View Full Version : And In Other News....Illegals being Rewarded Again.

07-26-11, 18:56

Well if I still lived in California, I would be pissed. Regardless of whether or not it is private money, they are (potentially) giving money to illegals to attend school.

Every legal citizen of the state should be outraged. Why aren't we taking care of our own citizens first? What will it take for our federal government to do it's job? If they don't want to act then at least allow the states that do care to take action.

07-26-11, 19:35
+1 100% agreed & it sucks Chihuahua Balls imo.
Promoting fraud & deception by America's top leader.
Wow, great steller examples of mentoring, leadership, role models & gaming the system.
If America's lucky perhaps future Cabinet members & corporation bought political leaders.
Way to go I stand in awe of your acheivements.
I'm so proud of them !

07-26-11, 19:50
nothing like buying off your future voters.

07-26-11, 20:06
I see it's ok to reward criminal behavior. :mad:

07-26-11, 20:23
George Soros, his sons, and all of their subordinates are economic terrorists. The Dream Act is just one more of their many schemes that they have banked rolled to socially engineer the USA to oblivion.

07-26-11, 20:41
Rewarding illegal aliens for committing fraud and flying below the radar is just stupid.

My great grandmother was once an illegal immigrant (she "jumped the boat", as they used to say), but she stepped up and became a naturalized citizen once she got here. Back then, the whole point of coming to the USA was to become a US citizen.

Why the hell else would you permanently move to a country, if not to become a citizen? We're not talking about a small bohemian community of expats or something. No, dudes, we have a huddled masses of ****ing criminals who've figured out a way to game the system by NOT becoming citizens. What a disgusting perversion of American values!

07-26-11, 21:00
I really have no problem with someone wanting to better themselves and/or how the private sector wants to spend their money on education.

What i do have a problem with is the current immigration policy and washington ignoring the problem. Unless you are finanacially well off, the current system is too lenghty, costly and complicated for those solid individuals not financially capable of going through the horse shit to become U.S. civis. I have watched this and know first hand experience of middle class Mexican citizens almost giving up and throwing in the towel to live over here & make the change. It is beyond comprehension what we expect of non uber rich to live in the U.S. on the up & up.

So what do we do?? Ignore the illegal status and support the jacked up system?? I do not blame anyone for reaching out for the help in education, but do hope they strive for residency along the way as well.

Self determination / perserverance knows no borders or race and do like the idea of those wanting to become educated & bettering themselves...It is insulting to announce illegal assistance when the law should either be enforced or fixed.

All we need to do is look to Israel and their strict profiling system to fix immigration policy but the powers to be do not WANT it fixed. Keep a porous border and pray for 'illegal' votes down the road.

It'a a trap...sorry for the rant. I just feel for those that genuinely wanting to come here legally but we force them to be banditos.

~Rich muslim with a wad of cash needing a student visa who hates the U.S. and all it stands for...come on in & we will even help.

~Poor mexican wanting to work hard and escape the violence...pay up, wait several years and we'll 'give you call.'

We (the U.S.) are in a tail-spin with no time to pull out of it...frustrates the hell out of me.

07-26-11, 22:32
It would help if the POTUS wasn't sucking the dick of La Raza. http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2011/07/obamas_la_raza_speech_plugs_dr.html

07-26-11, 22:40
I see it's ok to reward criminal behavior. :mad:

Only in California..

07-26-11, 23:12
At least they are consolidating them in one state.

07-26-11, 23:28
"At the end of the day, if we're going to continue as a powerful, equal-opportunity society, we're going to have to invest in our people," Brown, a Democrat, said at the signing ceremony in the library of a Los Angeles community college."

At the end of the day you need to pay your bills and outstanding debt.

"You're going to see the red states go more the Arizona approach and blue states the California Dream Act approach," said John Skrentny, director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at University of California, San Diego."

We've seen how well California's debt management works.

07-27-11, 01:24
The liberals in Maryland want to give illegals in state tuition. :rolleyes:

07-27-11, 08:50
George Soros, his sons, and all of their subordinates are economic terrorists. The Dream Act is just one more of their many schemes that they have banked rolled to socially engineer the USA to oblivion.

100% Correct. :(

I see it's ok to reward criminal behavior.

Well, only partly true. In Kalifornia it is OK to smoke pot or jump the boarder, but God help you if you didn't register your legally owned rifle or you don't have your rifle configured just so. The liberals are highly selective on what laws they choose to enforce.

07-27-11, 09:05
Wow. I am at a loss for words on that. Go ahead and give them one more reason to come here.

With that being said, I have no issues with those who want to better themselves and get out of a crappy place but do it the right way. This is getting rediculous. What part of ILLEGAL do politicians not understand?

07-27-11, 09:09
"At the end of the day, if we're going to continue as a powerful, equal-opportunity society, we're going to have to invest in our people," Brown, a Democrat, said at the signing ceremony in the library of a Los Angeles community college."

"Our people"? I don't think that term means what you think it means.

07-27-11, 10:13
Considering the statement said "Our people", it would be reasonable to assume Americans. Not enemy combatants who have infiltrated our borders. I personally believe that illegals are combatants. Maybe not with firearms and explosives, but definitely in causing natural born Americans to have to fight for jobs, health care, and education. Not too mention the illegals are breaking down our infrastructure, last time I checked this was an element of defeating an enemy in his homeland. All the dream act will do is take the dirt poor wetback and make him a card carrying La Raza member focused on destroying the American way of life. They should have no fear since our POTUS gave La Raza his blessing to overthrow the " white man"; meaning our standing form of government.

07-28-11, 11:02
It would help if the POTUS wasn't sucking the dick of La Raza. http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2011/07/obamas_la_raza_speech_plugs_dr.html

Wow. This sounds like something straight out of a book I just read.... Scary stuff there.