you are illegal then you are deported. You are theoretically not able to collect any type of assistance (welfare, medical care, etc...). Since we know Iraq is screwed up and there still is no infrastructure or social system set in place it is a moot point, but nonetheless you can't collect.

08-02-11, 03:44
It's the same all over Western civilization; I have a good friend from Germany. What Mexicans are to the US Turks are to Germany. Since "they” couldn't raise the rest of the world to the same level with the West “they" are lowering us down so we can all meet somewhere in the middle and live in a global utopia where we all beat our swords into plowshares, hold hands, and skip with rainbow gum drops.

08-02-11, 03:49
I don't see what the big deal is. America will be so much better if it is more like Mexico.

I for one welcome the cartels and our new La Raza overlords.

08-02-11, 07:52
It's the same all over Western civilization

The western world seems to suffer from the same mental affliction.

08-02-11, 19:40
It's the same all over Western civilization; I have a good friend from Germany. What Mexicans are to the US Turks are to Germany. Since "they” couldn't raise the rest of the world to the same level with the West “they" are lowering us down so we can all meet somewhere in the middle and live in a global utopia where we all beat our swords into plowshares, hold hands, and skip with rainbow gum drops.

You're dead on Moose, as a matter of fact there's a saying in Germany that roughly translates: I don't understand I'm from a different worksite."
Since none of them can speak german they fuk all when it comes to taking direction!!!

My family is German and I'm first gen American. You are exactly correct that it seems like the ethnic minorities of the world are flocking to all Western countries and it's rats trying to sink the boat! They're too lazy to fix their own gdamn countries so they want to come to someone else's country and then once they reaped the benefits.....they actually want the host country to change it's policies to cater to them!!!

08-02-11, 23:25
It's the same all over Western civilization; I have a good friend from Germany. What Mexicans are to the US Turks are to Germany. Since "they” couldn't raise the rest of the world to the same level with the West “they" are lowering us down so we can all meet somewhere in the middle and live in a global utopia where we all beat our swords into plowshares, hold hands, and skip with rainbow gum drops.
Au contraire, mon ami!

The Globalists' ultimate goal is GENOCIDE. No more than 500 million on the planet. Agenda 21 is part of a much larger plan put forth by The Club of Rome. Thus we have the *WORSHIP* of Nature as opposed to the RESPECT and STEWARDSHIP of Nature. What we see happening all over Africa and in other places of "little brown people" is planned to take place here, too. Make no mistake about it.

Another little oddity is something called "The Georgia Stones". It fits into the "Agenda 21" and "World Heritage Sites".

Also, Obama - like Bush before him - have little to do with any of this. It's greater than them. Both have aided the conspirators to a *large* extent and in some ways Obama has resisted them. A little bit.

08-03-11, 02:43
Au contraire, mon ami!

The Globalists' ultimate goal is GENOCIDE. No more than 500 million on the planet. Agenda 21 is part of a much larger plan put forth by The Club of Rome. Thus we have the *WORSHIP* of Nature as opposed to the RESPECT and STEWARDSHIP of Nature. What we see happening all over Africa and in other places of "little brown people" is planned to take place here, too. Make no mistake about it.

Another little oddity is something called "The Georgia Stones". It fits into the "Agenda 21" and "World Heritage Sites".

Also, Obama - like Bush before him - have little to do with any of this. It's greater than them. Both have aided the conspirators to a *large* extent and in some ways Obama has resisted them. A little bit.

My plowshare and gum drop comment was an attempt at sarcasm. The powers that be have never had our best interests in mind. The population control measures that have yet to commence are merely to get us down to a "managble number". I think "they" see themselves as benevolet for it, as they feel they are saving us from ourselves. Over population is a real concern and who else best suited for the task at hand. . . :ph34r:

The Club of Rome is just one of many factions working towards the same goal. They have all gone by many names over the centuries.

08-03-11, 07:09
Points well taken. However, the population control is in full swing. What's the birth rate of Middle Class Americans?

What's the rate of sexual dysfunction/infertility and what's the effect of nooestrogens in our foods and food packaging as well as in lotions? Look at the cancer rates; the over-medication of huge swaths of society and many of these psychotropic drugs can be found in metro area water supply.

Also, take a second (or third) look at EM Pollution and these so-called "natural" diseases - especially in Developing Nations.

I feel they MAY come close to the numbers they intend to cull. Especially if things in Eurasia "go pear-shaped" and the hawkish, genocidal Elitists aren't thwarted by our currently dismissive public-at-large.

Just my thoughts on the matter.


Dr. John Coleman has a most interesting book titled CONSPIRATOR'S HIERARCHY that many may find entertaining.

Then there is the result of warfare.

08-03-11, 09:01

08-03-11, 12:32
I don't have anything against people who live a different way, I just don't want to subsidize it. Especially subsidizing these filthy leg spreading whores and degenerate couples who use the courts and cops like people used to use their fists and frying pans. Solve your own problems, I couldn't care less who is beating who. This isn't East Germany, you can leave. No more child support or spousal support, we'll replace that with "think before you spread".

I heard that 35% of kids are born to medicaid eligible parents and 50% are born out of wedlock. That wouldn't happen if it wasn't subsidized at the expense of the people who get up, go to work and do right. Society has a place for people who abuse children, it's called jail.

08-03-11, 13:02
Didn't you know that free cell phones are now a civil right. (http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/capitol/free_cell_phones_are_civil_right_htTMcKQFrjdvyl9A6NHPdP#ixzz1TrgxELho) :bad:

Recently, a federal government program called the Universal Service Fund came to the Keystone State and some residents are thrilled because it means they can enjoy 250 minutes a month and a handset for free, just because they don't have the money to pay for it. Through Assurance Wireless and SafeLink from Tracfone Wireless these folks get to reach out and touch someone while the cost of their service is paid for by everyone else. You see, the telecommunications companies are funding the Universal Service Fund to the tune of $4 billion a year because the feds said they have to and in order to recoup their money, the companies turn around and hike their fees to paying customers. But those of use paying for the free service for the poor, should be happy about this infuriating situation, says Gary Carter, manager of national partnerships for Assurance, because "the program is about peace of mind." Free cell service means "one less bill that someone has to pay, so they can pay their rent or for day care...it is a right to have peace of mind," Cater explained.

Argentina sounds better and better every day that passes.

08-03-11, 13:10
"As of the first quarter of 2011, the USF fee, which changes quarterly, equals 15.5 percent of a telecom company's interstate and end-user revenues."

Pay for those that don't.

08-03-11, 13:21

08-03-11, 13:31
It is our duty now to begin to lay the plans and determine the strategy for the winning of a lasting peace and the establishment of an American standard of living higher than ever before known. We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth—is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed, and insecure.
This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain inalienable political rights—among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty.
As our nation has grown in size and stature, however—as our industrial economy expanded—these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness.
We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.”[2] People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.
In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.
Among these are:
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.
America's own rightful place in the world depends in large part upon how fully these and similar rights have been carried into practice for all our citizens.
For unless there is security here at home there cannot be lasting peace in the world.

Add in the right of a free cell phone.

08-03-11, 16:09
However, the population control is in full swing.

Allow me to clarify if I may.

I do know that there are some population control measures in effect. Everything from the civil rights movement, war on poverty, woman’s liberation movement, the sex revolution, drug culture (counter culture), genetically engineered diseases (AIDS), genetically modified food, climate change hoax, mandatory immunizations/inoculations/vaccines, chemical castration, chemicals that create infertility via the regulated food supply, public water supply, and or aerosol chem trails, et al.

My comment about the measures yet to take place are the ones that entail the .gov stock pile of plastic coffins. ;)

What's the birth rate of Middle Class Americans?

The US middle class has declined due to the fact that it is mostly comprised of whites. White women today do not get married at 16, have 5 children, and stay at home and work the family farm like my grandmothers did back during WWII. Instead they are going to college and concentrating on a career long before they decide to start a family. If they do start a family they are only going to have one or two children at the most, women's lib and all.

Thanks for the book recommendation as I'm always adding to my library.

08-03-11, 20:39
anybody feel like it's gone or going "5150" trajectory at times ?

I can tell you that Los Angeles is erroding and changing very fast. Seems like the deterioration has accelerated the last 6 months or so.

The people I protect @ high levels are noticing it & making comments privately & continually, I notice it, my LEO/LEA/MIL brethren I work with do as well.

Weird stuff happening that was already weird enough already. It's going to get ugly and "animal reptilian brain worst" before it gets better in the larger Urban/Metro areas bank on it...

you are 100% on the money!

Also if you think about it CA, Los Angeles in particular, is the proverbial canary in the colemine as to what is going to transpire throughout the rest of the country. My LEO and Fed friends have "gotten it" in the past year. What they used to rib me about they now ask probing intelligent questions. My best friend's Dad who has always scoffed at stuff has purchased land with water on it, and built a cabin and has purchased about a year of emergeny food My own Dad has drilled the water well he's been putting off for years recently and he and my Mother planted and tended 3 victory gardens this year, to get an idea of what the yield would actually be and what grows best....I don't even talk about it anymore. I just do my thing and keep my head down. At this point if you can't see the writing on the wall then I guess we'll see darwinism at it's finest!