View Full Version : Default? Umm no....

07-28-11, 21:57
In case anyone is wondering the government gets close to 200B a MONTH in tax revenue they can spend.

The issue here is the debt limit. Granted some programs will have to be defunded if no deal is reached. That means we might have to defund manatee mating habit research instead of funding the debt or sending out welfare checks. They still have around 200B a month to play with.

Go back and look at previous times the gov has been "shut down". Its not the end of days proposition some would like you to believe, and there's ZERO reason to default on the debt. They will get enough in to pay for this shit. All not raising the debt limit means is the gov actually has to spend what it takes in. You know that balanced budget clinton supposedly had in 99 that every liberal loves to spout off about. Well lets get back to that, and the gov only spends what it takes in. We still have a couple hundred billion coming in a month.

The response to not continuing to spend a trillion and a half a year we don't have is because it will expose to the nation what a sham all this is. Bush hasn't been in office for a few years but we can blame him because the money HAD to be spent to avert Bush's economy. You know Obama spending a trillion on stimulus SAVED the economy but lets keep hush hush about the 16 trillion the Fed lent out. OMG we need to borrow 10 trillion to get out of the Bush economy, and if you question it you're a racist bigot jew fag black mexican hater.

Im actually watching all this in amusement. Nothing I can do about it at this point. Not a damn thing. Let this DC crew do their thing, and **** over another generation of Americans. You know we are ****ed when 2 trillion over 10 years is too nuch of a reduction...200B a year when they are spending 1.6T a year we dont have. Lol. So lets go down to 1.4T a year instead because the difference is so astounding we might find another planet out there. Its that good. We will find the secret to sustainable fission electricity generation on this planet, and we can export millions of lollipops and not just unicorns but unicorn stallions. Show horses for Christ's sake.

I find this all so funny because when Bush came in, and we had a 300B a year debt it was the end of times, and rapture was upon us say the liberals. No way this is sustainable, bush is a fascist nazi, and we are imperial troopers going to Iraq to punish the non Christians. Now the black he-zeus is in there, and he needs to print trillion dollar platinum coins if congress doesn't go his way. While 300 bill in Bush debt is evil 1.6 trillion a year in our chocolate saviors luscious Obama dollars needs to go full speed ahead! Nancy Pelosi even says us right wingers want to destroy everything. We're going to burn the planet down like an ATM bonfire. Just make sure those Gulf oil wells are left open so we can have shark and fish roasted over an open flame. I want some tar ball flavored endangered species meat in my racist mouth. We can roast a whale shark on a bon fire. Kabobs for thousands!

Seriously...don't let the freaks get you up in arms or supporting some stupid deal that doesn't get us on track for a long term economic health rating. Don't let these ID10T's sway you into supporting some scheme that won't last 2 years yet raise taxes for 10.

Let the chips fall where they may.

07-28-11, 22:27
Let the chips fall where they may.

Easy to say when they ain't your chips.

These Congressional ****wads have already guaranteed the United States will lose its AAA credit rating so you can add another trillion or so to the cost of servicing the current debt, for which we, the taxpayer, received exactly jack shit. No significant reduction in spending, no tax reform, no additional revenues. Zip. Nada. Nothing.

Just a bunch of partisan dipshits toeing their respective party lines and pandering for votes to keep the job they are apparently incapable of doing.