View Full Version : Father kills son and two adults; "assault rifle" used

Travis B
07-22-11, 08:25

Estranged husband broke into separated wife's apartment and started shooting, killing two adults and his young son. Police found an "assault rifle" and think it was used in the crime.

Is this the new Brady case? With AZ, etc. anti-gunners definitely have a lot of evidence to try and ban them.

07-22-11, 10:21
As long as I live I will probably never understand the whole "I hate my ex wife so let's kill the kids too" mentality." If she has to go fine, I understand. If you know what will happen to you and you'd rather check yourself out too, go ahead - I understand. But leave the damn kids alone. You aren't doing them a favor. You aren't rescuing them from anything. You aren't saving them from the system. All you are doing is robbing them of the only chance they are going to get. I don't care how messed up your life turned out to be, at least you were given the opportunity to take a crack at it - give them the same damn consideration.

07-22-11, 11:02
As long as I live I will probably never understand the whole "I hate my ex wife so let's kill the kids too" mentality." If she has to go fine, I understand. If you know what will happen to you and you'd rather check yourself out too, go ahead - I understand. But leave the damn kids alone. You aren't doing them a favor. You aren't rescuing them from anything. You aren't saving them from the system. All you are doing is robbing them of the only chance they are going to get. I don't care how messed up your life turned out to be, at least you were given the opportunity to take a crack at it - give them the same damn consideration.

With ya 100% - though having never been in the position of being raked over the coals for child support or whatever by a vengeful bitch I can't say for sure, but I don't know how you get to the "she has to go" point anyway. I always thought the worst thing I could do to someone who ****ed around on me was to let the dude have her.

That being said, though, you make some good points.

ETA: oh. Cultural issues too, looks like. Hmong or Thai or something like that?

07-22-11, 14:06
This guy would have used a machete if he didn't have access to a weapon. I tell you what if someone wants to rattle the assault weapon ban over something like this they can go jump in a lake. The liberals open our borders to all kinds of ethnic minorities who we've watched on TV doing this same shit in their own countries. Now they get a ticket to America, probably using the tired and worn out " political refugee" excuse. And they pull the same shit over here....no big surprise!! We have somalies, africans, muslims from all over, hispanics, S.E. Asians........look at the news in those parts of the world! They're all armpits and then we bring these people over here and guess what? They don't change.....they bring these violent tendencies with them and do the same crap over here.
I did a report about 10yrs ago the ethnic makeup of U.S. prisons......83%......freakin 83% of offenders were ethnic minorities!!!

I am by no means a bigot, I call it as it is. And of course there are plenty of white Americans who have done some henious shit, but compared to overall population that number is a fraction of this other groups. Where there is smoke there is fire. We need to get a handle on this and stop allowing the gov't (dem or rep) to allow every tom, dick, and harry to immigrate to this country.

sorry for the rant, but this hit a nerve! I see crap like this in S. Texas all of the time. 95% of the time it's someone other than Anglo.