View Full Version : Fort Hood

07-28-11, 09:29
This is bad. (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/07/28/exclusive-us-military-serviceman-arrested-in-second-alleged-attack-on-ft-hood/) AWOL soldier planning attack at Ft. Hood.

07-28-11, 09:35
This report is claiming 3 soldiers arrested. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5i1XaTfhLdWFNnIeEzoDfpwpCI6bA?docId=CNG.c9797b1e831fca334c8df35849dbefe5.161

07-28-11, 12:22
Abdo went AWOL on July 4. On the eve of his first deployment to Afghanistan -- after only one year in the Army -- Abdo applied for conscientious objector status.

How convenient. :rolleyes: I'm sure this POS joined the Army for the free education benefits and shit, never thinking that he might ACTUALLY have to go into a war zone. Wonder if he was a muslim too, like Hasan (the article doesn't say). Even if he is, the MSM probably won't say anything about it.

07-28-11, 12:31
The article here (http://edition.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/07/28/fort.hood.arrest/) states that he is a Muslim and they also found bomb building material in his room.

At least one of the charges prior to him going AWOL is for child pornography as well. :angry:

07-28-11, 12:55
Abdo, who joined the infantry in 2009, refused to deploy to Afghanistan on grounds of his religion

If this **** didn't want to go to A-stan, why in the hell did he waste everyones time joining up? Again, when one joins the Army, don't they realize that one day they might have to go fight in a war somewhere? If one doesn't like the idea of that, don't put your name on the dotted line. And, no shocker that he is Muslim.

07-28-11, 13:07
If this **** didn't want to go to A-stan, why in the hell did he waste everyones time joining up? Again, when one joins the Army, don't they realize that one day they might have to go fight in a war somewhere? If one doesn't like the idea of that, don't put your name on the dotted line. And, no shocker that he is Muslim.

Like gang members who join the military I believe that it was probably done to receive military training (guns, tactics, bomb making, etc.) and he should be flogged and hung if found guilty.

07-28-11, 13:09
+1 R/Tdrvr

If this **** didn't want to go to A-stan, why in the hell did he waste everyones time joining up? Again, when one joins the Army, don't they realize that one day they might have to go fight in a war somewhere? If one doesn't like the idea of that, don't put your name on the dotted line. And, no shocker that he is Muslim.

Taqiyya and Kitman

The practice of concealing one's beliefs in dangerous circumstances originates in the Qur'an. Another good way to describe it is to conceal what is in your heart for Allah.



"KITMAN" : is used synonymously and means concealment

This will be an ongoing problem coming to us in America under the guise of "Cultural Diversity"

Wonderful isn't it....

All brought to you by Multi Cultural Diversity proponents. Talk about a Trojan Horse situation...

07-28-11, 13:14
... he is a Muslim and they also found bomb building material in his room.

Don't worry, though, he's not a terrorist.

He's just a "conscientious objector"... Who just happens to be Muslim... And has bomb-making materials...

07-28-11, 14:36
A sad state of affairs to be sure, sign of the times. Western civilization days are numbered if we do not correct our ways.

07-28-11, 18:14
I'm shocked.

I thought he'd have been Swedish or Norwegian.

07-28-11, 19:18
I'm shocked.

I thought he'd have been Swedish or Norwegian.

And christian...and a tea partier too. Its always the ones you least suspect...wait.....:ph34r:

07-28-11, 20:16
Don't worry, though, he's not a terrorist.

He's just a "conscientious objector"... Who just happens to be Muslim... And has bomb-making materials...

Just waiting on the PTSD defense even though he hasn't deployed yet.

And if anyone isn't real clear on this yet...

"Abdo, 21, was found with weapons, explosives and jihadist materials"

Also looks like the guys at Guns Galore gave officials the tip so we probably have gun dealers to thank for the fact that we didn't see a second terrorist attack related to Ft. Hood. So much about that article sickens me.

07-28-11, 20:24

"As my time came near to deployment, I started asking the question more seriously whether God would accept what I was doing and whether I was really meant to go to war, as opposed to the peace that Islam preaches," he said in an August interview with Headline News. He made similar comments in interviews with al-Jazeera.

Nice to see the kind of 'peace' that Islam supposedly preaches...

07-28-11, 20:27
+1 R/Tdrvr

Taqiyya and Kitman

The practice of concealing one's beliefs in dangerous circumstances originates in the Qur'an. Another good way to describe it is to conceal what is in your heart for Allah.



"KITMAN" : is used synonymously and means concealment

This will be an ongoing problem coming to us in America under the guise of "Cultural Diversity"

Wonderful isn't it....

All brought to you by Multi Cultural Diversity proponents. Talk about a Trojan Horse situation...

Anyone who doesn't know what we're actually talking about here: This guy gets it. Listen closely next time he says something.

07-28-11, 20:28
A sad state of affairs to be sure, sign of the times. Western civilization days are numbered.


07-28-11, 22:15
What's really a bummer is state, local, city, county, FED LEA's / LEO's all have to deal with it at the street level posthaste as a default due to curtural/ethnic diversity's ideological shortcommings (i.e. Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists et alia w/ their respective sects as well ALL cohabiting in close proximities after thousands of years of inculcated hatred & war.)

What a lovely picture.


KUMBI****IN YA ....

07-29-11, 02:45
They shouldn't let Muslims join the US Military during a period of war WITH ****ing Muslims. Herp da derp. Jihadist propaganda = insta-shitcan.

Sikhs, and other Arab groups would be acceptable, and encouraged though. IMHO.

07-29-11, 10:56
They shouldn't let Muslims join the US Military during a period of war WITH ****ing Muslims. Herp da derp. Jihadist propaganda = insta-shitcan.

Sikhs, and other Arab groups would be acceptable, and encouraged though. IMHO.

The U.S. has a long history of "dealing with the devil" so to speak. In order to communicate effectively with jihadists, you need access to people who understand the cultures, languages, etc. Unfortunately, you're almost always going to wind up with a few that understand it because they sympathize with it. That's a part of doing business effectively. :(

07-29-11, 10:59
They shouldn't let Muslims join the US Military during a period of war WITH ****ing Muslims. Herp da derp. Jihadist propaganda = insta-shitcan.

Sikhs, and other Arab groups would be acceptable, and encouraged though. IMHO.

Or blacks if we are at war in Africa, or Asians or Germans during WW2. Heck anyone who was British should not have been allowed to fight during the Revolution... Oh wait.... :rolleyes:

07-29-11, 11:04
Just waiting on the PTSD defense even though he hasn't deployed yet.

What... you haven't heard of PPTSD Pre-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

*Disclaimer - I am not making light of PTSD in any way shape or form. I have several friends that are having a very hard time after deployment and know the terrors they feel.

07-29-11, 11:39
They shouldn't let Muslims join the US Military during a period of war WITH ****ing Muslims. Herp da derp. Jihadist propaganda = insta-shitcan.

Sikhs, and other Arab groups would be acceptable, and encouraged though. IMHO.

We actually got very lucky. Imagine the damage he could have done if he successfully deployed. And **** all this Muslim consideration shit. My Grandfather bombed the shit out of Germany despite the fact that his father LITERALLY came from the Fatherland. My grandfather was an American of German heritage. His father even told him not to do it and he did it anyway because he was an American.

If a American of Muslim faith is not willing to wage war with our Muslim ENEMIES then they should be dishonorably discharged from the military....period. In fact they should have to sign a pledge to Allah that they will be willing to wage war against our Muslim enemies PRIOR to being accepted into the Military.

07-29-11, 11:49
Or blacks if we are at war in Africa, or Asians or Germans during WW2. Heck anyone who was British should not have been allowed to fight during the Revolution... Oh wait.... :rolleyes:

Religion can be a little different from race or country of origin. For example if we went to war with Israel we might have a problem with "some" of our American Jews. This is because, like Muslims, they have a religious allegiance that can take priority in their mind.

Now somewhere, someplace, is an American who is either practicing a somewhat secular form of Islam or comes from a Muslim background who is doing his job and probably pretty sick and goddamn tired of the shit he puts up with. And it is here that you make a fair point.

But we've seen enough acts of terrorism from American Muslims to know that these are not random, isolated instances and as a result we should be far more cautious than we are. The men and women we ask to serve along side (or in some cases subordinate to) members of Muslim faith are the ones who deserve the extra consideration.

07-29-11, 12:24
As he left the room, he yelled: "Nidal Hasan Fort Hood 2009."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/07/29/awol-soldier-charged-with-possessing-illegal-firearm/#ixzz1TW3iZ2MB

One bullet to the head and we're done with this mess.

07-29-11, 15:00
The problem is obviously Ft Hood. Not our peaceful service members of the religion of peace.

Just close Ft Hood. Something about it seems to make people crazy and do things they would not otherwise be inclined to do.

07-29-11, 15:57
On a side note I always thought it interesting for an individual to claim conscientious objector status in an all volunteer military. Nobody forced them to enlist. Did they not know that the fundamental purpose of a nation having a military is to fight wars when the country needs it?

07-29-11, 16:23
On a side note I always thought it interesting for an individual to claim conscientious objector status in an all volunteer military. Nobody forced them to enlist. Did they not know that the fundamental purpose of a nation having a military is to fight wars when the country needs it?

Funny also that he had no conscientious objection to acts of terrorism like shooting a restaurant full of unarmed people. Conscientious Objector must mean something else in Islam.

07-29-11, 16:54
On a side note I always thought it interesting for an individual to claim conscientious objector status in an all volunteer military. Nobody forced them to enlist. Did they not know that the fundamental purpose of a nation having a military is to fight wars when the country needs it?

Shiitebird must've just enlisted for the G.I. Bill. :rolleyes:

07-29-11, 18:04
Did they not know that the fundamental purpose of a nation having a military is to fight wars when the country needs it?

Nevermind that a lot of them have enlisted long after 9/11/2001...

I mean, really, where do they think they're going to get deployed?

07-29-11, 21:06
Like MANY young members of criminal originations, maybe he enlisted just to receive training on small arms, heavy weapons, and small unit tactics so he could go AWOL just to settle up with his fellow oxygen thieves so they can further their illicit enterprises and or commit terrorists acts.

07-29-11, 21:09
It's as if nobody in the government has ever seen Battlestar Galactica (2004).

Generally it is a BAD IDEA to have cylons in the fleet.

07-29-11, 21:10
Like MANY young members of criminal originations, maybe he enlisted just to receive training on small arms, heavy weapons, and small unit tactics so he could go AWOL just to settle up with his fellow oxygen thieves so they can further their illicit enterprises and or commit terrorists acts.

You, Hop and I are all on the same page in this regard. Pg 1 of this thread we'd both mentioned the same thing.

07-29-11, 22:23
You, Hop and I are all on the same page in this regard. Pg 1 of this thread we'd both mentioned the same thing.

We usually are. ;)

My last post was in response to several members who were questioning why a young muslim who didn't want to fight other muslims enlisted in Army to begin with.

07-29-11, 22:31
Nevermind that a lot of them have enlisted long after 9/11/2001...

I mean, really, where do they think they're going to get deployed?

They listened to the Homeland Security briefs that said that white right-wing extremists were the biggest rising danger and they thought they'd get to pop a few in the head. ;)