View Full Version : What is this?

Bauer C
07-22-11, 00:47
What is he shooting into?


07-22-11, 01:12
I don't know the correct term, but it's a firearm tester / bullet trapper.

Where you can safely fire guns for function test or clear weapon.

07-22-11, 01:56
I believe this is it.


07-22-11, 02:22
Here's an other version.

The ones that I have seen have been filled with a bunch of small rubber balls that slow the bullets down.

07-22-11, 03:07
Here's an other version.

The ones that I have seen have been filled with a bunch of small rubber balls that slow the bullets down.

I was guessing this, but we had those kinds of devices used for round clearing, though I dont know why anyone would do that multiple times.

07-22-11, 03:40
They are also used in places where a range facility isn't present but a need for test firing is. I wish I had one here as it would be worth its' eight in gold. Getting to a range isn't easy.

I was guessing this, but we had those kinds of devices used for round clearing, though I dont know why anyone would do that multiple times.

07-23-11, 00:38
Iraqqunz is correct it is a snail system from Savage Range Systems Inc.

Here's an other version.

The ones that I have seen have been filled with a bunch of small rubber balls that slow the bullets down.These type of systems vary a bit from the decelerator type systems in the video. The decelerator is mostly used in clearing and test fire of weapons. Whereas the media types of traps are used to capture the bullet intact and are often used in forensics.