View Full Version : HR 2613 Bill To Repeal Federal "Gun Free School Zones"

07-27-11, 14:03
Ron Paul introduces HR 2613. (http://www.ammoland.com/2011/07/25/bill-to-repeal-the-federal-gun-free-school-zones-act-introduced/)

Representative Ron Paul from Texas introduced HR 2613 on July 21, 2011.

If passed, it would completely repeal the Federal Gun Free School Zones Act. As you know, the Fed GFSZA effectively prohibits all forms of unlicensed carry, and does not recognize concealed carry reciprocity agreements between states.

It is currently a federal felony for any person to travel armed on public sidewalks, roads, or highways which pass within 1000 feet of any K-12 school’s property line, unless they have a CCW physically issued by the state that school is in.

The vast number of schools in developed areas effectively turns them into giant gun free zones.

This bill would fix the problem! PLEASE contact your representatives and urge them to support HR 2613.

I sincerely doubt this will pass due to the knuckleheads in power but I commend him for his efforts. You can track the bill here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-2613

07-27-11, 14:46
I can't believe you want guns in our schools, after all we've seen with Columbine, Virginia Tech, Gabrielle Giffords, Norway, etc. :mad:

The above is why this will not happen, unfortunately. The narrative is just too easy for the other side. That, and...

I think you'd need even more than a bare majority in both houses plus the White House...you'd need supermajority kind of power to get this done. Right now only having the House? Better chance of Obama hopping on prime time TV tonight and resigning, I think...

07-27-11, 14:47
This is one of the many Federal felonies that people commit on a routine basis and have no knowledge of because so many portions of the Federal code are seldom/never enforced.

If you want a really scary book to read about Federal law get this book:


Once the Feds start looking at you they can usually find a plethora of potential Federal violations to charge you with, and if they can't find some they cross their fingers and hope you accidently make a false statement during the investigation and catch a felony in that way.

07-27-11, 17:17
I can't believe you want guns in our schools, after all we've seen with Columbine, Virginia Tech, Gabrielle Giffords, Norway, etc. :mad:


Thats the best argument in the world to stir up a bunch of lefty nuts into a frenzy. This has as much chance of passing as Obama does becoming the NRA prez.

07-28-11, 13:13
A good article on the subject in a Canadian newspaper "Eh!". http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/38882