View Full Version : Cops Always Stomping Our Rights...

07-22-11, 12:15

So nicely played it isn't even funny.


1. Officers secures his own safety in a polite and professional manner (truly the mark of a veteran officer).

2. Absolutely refuses to take the bait when it is offered many, many times. (See above comment about professional and veteran officer).

3. Officer is conscious of the likely agenda and not only doesn't he fall for it, he owns it. (See above comment about professional and veteran officer).

4. Gives Mr. Open Carry the once over and determines he is in compliance and within the law while refusing to fall for any nonsense.

5. Secures the public safety and sends Mr. "I tried to start some shit for Youtube" on his merry way."

I love it when a plan comes together. Give that man a ceegar.


07-22-11, 12:26


07-22-11, 12:28
Agreed: absolutely perfect.

Wonder what have happened if this guy met the other guy. Division by zero? Matter/Antimatter? DogsandCatsLyingDownTogether?

07-22-11, 12:29

That was good. I like how he smiled into the camera to make sure YouTube got a good view of him.

07-22-11, 12:41
I really don't like these YouTube point makers. They make "responsible" gun carriers look like someone wanting something to happen. Then when it does (the stop) you can hear the shaking in their voice when they spout out their rehearsed "I don't have to tell you that" line.

Just one more reason that concealed is better in my opinion. No need for a stop if they never see it.

I have, on the other hand, had a LEO friend of mine check my hip (sort of jokingly) when he ran into me at an outdoor drinking event. Of course I wasn't carrying as I was partaking of some tasty beverages. We had words about it one day when he was off work. Dunno why, but it kinda bothered me because I thought he knew me better than that. No point really, other than trust doesn't seem to flow in an even back and forth way at times. It does now, but it did put a small blemish on our friendship. That being said, I completely understand why an officer would want to check an open carrying person they don't know from Adam, and this officer won with Aces.

Good job on his part for recognizing both the potential hazards as well as the PR issue.

07-22-11, 13:06
I really don't like these YouTube point makers. They make "responsible" gun carriers look like someone wanting something to happen. Then when it does (the stop) you can hear the shaking in their voice when they spout out their rehearsed "I don't have to tell you that" line.

When we threw Englands tea into the harbor we wanted "something to happen." Now I don't mean to equate them with the freedom fighters they see themselves as but they do get the message out to the extent that this officer was aware of the proper way to deal with the situation.

The bottom line is sooner or later somebody has to sit at the front of the bus. I only wish the guys doing it did it as politely as this responding officer.

07-22-11, 13:14
Excellent job on the officers side of things.

07-22-11, 13:48
excellent job on both sides. You can tell by the voice of the guy carrying that he was clearly rattled and a bit scared, however he went out and exercised his constitutional rights. I wonder if the officer would have been as jovial and fair had he not known he was being recorded? I don't think so. This officer realized he was being setup and acting accordingly.

07-22-11, 14:05
excellent job on both sides. You can tell by the voice of the guy carrying that he was clearly rattled and a bit scared, however he went out and exercised his constitutional rights. I wonder if the officer would have been as jovial and fair had he not known he was being recorded? I don't think so. This officer realized he was being setup and acting accordingly.

I'm willing to give a "good cop" the benefit of the doubt and assume he is usually a "good cop." You can't just invent personality like that. I also bet if you truly are a scum bag and not just a guy who is less than cordial while within his rights he has a side that isn't quite so officer friendly.

07-22-11, 14:11
When we threw Englands tea into the harbor we wanted "something to happen." Now I don't mean to equate them with the freedom fighters they see themselves as but they do get the message out to the extent that this officer was aware of the proper way to deal with the situation.

The bottom line is sooner or later somebody has to sit at the front of the bus. I only wish the guys doing it did it as politely as this responding officer.

For sure. Keep in mind, my dislike of the people I mentioned is a personal opinion and in no way was intended to promote the limiting of his rights to carry openly. I just think it's foolish for far more reasons than getting stopped by a LEO. As I'm certain it has been discussed here before, carrying openly lets everyone know you're carrying.

As far as the Boston Tea Party, I definitely DON'T carry with the intent of wanting something to happen, but in the event that it does, as pert neer all here do, but I get your point.

07-22-11, 14:16
With a little google searching came up with this.


07-22-11, 14:23
I really don't like these YouTube point makers. They make "responsible" gun carriers look like someone wanting something to happen. Then when it does (the stop) you can hear the shaking in their voice when they spout out their rehearsed "I don't have to tell you that" line.

Just one more reason that concealed is better in my opinion. No need for a stop if they never see it.

I have, on the other hand, had a LEO friend of mine check my hip (sort of jokingly) when he ran into me at an outdoor drinking event. Of course I wasn't carrying as I was partaking of some tasty beverages. We had words about it one day when he was off work. Dunno why, but it kinda bothered me because I thought he knew me better than that. No point really, other than trust doesn't seem to flow in an even back and forth way at times. It does now, but it did put a small blemish on our friendship. That being said, I completely understand why an officer would want to check an open carrying person they don't know from Adam, and this officer won with Aces.

Good job on his part for recognizing both the potential hazards as well as the PR issue.

Anybody who would check me to see if I was carrying a gun (unless they were wanting to make sure I HAD a gun) would not be a buddy any longer.

07-22-11, 14:26
Anybody who would check me to see if I was carrying a gun (unless they were wanting to make sure I HAD a gun) would not be a buddy any longer.

Should have clarified. It did have an effect. That happened almost three years ago. the "words" we had were not pleasant and it's just getting back to normal.

07-22-11, 14:41
I am going to say very little about this subject because of my personal experience....

First, There is a HUGE difference between protecting your rights and looking for someone to sue.

Second, Why do you think these "open carry warriors" are seen on their home made videos carrying Lorcins, Rugers and Hi-Points? They are knowledgeable of the laws and how to set up LEOs that don't have the knowledge about the open carry laws but they look beyond the real aspect of carrying a firearm and the responsibility and training that goes along with it.

07-22-11, 14:52

That officer was great. lol

07-22-11, 17:10
With a little google searching came up with this.


WOW. A CA cop, now I'm really impressed.

I am going to say very little about this subject because of my personal experience....

First, There is a HUGE difference between protecting your rights and looking for someone to sue.

Second, Why do you think these "open carry warriors" are seen on their home made videos carrying Lorcins, Rugers and Hi-Points? They are knowledgeable of the laws and how to set up LEOs that don't have the knowledge about the open carry laws but they look beyond the real aspect of carrying a firearm and the responsibility and training that goes along with it.

I'm gonna disagree on both points.

First this is obviously California and there is a HUGE gun rights battle going on. This is not just a case of looking for cops to sue.

Second, these guys carry crap guns because they expect them to be confiscated.

And finally I would HOPE that you would not let personal experience prejudice your interactions with other citizens just as you would hope to not be judged by citizens who have had previous bad experiences with law enforcement officers. I would like to think that if I was in your town and lawfully armed that I could expect to be treated in a polite and courteous manner in any encounter with you.

07-22-11, 17:28
I am going to say very little about this subject because of my personal experience....

First, There is a HUGE difference between protecting your rights and looking for someone to sue.

Second, Why do you think these "open carry warriors" are seen on their home made videos carrying Lorcins, Rugers and Hi-Points? They are knowledgeable of the laws and how to set up LEOs that don't have the knowledge about the open carry laws but they look beyond the real aspect of carrying a firearm and the responsibility and training that goes along with it.

Actually, most of these guys in CA that you denigrate are honestly doing their best to further the cause for armed citizens in public. It's not as black and white as you state it to be and while Oceanside PD truly did represent, there's plenty of CA PDs that are extremely unprofessional and make it a point to hassle UOC folk.