View Full Version : Flash mob robbery

07-29-11, 11:19
A new evolution


I can see this catching on like mini riots.

07-29-11, 12:27
more coming... bank on it

07-29-11, 16:40
We've had several of those here in Vegas.

Call me racist, but why are all the perps black?

07-29-11, 16:42
need to carry a belt fed

07-29-11, 17:31
more coming... bank on it

I've posted at least a dozen recent incidents in this thread as well. https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=75318

Call me racist, but why are all the perps black?
Pointing out the obvious, which is also a fact, doesn't make you racist.

07-29-11, 17:44
I've been thinking that these flash mob things are a textbook disparity of force situation. It's probably only a matter of time before someone feels the need to fight back.

07-29-11, 18:02
I've been thinking that these flash mob things are a textbook disparity of force situation. It's probably only a matter of time before someone feels the need to fight back.

I actually talked to a state rep here in Colorado about the need for a "You Loot, we shoot" law to cover when an unarmed mob with great numbers threatens to overwhelm a CCW holder. He thought our 'make my day' law would cover circumstances. I want it codified that after a certian ratio it is a legit deadly force application. With out it, all these high school honor roll athletes will all of as sudden by the victims.

This shit never seems to happen in Texas.

07-29-11, 20:26
I've posted at least a dozen recent incidents in this thread as well. https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=75318

Pointing out the obvious, which is also a fact, doesn't make you racist.

Right on Irish glad to see that your switched on to it as well.

07-30-11, 00:20
We've had several of those here in Vegas.

Call me racist, but why are all the perps black?

RACIST :) heheeheh OK not really as said pointing out the truth :) call me one to then cause thats what I see in these flash robberies just like the riots they think they have the right !!!!


maybe they think its the voting polls and want to vote for obama again ?


07-30-11, 19:33
Pointing out the obvious, which is also a fact, doesn't make you racist.

Or it just makes him observant.

07-30-11, 19:48
As Irish pointed out, over in the Preppers sub-forum we have many links to mob robs and flash mob riots.

Thanks to social networking sites they are getting more and more organized. Just one more reason to CCW.

08-02-11, 02:25
I just don't see how this country has gone so freakin nuts in the 10-12yrs?! WTF?

08-02-11, 09:02
One word: Mantrap.

When they're all in, fade to the back and drop the security gates. Sure, they'll trash the store, but they'll all be ready for the paddy wagon when it arrives! :)

08-02-11, 09:38
We've had several of those here in Vegas.

Call me racist, but why are all the perps black?

Because of Johnson's "Great Society" that effectively destroyed black families. Welfare. No more fathers. An inner city culture where it's the norm to impregnate a woman and abandon her and the child. A culture where the grandmothers raise the children. A numerous culture that the Democrats encourage to believe that "it's not your fault, it's the gov'ts fault, and if you vote for us, we'll make the gov't provide for you."

Go to the more rural black populations and you don't see this shit. Go to a military base and you don't either. It's cultural and not a genetic thing.

08-02-11, 12:54
I think that in Louisiana, any given CCW permit holder would have every legal right to defend themselves. Hell, I know I'd feel incredibly threatened in that situation. All it'd really take is one looking at me and making the slightest movement towards me, or being within about 15 feet- and I'd feel threatened.

08-02-11, 18:11
Right on Irish glad to see that your switched on to it as well.

I think that most are, just that too many don't have the courage to call a spade a spade. Wasn't long ago I did so here and for the most part everyone was on board once I started the fact-based ball rolling, however there were a few that labeled me as a racist.

I like good people, all good people. But if there is a specific element of our American society that is bringing it down, that element needs to be dealt with appropriately if they can't deal with themselves. They need to be held socially accountable and have a spotlight placed upon them.

The few black neighbors I have here where I live are all great people, one of whom is an older woman who's lawn I've cut every week for for years. She buys my son a little something here and there and is very good person overall. But if she gave nothing back I'd still do it because again she is a good, God fearing widow in need of help.

But take me downtown to Philly or Camden and there are people everywhere who I'd like to...see bad things happen to. Lots of bad things.

08-02-11, 21:13
Because of Johnson's "Great Society" that effectively destroyed black families. Welfare. No more fathers. An inner city culture where it's the norm to impregnate a woman and abandon her and the child. A culture where the grandmothers raise the children. A numerous culture that the Democrats encourage to believe that "it's not your fault, it's the gov'ts fault, and if you vote for us, we'll make the gov't provide for you."

Go to the more rural black populations and you don't see this shit. Go to a military base and you don't either. It's cultural and not a genetic thing.

Beautifully stated.

08-02-11, 21:41
Because of Johnson's "Great Society" that effectively destroyed black families. Welfare. No more fathers. An inner city culture where it's the norm to impregnate a woman and abandon her and the child. A culture where the grandmothers raise the children. A numerous culture that the Democrats encourage to believe that "it's not your fault, it's the gov'ts fault, and if you vote for us, we'll make the gov't provide for you."

Go to the more rural black populations and you don't see this shit. Go to a military base and you don't either. It's cultural and not a genetic thing.

This absolutely. I have said it time and again

08-02-11, 21:49
Go to the more rural black populations and you don't see this shit. Go to a military base and you don't either. It's cultural and not a genetic thing.

Not looking to be the lone dissenter, but what then is your explanation for the fact that almost all (if not all) predominantly black nations are "unstable" in nature? Does the influence of the U.S. government have that far a reach worldwide?

08-02-11, 22:30
Not looking to be the lone dissenter, but what then is your explanation for the fact that almost all (if not all) predominantly black nations are "unstable" in nature? Does the influence of the U.S. government have that far a reach worldwide?

How can you assume it's racial and not cultural there as well? There are a lot of dysfunctional regimes around the world that are not predominantly black as well. :(

08-03-11, 01:31
How can you assume it's racial and not cultural there as well? There are a lot of dysfunctional regimes around the world that are not predominantly black as well. :(

other than Burma I can't think of a significant number of countries dominated by another ethnic class that are as dysfunctional as the majority of african countries. That being said I do believe it to be more of a culturalism issue than a race issue. There is an ingrained tribal menatality in the majority of Africans that really hamstring their ability to unify. The hutus and tutsis being the most predominant. Most all of the muslim countries are also very tribal, but they have a strong authoritarian leadership both in gov't and religion to keep the peace and unify them for the most part. Afghanis as well. Democracy will not work when at their very base level there are disparate ideologies! IMO.

08-05-11, 12:23
Looked what happened in Texas..


Just kidding. This never happens in Texas. Kind of a running joke I have with my Texan buddies, well not really a joke more admiration.

I think the amazing thing is that even the MSM is pointing out the racial aspect of it. That means there has to be no way to cover it up.

Eventually they are going to mess with the wrong biker. Not all of them are dentists and accountants.

I thought about posting the article and replacing "Black" and "Youth" with "Tea Party" and "White" with "union activist" and "minority". If the roles where anywhere reversed this would be front page news all over the world.

It will only make the news when someone ends up being able to defend themselves from this and they get charged with murder of an "Honor Role student".

08-05-11, 12:47
Looked what happened in Texas..


Just kidding. This never happens in Texas. Kind of a running joke I have with my Texan buddies, well not really a joke more admiration.

I think the amazing thing is that even the MSM is pointing out the racial aspect of it. That means there has to be no way to cover it up.

Eventually they are going to mess with the wrong biker. Not all of them are dentists and accountants.

I thought about posting the article and replacing "Black" and "Youth" with "Tea Party" and "White" with "union activist" and "minority". If the roles where anywhere reversed this would be front page news all over the world.

It will only make the news when someone ends up being able to defend themselves from this and they get charged with murder of an "Honor Role student".

The same thing happened last year at The Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.


They are hoping to avoid anything like that happening again when the fair starts up next week.


08-05-11, 13:38
It must have been over the top racial to get the MSM to mention it.

Looked what happened in Texas..


Just kidding. This never happens in Texas. Kind of a running joke I have with my Texan buddies, well not really a joke more admiration.

I think the amazing thing is that even the MSM is pointing out the racial aspect of it. That means there has to be no way to cover it up.

Eventually they are going to mess with the wrong biker. Not all of them are dentists and accountants.

I thought about posting the article and replacing "Black" and "Youth" with "Tea Party" and "White" with "union activist" and "minority". If the roles where anywhere reversed this would be front page news all over the world.

It will only make the news when someone ends up being able to defend themselves from this and they get charged with murder of an "Honor Role student".

08-05-11, 14:38
Looked what happened in Texas..


Just kidding. This never happens in Texas. Kind of a running joke I have with my Texan buddies, well not really a joke more admiration.

I think the amazing thing is that even the MSM is pointing out the racial aspect of it. That means there has to be no way to cover it up.

Eventually they are going to mess with the wrong biker. Not all of them are dentists and accountants.

I thought about posting the article and replacing "Black" and "Youth" with "Tea Party" and "White" with "union activist" and "minority". If the roles where anywhere reversed this would be front page news all over the world.

It will only make the news when someone ends up being able to defend themselves from this and they get charged with murder of an "Honor Role student".

I doubt this would happen in OK either. The Tulsa State Fair is CCW friendly and the biggest gang in attendance is the Sheriff's Office. :D

08-06-11, 01:22
I posted on the black on white violence at the Iowa State Fair last year, the article was entitled Beat Whitey Night at Iowa State Fair. My thread wasn't just locked it was deleted entirely.

Black on white crime has been on the rise for decades now. The media has refused to report on these events and the Dept. Of Justice is deafening silent. Now it is happening with greater frequency and much larger attacks so I don't see how much longer the media and DOJ can keep sweeping it under the rug. And we all know what the media and DOJ would have to say if large groups of white male teens started targeting blacks at state fairs across the nation. :eek:

These are HATE CRIMES that are being done under the eye of the likes of Holder yet nothing is being said about them much less anything being done about them. I guess if and when a white victim pulls out a firearm and puts some of the oxygen thieves out of their misery then we will start seeing it in the "national" news and the international media as a hate crime on whitey's part. :bad:

08-14-11, 03:59
Philly mayor chides black parents over teen mobs (thank all that is holy that his honor happens to be black)


The dude's got my vote.

In related news. . .

Rapper could face charges tied to flash mob (another method to distrupt and cause discontent)


This sort of thing is on the rise. . .


08-14-11, 04:53
Carry an SBR in your backpack and kill anyone that comes near you and yours.

Clearly the USA is getting very close to South Africa in terms of what the innocent need to do to defend themselves from savages.

Mind you, I already lived through these type of attacks in NYC. It was very common to hear about "wild-ing" attacks on the news back in the late 80's and early 90's. Only now, the attacks are far more coordinated with far more manpower to inflict more damage faster.

08-14-11, 05:00
The dude's got my vote.

You know he's one of the most anti gun mayors in the country, right?

08-15-11, 01:21
Only now, the attacks are far more coordinated with far more manpower to inflict more damage faster.

With the advent of social networking sites and smart phones the sky is the limit.

Flash mob. . .there is an app for that! :eek:

You know he's one of the most anti gun mayors in the country, right?

I was merely being facetious as I am not one of his constituents.

08-15-11, 01:45
Because of Johnson's "Great Society" that effectively destroyed black families. Welfare. No more fathers. An inner city culture where it's the norm to impregnate a woman and abandon her and the child. A culture where the grandmothers raise the children. A numerous culture that the Democrats encourage to believe that "it's not your fault, it's the gov'ts fault, and if you vote for us, we'll make the gov't provide for you."

Go to the more rural black populations and you don't see this shit. Go to a military base and you don't either. It's cultural and not a genetic thing.

Exactly right. It is a cultural and political thing.

I believe it was Walter Williams (a black economist and professor -- look him up if you don't know him) that was describing growing up in the black community in the 40s and 50s. They were poor. But they were together in families, with fathers, and they grew up and became productive members of society. They had none of this crap that goes on now in the black community.

The Democrats and the race hustlers amongst them (amongst both the Democrats and the Black Community) have killed the black community.

08-15-11, 01:53
I believe it was Walter Williams (a black economist and professor -- look him up if you don't know him) that was describing growing up in the black community in the 40s and 50s. They were poor. But they were together in families, with fathers, and they grew up and became productive members of society. They had none of this crap that goes on now in the black community.

The Democrats and the race hustlers amongst them (amongst both the Democrats and the Black Community) have killed the black community.

I posted this in another thread but it applies here too:

Oh and BTW the arthur is black. . .

"The Cloward-Piven strategy created generations of black people for whom working for a living is an abstraction." - John McWhorter Winning the Race, 2006

Cloward-Priven strategy? What on Earth is that?

The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.


The benevolent wizards behind the curtain and more of their social engineering at work. It's about time We The People WAKE THE F&%$ UP!