View Full Version : Absolutely despicable

10-26-07, 13:13
Read through those Phonies' stories and keep them and future phonies in your sights!!!!


10-26-07, 15:36
To those of you who have served in the military -- and I didn't -- I can't even begin to imagine your outrage at bar-room poseurs.

In my own way, as a grateful citizen patriot, I share your outrage.

ioc102, I'm gonna (respectfully) offer a counterpoint to something I read on that website you mentioned...

My former father-in-law, Rico, served in the U.S. Navy in WWII. He never held high rank, serving primarily as a cook. His last post was head-of-household for Adm. Thomas H. Moorer when the Admiral was JCS Chairman.

Cush duty, right?

Rico was Filipino. He and his family fled Quezon City when the Japanese invaded; his mother and sisters ultimately were captured, his father and brother killed. Rico somehow found his way into the arms of the U.S. Navy, lied about his age (he was 16) and enlisted.

He served quietly and proudly for 32 years, both stateside and in harm's way, eventually becoming a U.S. citizen. He may have been a cook and a glorified houseboy, but in those days a Filipino couldn't aspire to more.

That's our fault, not his.

Rico spoke with me about all this just once. I'm glad he did and I'm proud to have known him.

And if anyone ever, ever were to try to to diminish his courage or his service, I'd take that person directly to the mat.

10-26-07, 19:34
My former father-in-law, Rico, served in the U.S. Navy in WWII. He never held high rank, serving primarily as a cook. His last post was head-of-household for Adm. Thomas H. Moorer when the Admiral was JCS Chairman.
And if anyone ever, ever were to try to to diminish his courage or his service, I'd take that person directly to the mat.

I have much respect for people like Rico. Please send him my regards! You don't have to be a SF, Recon, Seal, CIA etc etc... to serve your country. There're many ways to contribute and be proud of what you do. I will never disrespect anyone who earns an honest living.

10-26-07, 19:50
I have much respect for people like Rico. Please send him my regards!

Dangit, ioc102, I said he was my former father-in-law. ;) But since I can't get to Rico these days, I'll gladly give those regards to my current father-in-law, who flew DC-3s with a rescue squadron in Korea. :)