View Full Version : WOW! That's a tall building!

08-03-11, 08:43
The Saudis just inked a deal on building the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia that will stand 3,281' high and contain almost 5.4 million square feet of interior space.


The tallest building in the US (the Willis/Sears Tower in Chicago) is less than half the height of this new building. Check out the photo gallery in the article linked above. Pretty amazing.

08-03-11, 09:46
The tallest building in the US (the Willis/Sears Tower in Chicago) is less than half the height of this new building. Check out the photo gallery in the article linked above. Pretty amazing.

Yea, but the pizza will suck compared to the Chicago pies.

Will they let women walk on the glass floor overhang?

08-03-11, 09:58
They'll have it built before our 'Freedom Tower' will be done. Pretty sad when the rop'ers can build this shit faster than we can. When that one in the UAE was started we had a hole in the ground, and when they were done we still had our hole.

08-03-11, 11:13
They'll have it built before our 'Freedom Tower' will be done. Pretty sad when the rop'ers can build this shit faster than we can. When that one in the UAE was started we had a hole in the ground, and when they were done we still had our hole.

I was surprised at the price-- $1.2 billion. Lot of coin, to be sure, but less than I would have expected. Amazing what you can build with a couple hundred thousand Pakistanis, Filipinos, and Indonesians working for minimum wage and three hots and a cot.

08-03-11, 11:14
"The Saudis have inked a deal between the Kingdom’s holdings company and a certain Bin Laden Group to build the world’s tallest building, an elegant yet extreme tower that will rise 3,281 feet above the streets of Jeddah."

I gotta say that 3,000 feet figure is disturbingly suspicious too.

08-03-11, 11:19
I was surprised at the price-- $1.2 billion. Lot of coin, to be sure, but less than I would have expected. Amazing what you can build with a couple hundred thousand Pakistanis, Filipinos, and Indonesians working for minimum wage and three hots and a cot.

They employ mostly westerners to engineer their stuff. My dad has worked in Saudi for 4-5 years and just took a job in Iraq.

Saudi's wouldn't even lift a finger to build this. What they do is have people oversee the construction and approve the work. They employ a great number of TCN's all over the country for everything. A very lazy bunch.

08-03-11, 11:20
"The Saudis have inked a deal between the Kingdom’s holdings company and a certain Bin Laden Group to build the world’s tallest building, an elegant yet extreme tower that will rise 3,281 feet above the streets of Jeddah."

I gotta say that 3,000 feet figure is disturbingly suspicious too.

Before he turned terrorist he owned a large construction company in KSA.

08-03-11, 11:26
Before he turned terrorist he owned a large construction company in KSA.

isnt civil engineering the family business? I read an article years ago about ole Geronimo that he was furious that his 'rents built King Fahd AB for the F-117s to fly out of.

Suwannee Tim
08-03-11, 11:34
The big challenges in a building like this are weight and wind load. In a 3000 foot building a pound of wind load at the top causes a 3000 foot pound moment in the base. The building will have to be constructed of expensive high strength light weight materials. No A36 steel here.

08-03-11, 11:37
The BinLadin family has deep roots in Saudi Arabia, long before the black sheep Obama shit all over the family name. The history on their company site (http://www.sbg.com.sa/index.html) says they were hired by King Abdul Aziz when he commissioned an addition to the Prophet Mohammed's Mosque in Medina. After that job, they were hired to build an addition to the Holy Mosque in Mecca.

I'm guessing the BinLaden group is pretty tight with the royal family.

08-03-11, 11:37
isnt civil engineering the family business? I read an article years ago about ole Geronimo that he was furious that his 'rents built King Fahd AB for the F-117s to fly out of.

Yes. Thats how we was able to finance his activities in the beginning like funding the mujaheddin in AFG.

08-03-11, 15:12
"The Saudis have inked a deal between the Kingdom’s holdings company and a certain Bin Laden Group to build the world’s tallest building, an elegant yet extreme tower that will rise 3,281 feet above the streets of Jeddah."

I gotta say that 3,000 feet figure is disturbingly suspicious too.

im missing something, what is the significance of 3,000 ft?

08-03-11, 15:49
im missing something, what is the significance of 3,000 ft?

Maybe I'm just paranoid but there were about 3,000 killed on 9-11.

This just looks like another victory symbol to me. The WTC towers were once the tallest buildings in the world. Terrorists destroyed them and Muslims are building the tallest buildings in the world with Bin Laden money.

08-03-11, 17:13
They employ mostly westerners to engineer their stuff. My dad has worked in Saudi for 4-5 years and just took a job in Iraq.

Saudi's wouldn't even lift a finger to build this. What they do is have people oversee the construction and approve the work. They employ a great number of TCN's all over the country for everything. A very lazy bunch.

Several countries in that region, with a lot of coin, do this... Qatar comes to mind.

Alex V
08-04-11, 07:54
The big challenges in a building like this are weight and wind load. In a 3000 foot building a pound of wind load at the top causes a 3000 foot pound moment in the base. The building will have to be constructed of expensive high strength light weight materials. No A36 steel here.

The overturning moment at the base can be minimized by smart design. Honestly I don't know if they will use steel as the main structural element to begin with. The lack of steel in the region will make it only that much more expensive to build. Most tall buildings in the middle east are made of high strength reinforced concrete.

The current record holder is the Burj Dubai at +2700ft is reinforced concrete.

Also, look at the design of the building, it is wider at the bottom than the top. This concentrates more of the building mass at the bottom and helps reduce the effect of any overturning moment at the top.

The reason that this building may go up before the Freedom Tower is simple. Unions. The Barj Dubai took 6 or so years with laborers from south Asia working 3 8hour shift. In NY the guys are on the clock for 7 hours a day and I would imagine go about 3-4 hours of actual work a day. I worked with unions (building banks) 26weeks to build a 2700sf bank... really? We would go to site meetings and at 3pm everyone would take off. At 8 or 9 when we get there they would be just finishing up breakfast and slowly starting to work. What do you expect... unions. Though I will say the quality of the work was more often than not very high.

I'm sure SOM will have a hand in this, just like they have in almost every other tall building in the world lol. ****ers gave me an offer for way less money than the company I work for now. Cheap bastards! lol

08-04-11, 08:58
Maybe I'm just paranoid but there were about 3,000 killed on 9-11.

This just looks like another victory symbol to me. The WTC towers were once the tallest buildings in the world. Terrorists destroyed them and Muslims are building the tallest buildings in the world with Bin Laden money.

if it makes you feel better the saudis probably are thinking of it as 1000 meters.