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07-25-11, 11:15

07-25-11, 11:19
This could destroy Obama's 2012 hopes.

07-25-11, 11:49
Thanks for the heads up, Hop.

Methinks a donation to SAF is in order.

07-25-11, 12:13
Requires ratification by the United States Senate?

Yeah. That's gonna happen. :rolleyes:

07-25-11, 12:32
The trully scary thing is that all of those treaty provisions

1.Enact tougher licensing requirements, creating additional bureaucratic red tape for legal firearms ownership.
2.Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms (exempting those owned by our government of course).
3.Ban the trade, sale and private ownership of all semi-automatic weapons (any that have magazines even though they still operate in the same one trigger pull – one single “bang” manner as revolvers, a simple fact the ant-gun media never seem to grasp).
4.Create an international gun registry, clearly setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation.
5.In short, overriding our national sovereignty, and in the process, providing license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights.

Would all be seen as being constitutional and OK by the 2A if judged by a Sotomayer or any of those four moral/mental midgets. That's why the presidency is so important and we need to clone Scalia.

07-25-11, 13:06
Gee, no surprise that the Obama administration has endorsed and fully supports the UN in this matter. :rolleyes:

Gutshot John
07-25-11, 13:29
Thread covering the exact same topic, linking to the exact same article and with the exact same title can be found here:


07-25-11, 17:03

07-25-11, 18:42
With a group like SAF all over this and a 2/3 vote needed to ratify in the Senate I don't think this will happen. Good to keep an eye on it though.

07-26-11, 18:43
Posted on this about a month back. It cannot get enough attention!


07-26-11, 19:37
Requires ratification by the United States Senate?

Yeah. That's gonna happen. :rolleyes:

...and the debt ceiling will never be a problem like in Europe.

...will anyone be held accountable for fast & furious??

...many said obamacare had a snowball's chance in hell.

...I would have lost my soul betting multiple long gun purchase forms would be required in Texas.

I've lost faith on both sides of the isle & think our elected officials will do anything for power & greed...don't sweep this under the rug.

Everyone should be vigilant regardless of what the 2/3 odds are.

07-26-11, 20:16
...and the debt ceiling will never be a problem like in Europe.

...will anyone be held accountable for fast & furious??

...many said obamacare had a sonwball's chance in hell.

...I would have lost my soul betting multiple long gun purchase forms would be required in Texas.

I've lost faith on both sides of the isle & think our elected officials will do anything for power & greed...don't sweep this under the rug.

Everyone should be vigilant regardless of what the 2/3 odds are.

Absolutely correct. The 2nd is the last hurdle for plans that have been set in motion for a long time now.

07-26-11, 22:00

Gutshot John
07-26-11, 22:03
I've still got a hundred bucks that this goes nowhere before the next congress (Jan 2013) when it will have to be reintroduced.

07-26-11, 23:46
"There's a lot of things that have happened recently that I would have thought were not probable or plausible to happen & did...."

That only happens when you have your ear to the ground and not your head stuck in the sand. ;)

Thanks for posting this Hop. Maybe the mods can merge yours and Moose's threads?

07-27-11, 01:26
Another reason to evict the UN from of our country and withdraw from that POS organization.

07-27-11, 01:48
Yep indeed w/o a doubt Sir.

I've got $1 dollar that says MOST people in America would have thought this was not possible either...


Well worth sending you a buck if you think otherwise.

Holy crap, 8 cops needed for 3 guys handing out Gospels of John (with a 4th videotaping from a distance)? Then told (after being photographed and IDs demanded) that they are not permitted to hand out printed speech within 5 blocks of a public gathering?

This is another video showcasing the police state's war on cameras as well. The cop even had the audacity to demand he give him (the officer) the camera. I guess these officers have never heard of the 4th Amendment.

This actually deserves another thread if you (or someone else) hasn't already started one.

07-27-11, 06:45
The UN treaty is all about choking off the free flow of civilian ( meaning legit self defense and sport ) guns and ammo at market prices.
Even if the US Senate never ratifies the POS ( which the current Senate never will , based on vote , cosponsor records , & support for Heller & McDonald ) it still can hurt US gun people.

Here's some info about gun laws worlwide:



07-27-11, 13:56
Democrats oppose UN treaty. (http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2011/07/26/democrats-oppose-obama-un-gun-control-treaty?s_cid=rss%3Awashington-whispers%3Ademocrats-oppose-obama-un-gun-control-treaty)

Twelve Democratic senators have joined 45 Republicans in a fast growing movement to halt progress on an Obama-backed United Nations effort that could bring international gun control into the United States and slap America's gun owners with severe restrictions.

Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester's office today provided Whispers with their letter, signed by 11 other Democrats, urging the president to press for significant changes in the treaty. Their major concern: that domestic manufacture, possession, and sales of firearms and ammo will be included, thereby giving an international authority the right to regulate arms sales already protected by the Second Amendment. They also said any move for an international gun registry would be a non-starter.

07-27-11, 14:58

07-27-11, 15:02
So basically they want the U.S. to go the way of England and Austrailia.....

Not good!!

Heavy Metal
07-27-11, 15:12
That puts 57 in on record in opposition(there may be more) when 33 would be enough to stop it.

Republicans are extremely likely to make very significant gains next year in the Senate too considering the Democrats are defending so many freshmen seats. This thing is in the rear-view mirror and receeding by the day.

Stick a fork in it, it's done!

07-27-11, 15:38
I thought that the Democrats and some RINOs would have been all for it.

07-28-11, 06:01
It's pure poison in most states and House districts . Whatever their personal beliefs , a lot of politicians won't touch gun control because it costs too many votes . Example : The old and dreaded H.R. 45 had one ( 1 ) sponsor in the entire Congress.
The fact that the current administration is pushing the UN treaty ( like the partial ban on importing USGI Garands , Carbines , and 1911's )shows that they are in full meltdown - cut off from objective reality .
Just put them out of their misery in Nov 2012.

07-28-11, 10:22
Yep. I hate the UN.

Gutshot John
07-28-11, 11:15
Still no takers on the $100?

Huh? For all the noise I would have thought there was at least one person who actually believed it would happen.

How much would you bet that it doesn't even make it out of committee?

07-28-11, 12:56
Still no takers on the $100?

Huh? For all the noise I would have thought there was at least one person who actually believed it would happen.

How much would you bet that it doesn't even make it out of committee?

Well John I hope you are right sir, as for I don't put anything past stupid people bent on an agenda.

07-28-11, 13:02
2 more articles on the subject that shed more light.



07-28-11, 14:19

07-28-11, 14:43
To me the fact that he made that & other statements are cause for vigilance and concern. Certainly not apathy or it will never happen approachs. The very fact that a President would say those words disregarding our Constitution is a cause of concern to any American.

Spot on.

08-05-11, 20:52
This could destroy Obama's 2012 hopes.

God how I wish you were right. But the general public ie majority becomes more gullible and sheep like everyday.

08-05-11, 21:44
A recent article on the subject
