View Full Version : Bill Clinton, "How dare you?"

10-27-07, 08:59
Did anyone else notice that when Clinton pulled himself up to his fully-indignant height to say, "How dare you?" to a heckler saying that 911 was an inside job, he never offered any evidence to the contrary? He merely counted on his stature as a public figure to ridicule the guy and draw the crowd into shouting him down. A clever way to avoid the question is to ridicule the questioner.

It was a great performance by the former leader of the free world though. So good, in fact, that I felt I'd seen it before. Then it hit me - that's the same look you give your cabinet and the rest of the world when you say, "I did not have sex with that woman!"

10-27-07, 09:12
Why bother to provide evidence to the contrary?

1) They weren't there to debate the issue. They were there to make a disturbance.
2) They wouldn't listen to reason anyway. The scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in support of the so-called "official story" (I guess using the term "the truth" isn't in vogue with the tinfoil hatters these days). Yet, the conspiracy theorists refuse to believe it.

Whatever his motivations, whatever his politics, he did a good job of handling the situation. He rose above their petty antics, kept the crowd on his side, and let security handle the situation.

10-27-07, 09:15
I am not a fan of ol' Willie Klinton.

His action, however, is understandable. The conspiracy theorists are working off of paranoia and distrust of a system so incompetant that the President of the United States of America couldn't conceal a BLOW JOB!!!!

How dare they? Seriously, how ****ing dare they!?

Bin Laden talked to Al Jazeera about planning the attacks and how much damage the towers would sustain. They tried before to blow the towers up. There were numerous trained terrorists captured and detained from A-stan. The look of glee on the Islamo-Fascists from every nation when the towers and Pentagon were hit betrays their inner intent.

Ever notice that when you offer to smash someone's face into a curb their views and vocal opinions suddenly shift?

I have friends that picked pieces of aircraft and human remains out of the Pentagon. I know people that were on I-95, watching as the aircraft hit the Pentagon. I have friends whose fathers responded to the attacks on the WTC and watched people jump to their deaths to avoid burning alive. Tell me they are liars. Dare they?

I have done multiple tours in this war. I will do many more. Dare they?

10-27-07, 10:23
As much as I distrust the Clintons, their motivations and their politics, I think it crosses the line to make an accusation of that sort.

We need to focus on the real threat - Islamofascism. While our elected representatives (notice I didn't say "leaders") do that, we need to monitor how far they go with eroding our civil liberties. They work for us.


10-27-07, 11:10
Actually, this is one occasion (I think the ONLY one) where I agree with Clinton.

...just saying that makes me feel like I need a shower.

10-27-07, 11:43
Did anyone else notice that when Clinton pulled himself up to his fully-indignant height to say, "How dare you?" to a heckler saying that 911 was an inside job, he never offered any evidence to the contrary? He merely counted on his stature as a public figure to ridicule the guy and draw the crowd into shouting him down. A clever way to avoid the question is to ridicule the questioner.

It was a great performance by the former leader of the free world though. So good, in fact, that I felt I'd seen it before. Then it hit me - that's the same look you give your cabinet and the rest of the world when you say, "I did not have sex with that woman!"

And your point is what? Do you think the heckler is right, that 9/11 is inside job? Or are you saying that you think Bill Clinton thinks it was an inside job, wanted to leave the comment out there, and didn't want to defend President Bush?

10-27-07, 11:50
Why bother to provide evidence to the contrary?

1) They weren't there to debate the issue. They were there to make a disturbance.
2) They wouldn't listen to reason anyway. The scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in support of the so-called "official story" (I guess using the term "the truth" isn't in vogue with the tinfoil hatters these days). Yet, the conspiracy theorists refuse to believe it.

Whatever his motivations, whatever his politics, he did a good job of handling the situation. He rose above their petty antics, kept the crowd on his side, and let security handle the situation.

Absolutely, positively, 100% on-point, Dport! :cool:

10-31-07, 10:07
Actually, this is one occasion (I think the ONLY one) where I agree with Clinton.

...just saying that makes me feel like I need a shower.
Gotta agree with ya.

10-31-07, 15:30
Whatever his motivations, whatever his politics, he did a good job of handling the situation. He rose above their petty antics, kept the crowd on his side, and let security handle the situation.

He is the consumate politician. He needed to distance the party from it's lunatic fringe. He did it well.

10-31-07, 19:19
As much as I don't like Billy boy, or his bride Hitlery Clintoon, I was quite happy to see Bill act like he had some balls, granted all he said was "HOW DARE YOU." But I felt that said enough, the heckler was an idiot, and a idiot such as he clearly was, there is no use in trying to explain anything to, even if Bill had of laid down some facts for the goon, it would have been a worthless effort.

10-31-07, 20:21
Actually, this is one occasion (I think the ONLY one) where I agree with Clinton.

...just saying that makes me feel like I need a shower.

I have to concur on both counts

10-31-07, 21:50
Seems like a set-up to me.

I don't take anything a Clinton does at face value.

11-01-07, 09:18
I don't take anything a Clinton does at face value.

That is excellent advice.

11-02-07, 22:00
Did anyone else notice that when Clinton pulled himself up to his fully-indignant height to say, "How dare you?" to a heckler saying that 911 was an inside job, he never offered any evidence to the contrary? He merely counted on his stature as a public figure to ridicule the guy and draw the crowd into shouting him down. A clever way to avoid the question is to ridicule the questioner.

What in the hell is that supposed to mean?

11-03-07, 05:35
What in the hell is that supposed to mean?

Translation: "Thanks for playing 'The Heckling Game' -- my security detail has some lovely parting gifts for you backstage." ;)

11-03-07, 22:14
Did anyone else notice that when Clinton pulled himself up to his fully-indignant height to say, "How dare you?" to a heckler saying that 911 was an inside job, he never offered any evidence to the contrary? He merely counted on his stature as a public figure to ridicule the guy and draw the crowd into shouting him down. A clever way to avoid the question is to ridicule the questioner.

Am I to understand that you expect public officials of any ilk to offer evidence that 9/11 WASN'T an inside job??

11-04-07, 12:01
Am I to understand that you expect public officials of any ilk to offer evidence that 9/11 WASN'T an inside job??

No, it's just a question of which time he is lying/obfuscating. Such conduct cost him his license to practice law. No credibility.

11-04-07, 14:55
No, it's just a question of which time he is lying/obfuscating. Such conduct cost him his license to practice law. No credibility.

Really? I was never aware of Clinton losing his license. When did this happen?:D

11-04-07, 15:11
Really? I was never aware of Clinton losing his license. When did this happen?:D

Five Year Suspension. (http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2006/01/president_clint.html)