View Full Version : Sure is a bummer when actual science pokes big gaping holes into global warming.

07-28-11, 21:44
NASA satellite data versus computer modeling suggest maaaaaayyybe global warming isn't quite all it's cracked up to be.

From Forbes magazine (http://news.yahoo.com/nasa-data-blow-gaping-hold-global-warming-alarmism-192334971.html)

They may use the word "alarmist" a few too many times in the article.

Heavy Metal
07-28-11, 21:53
The Scrod you say! Gorebull Warming exaggerated? Umpossible!

07-28-11, 22:03
I am glad it was in Forbes.

07-28-11, 22:15
They can call me a Global Warming Denier, if I get to call them Global Warming Nazi's.

This is a true test of weather :D or not these guys are scientists, to seperate the scientists from the groupies. If they don't put this into their models, then they are laid bare as being worshipers of the global warming demon.

07-28-11, 22:20
Wow that article doesn't smack of bias or anything does it?

There is a big difference between real Climate change science and Al Gore. In fact if you look around most scientist trying to warn about Global warming have a nice little bit of hatred saved just for Gore because of the damage he does to their work.

A single article that boils down to one model needing to be looked at doesn't do anything to the overall situation save the fact that it gives politicians looking to garner votes something to scream about.

07-29-11, 00:11
Forbes is not exactly some fringe news outlet.

It is not one model that is incorrect, it is a variable used in the models that needs to be changed. The true test will be to see if the climate models incorporate the new data, or they ignore it and use data that leads to incorrect output.

07-29-11, 02:22
I am glad it was in Forbes.

Forbes just happens to be where I ran across the story. If you are interested in a little light reading then here is the original study:



07-29-11, 05:11
Wow that article doesn't smack of bias or anything does it?

There is a big difference between real Climate change science and Al Gore. In fact if you look around most scientist trying to warn about Global warming have a nice little bit of hatred saved just for Gore because of the damage he does to their work.

A single article that boils down to one model needing to be looked at doesn't do anything to the overall situation save the fact that it gives politicians looking to garner votes something to scream about.

It's not like a lack of objectivity or politicization are ever found on the pro-MMGW™ side, right? :jester:

In reality, they define the global warming, er, climate change folks.

And no, I'm sorry but I haven't seen many scientists out there asking Al "the core of the earth is a few million degrees" Gore to STFU. He is their mascot, after all...


07-29-11, 08:11

"A federal scientist under internal investigation — apparently over a study on polar bear deaths that was cited by Al Gore in "An Inconvenient Truth" — went on the offensive Thursday, filing a complaint alleging persecution from within the Interior Department."]A federal scientist under internal investigation — apparently over a study on polar bear deaths that was cited by Al Gore in "An Inconvenient Truth" — went on the offensive Thursday, filing a complaint alleging persecution from within the Interior Department.


06-06-12, 15:16
As good a place as any to stick this:


1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today



06-06-12, 15:28
Another most informative read on the matter from Forbes . . .

The Goal Is Power: The Global Warming Conspiracy


06-06-12, 15:42

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.”
~ Timothy Wirth
President of the UN Foundation

The UN has clearly stated their mission is to infiltrate every government in the world at its smallest levels. They do want to protect the earth, but they are opposed to ownership of private property which is in direct opposition to the core of our beliefs. They are Marxists and believe all land should conform to International Law and be owned by no one.

Show me incontrovertible proof & I'll change my mind, maybe after I investigate the tests, stats, evidence & facts.

06-06-12, 16:23
It is happening - regardless of whatever geopolitieconomical motivation editorial/spin/slant/ one cares to give the pro or con, nature does not give a rats ass.
It is getting hotter, period. Regardless of our actions, it happens.

Any of you anywhere close to where the water is supposedly not rising?
Or glaciers are not retreating?
Or summers are not getting hotter?

Just like the ice-age, it happens without our consent, approval and whether we like it or not.
It's basic nature, wax and wane, of our planet and the dynamics of our solar system.

Just like saying the moon-landings never happened, when we go back you'll see the leftovers - undeniably - in about 50 years, we'll see where the coastlines are, and how much ice is left.

Just because the UN is a bunch of idiots, politicians are corrupted and many scientists have an agenda spinning their "facts" does not mean it is not happening. Unfortunately.

06-06-12, 16:26
Global warming actually exists.

Global warming can be, and has been, very bad for the Earth from time to time.

But it is a natural cycle like ice ages.

The idea that man created it is completely ridiculous.

We may or may not be able to influence the climate to some degree.

And it very well may be that our influence is why we haven't gotten snow in Cuba even though we are slightly overdue.

06-06-12, 16:36
I live here in Tennessee. They did an article about Al Gore (he lives around Nashville, I think) and his monthly energy bill being around $2200. When asked about this, Al's spokesperson stated that they plant trees to make up for it.

For someone so concerned about the environment you'd think he'd turn a light off every once in awhile.

06-06-12, 17:18
Well lets see here...

Climate change (Warming and cooling cycles) is real, solar warming/cooling is real as well as universal warming/cooling; some of the other planets in our solar system are heating, some are cooling- all the planets in our system effect eachother; the affect is unknown as the variables involved are mind boggling and mostly unknown as well.

Yeah our planet is heating up a bit in the current cycle we are in; there are trillions of variables responsible and acting together; we as human beings and our habits are but one incredibly small aspect of the equation.

The idea that human beings are anything more than a catylist or hindrance to our global climate is far-fetched at best.

The models used to "Prove" man made global warming are nicely created/fit to the opinions they seek to support; something I would have received a failing grade at best in science class if I utilized such gimmick science to "prove" a scientific hypothesis.

Don't take my word for it, research the models/inputs and the purported "facts" they contain and see for yourself; MMGW has been perpetrated as yet another scheme to further solidify power over the masses.

The earth will be cooling and heating as it has for billions of years; for billions of years after our species is long gone.

The models/inputs don't even go far back enough to make any logical hypothesis off of as of yet; and that's not even taking into consideration the fualts/omissions of the current models being utillized.

Our local star and super-massive black hole aren't even input into these models; those are some serious players in our climate here on our planet and in our solar system in general.

Anyone can make an experiment show the results they are seeking by tweeking the input parameters of the models they utilize. Its bogus, and the scientists responsible need to take a course in ethics.

06-06-12, 17:29
Anybody else see the study where somebody was trying to imply that anthropomorphic global warming skeptics were ignorant hicks (or at least less educated), and instead found that those who were skeptics or skeptical were statistically significantly more educated and more well versed on the issues?

06-06-12, 19:08
It is happening - regardless of whatever geopolitieconomical motivation editorial/spin/slant/ one cares to give the pro or con, nature does not give a rats ass.
It is getting hotter, period. Regardless of our actions, it happens.

Any of you anywhere close to where the water is supposedly not rising?
Or glaciers are not retreating?
Or summers are not getting hotter?

Just like the ice-age, it happens without our consent, approval and whether we like it or not.
It's basic nature, wax and wane, of our planet and the dynamics of our solar system.

Just like saying the moon-landings never happened, when we go back you'll see the leftovers - undeniably - in about 50 years, we'll see where the coastlines are, and how much ice is left.

Just because the UN is a bunch of idiots, politicians are corrupted and many scientists have an agenda spinning their "facts" does not mean it is not happening. Unfortunately.

If it is happening (there is not a settled answer on this though I don't doubt that we are in a natural cycle and that cycle could be tipping to the warming side now but things like data collection to show it is happening are suspect -- the satellite data does not show it warming significantly and the ground stations have been greatly reduced and the ones left are in areas that have greatly urbanized [ground heat from urban areas] -- there is also suspicion on the data since the raw data has been shown to have been massaged to better fit models), again, if it is happening, we should be spending the money to figure out how to deal with it instead of foolishly thinking we can stop it (and spending gazillions to try and stop it and killing the economy to try and stop it).

06-06-12, 19:08
Anybody else see the study where somebody was trying to imply that anthropomorphic global warming skeptics were ignorant hicks (or at least less educated), and instead found that those who were skeptics or skeptical were statistically significantly more educated and more well versed on the issues?

I saw something to the effect a few weeks ago in a news feed but did not actually read the article.


06-08-12, 17:50
My biggest and simplest complaint against GW is the fact they cannot predict the weather 1hr from now let alone 100 years from now. All these models are entirely dependent on the way they are setup, and the actual accuracy of the data they feed into them. Then there is mother nature which is ALWAYS very unpredictable.

For instance yesterday we had a 60% chance of t-storms and 40% today. Yesterday all we got was about 5 minutes of a sprinkle and today its been cloudy but sun coming in and out.

Yet these cocksuckers want us to dive head first into a global wealth redistribution scheme, and send hundreds of billions of dollars to 3rd world nations every year because one of THEIR models says we are warming up.

Google the Robin Hood tax, and especially comments HRC has made on the subject. This is all boiling down to global wealth transfers from wealthy 1st world nations to 3rd world nations, and then various governments cashing in on "carbon credits".

06-08-12, 19:32
This is all boiling down to global wealth transfers from wealthy 1st world nations to 3rd world nations, and then various governments cashing in on "carbon credits".

Ding, ding, ding . . . we have a winner!

Google Maurice Strong he's the wizard behind the curtain on all this and cashing in big time. No one had ever heard of "global warming" before he started implementing all this for the UN.

06-10-12, 11:43
They can call me a Global Warming Denier, if I get to call them Global Warming Nazi's.

I prefer to think of myself as a Global Warming Proofer - show me where man made activity x causes CO2 rise y, resulting in temperature rise z.

The environmentalist movement has so many real problems they could be dealing with that they really discredit themselves by latching on to the man-made climate change nonsense.

As an outdoorsman of the Teddy Roosevelt school, I wish they would spend more time on nitrogen run off into water ways, plastic trash in the oceans, mercury in fish, and the fact that our primary cash crop in the US seems to be growing acres of sub-division on valuable farm land.

Unfortunately, the Green movement is really just camouflage for it's Red core.

06-10-12, 20:58
Unfortunately, the Green movement is really just camouflage for it's Red core.

Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors by James Delingpole. It doesn't actually go as in depth as to the true origins of the Green Party in Europe as one would like (spoilers: they were mostly Communists/Soviet sympathizers), but it's a pretty good examination of the origins of many of the policies proposed or supported by "Greenies" which of course are blatantly communist.

Essentially communism was a failure which is recognized by all but the most maniacal (or evil), even in socialism-loving Western Europe, so basically the Communists just repackaged themselves and their ideas in a nice "Green" wrapper in an attempt to continue the "Revolution."

06-21-12, 17:37

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.”
~ Timothy Wirth
President of the UN Foundation

The UN has clearly stated their mission is to infiltrate every government in the world at its smallest levels. They do want to protect the earth, but they are opposed to ownership of private property which is in direct opposition to the core of our beliefs. They are Marxists and believe all land should conform to International Law and be owned by no one.

Show me incontrovertible proof & I'll change my mind, maybe after I investigate the tests, stats, evidence & facts.

Download and read "The Global 2000 Report" to see what other gems the Globalist Elite believe in.

06-21-12, 18:54
Global Warming is the greatest hoax EVER perpetrated upon man...regardless of what the barista in the nerd glasses told you.

Al Gore is a tool.

06-21-12, 19:48
The Kool Aid drinkers are alive & well.

Pure Bravo Sierra when the amount of damage done by MIC & Nuclear testing & waste storage far exceeds all else.

But some people will valiantly defend it tooth & nail unfortunately.

Pick & choose your battles.

One of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on humanity as is the Federal Reserve in the US is.

06-21-12, 19:51
Download and read "The Global 2000 Report" to see what other gems the Globalist Elite believe in.

Brother your preaching to the chior....I've got that one & literally a metric shitload ton of others.
But people here are in the dark still unfortunately including many Government types.

You can lead a Horse to water etc...

These days I just hit the ignore button repeatedly. It seems to bother them more than me, that I don't subscribe to their beliefs or drink the kool aid.


06-21-12, 20:11
.... so basically the Communists just repackaged themselves and their ideas in a nice "Green" wrapper in an attempt to continue the "Revolution."

"I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends." -Van Jones

07-18-12, 02:32
Does New Tree Ring Study Put the Chill on Global Warming?


Mauser KAR98K
07-18-12, 04:13
C'mon everyone. Global warming is real and is happening now. Just the cause of it is not to the communists liking.

07-18-12, 06:34
Isn't it AMAZING, that the global warming nuts always go crazy in the SUMMER... in the northern hemisphere. :rolleyes:

And then, the little global warming lemmings go into hibernation with the fall's first freeze - never to be seen or heard again... until the next 90 degree day north of the Mason-Dixon line... :thank_you2:




07-18-12, 07:52
I had a left winger for a current events science class in high school. After I wrote my paper and gave my speech about the natural heating and cooling on the earth over it's life cycle and the class bood, as left as he was, he further debunked global warming with real science. The sun was the cause of most of it, solar flare cycles mostly. That is a real scientist. He also taught us about the global cooling they tried to pull back in the late 60s.

Reading the details, the robin hood tax gives money to third world countries for green technology. Ive said it before and I'll say it again. Liberty and freedom is the best vehicle for humanity to prosper. Some cultures will never be dragged out their huts and into the 21st century and guess what, that's ok. But the green movement is about running your life the way they see fit.