View Full Version : 20,000 Troops Being Deployed In U.S.

08-05-11, 17:18
20k troops in a country of over 300 million is a drop in the bucket.

But the military should be available to be used here in certain situations. Not regular LE work but in times of major "instances" Id rather them here than some 3rd world shithole.

Irish post below is the OP. Board is screwed up so its showing my post as 1st. His at 1805 is the OP.

08-05-11, 17:24
Scares the crap out of me for sure hope it dosent come to fruition. They must know alot more than there telling us about the state of the country.

08-05-11, 17:24
20k troops in a country of over 300 million is a drop in the bucket.

Every bucket that's ever been filled starts with 1 drop.

08-05-11, 18:05
20,000 Troops Being Deployed Within U.S. To Deal With Civil Unrest. (http://www.examiner.com/civil-rights-in-jersey-city/pentagon-to-deploy-20-000-troops-within-the-u-s-to-deal-with-civil-unrest)

The pentagon has announced plans to deploy a 20,000 strong internal troop force into the continental United States (CONUS) over the next two years civil unrest in the even of a catastrophic even such as a massive large scale terror attacks or economic collapse...

Video news report here. (http://youtu.be/lXHmBYkNHQg)

Another article here. (http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/07/24/pentagon-deploying-20000-troops-united-states-prepare-civil-unrest-event-economic-collapse-41241/)

I find this very unsettling. Posse Comitatus Act anyone? What are your thoughts?

08-05-11, 18:07
What's interesting & significant in my eyes is that we won't put additional troops on the Borders to enforce existing Fed Laws protecting/regulating our soverignty better even though we have confirmed intel regarding Hezbollah et al / DTO's using border BUT we will use resources of 20,000 troops for Terrorist/Civil unrest.

The irony is, I can think of several countries who view encroachment/illegal border crossings as a Terrorist act.







Here's an interesting report on DOJ / D0D (LE / Military convergence etc.)


say it ain't so Joe....

08-05-11, 18:45
I am not in the least bit surprised:


08-05-11, 18:49
Yeah, I know, I'm just another mook with his head in the sand, but these sources and the content sound like a bunch of Alex Jones-style tinfoil-hat conspiracy bullshit.

I'm gonna go fire up the grill and cook a burger for dinner.

08-06-11, 00:56
20K is just the start, it will be a lot more than that when POTUS signs himself as Constitutional Dictator. . .


08-06-11, 09:25
Is there a trustworthy source with a few less repeat simple grammar errors to source that can confirm this story? One person spouting off doomsday rants with elementary level typographical errors on some blog does not a confirmed report make.

08-06-11, 10:45
Yeah, I know, I'm just another mook with his head in the sand, but these sources and the content sound like a bunch of Alex Jones-style tinfoil-hat conspiracy bullshit.

Is there a trustworthy source with a few less repeat simple grammar errors to source that can confirm this story? One person spouting off doomsday rants with elementary level typographical errors on some blog does not a confirmed report make.

Earlier this year, Pentagon officials said as many as 20,000 Soldiers under the U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) will be trained within the next three years to work with civilian law enforcement in homeland security.


You two want a "credible source", what's that FOX or CNN? :haha:

08-06-11, 11:10
The DHS and 20K troops being deployed is very unsettling. Makes you wonder what is going on or about to happen.

08-06-11, 12:03
Damn good point HOP.

08-06-11, 13:37
All I am seeing is contingency planning. Same shit that has been going on for decades. To suggest that the United States Armed Forces are some how in cahoots w/ any plan to subjugate the populus to enable a dictatorial empowerment of the central gov't is beyond ridiculous.

08-06-11, 15:57
All I am seeing is contingency planning. Same shit that has been going on for decades. To suggest that the United States Armed Forces are some how in cahoots w/ any plan to subjugate the populus to enable a dictatorial empowerment of the central gov't is beyond ridiculous.

I don't think the United States Armed Forces are in cahoots w/ any plan, nor did I get that directly or indirectly by inference, inflection, intonation or inuendo from the OP ED. I think it's fairly common knowledge that the US has had contingency planning like this for decades. I do think someone else has a plan however. That distinction needs to be made Baccarat crystal clear.

Having said that, I do think we need to be codified as a Nation and find a solution to the problems rather than continued discourse. That would be productive. BTW, I also know for a fact that there are MAJOR issues between how the Commander in Chief wants to do things vs. how our Military wants to do things.
Therein lies part of the problem. HINT/CLUE, His ideology thrives on classic Divide et impera (divide & conquer) tactics....

08-06-11, 16:06
The "Jersey City Civil Rights Examiner"? You ****ing kidding me? You girls should check the sources of these silly ****ing articles before you get your panties in a wad. Seriously? "Quail"? Not quell? The author can't even get the basics right.

Thank you. I was beginning to think I was the only one who was seeing all of this. If someone wants to be take seriously they can start with a simple proofreading of their 'story' before hitting submit. He used 'even' instead of 'event' several times and some sentences aren't even close to being accurate. I don't need FOX or CNN to take something serious but a 7th level of writing is a good start.

08-06-11, 16:30

You two want a "credible source", what's that FOX or CNN? :haha:

Something more credible than Alexander Higgins who can't proofread over at the Examiner.

08-06-11, 16:55
The "Jersey City Civil Rights Examiner"? You ****ing kidding me? You girls should check the sources of these silly ****ing articles before you get your panties in a wad. Seriously? "Quail"? Not quell? The author can't even get the basics right.

08-06-11, 17:07
Thank you. I was beginning to think I was the only one who was seeing all of this. If someone wants to be take seriously they can start with a simple proofreading of their 'story' before hitting submit. He used 'even' instead of 'event' several times and some sentences aren't even close to being accurate. I don't need FOX or CNN to take something serious but a 7th level of writing is a good start.

Something more credible than Alexander Higgins who can't proofread over at the Examiner.

The "Jersey City Civil Rights Examiner"? You ****ing kidding me? You girls should check the sources of these silly ****ing articles before you get your panties in a wad. Seriously? "Quail"? Not quell? The author can't even get the basics right.

What in the hell is up with this site's time stamping issues? This is awful.

08-07-11, 09:59
The "Jersey City Civil Rights Examiner"? You ****ing kidding me? You girls should check the sources of these silly ****ing articles before you get your panties in a wad. Seriously? "Quail"? Not quell? The author can't even get the basics right.

Insulting people is not really necessary.

Most "authors" today are heavily reliant on computer spell checkers and there are often mistakes in many online reports from many "reputable" online publications. The same thing can be applied to printed books as I often see spelling and gramatical errors that shouldn't have been published and printed.

08-07-11, 11:23
Considering every state has a National Guard, which can be mobilized at any time with no Posse Comitatus entanglements, I don't see what people are worried about.

You live under the threat of facing a government controlled military force 24/7. Adding another 20k federal troops is nothing in comparison.

And the Utah guard works with local law enforcement all the time, so really, this is nothing new.

08-07-11, 13:53
What's interesting & significant in my eyes is that we won't put additional troops on the Borders to enforce existing Fed Laws protecting/regulating our soverignty better even though we have confirmed intel regarding Hezbollah et al / DTO's using border BUT we will use resources of 20,000 troops for Terrorist/Civil unrest.

The irony is, I can think of several countries who view encroachment/illegal border crossings as a Terrorist act.







Here's an interesting report on DOJ / D0D (LE / Military convergence etc.)


say it ain't so Joe....

We don't enforce laws anymore, we enforce ideologies by selectively using laws. :(

08-07-11, 14:06
We don't enforce laws anymore, we enforce ideologies by selectively using laws. :(

here's another dousey:

Curious your thoughts ?
specifically, 15:18 - 16:10 marks.

It's worth the 23 minutes


"It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master."
Ayn Rand

wakey wakey

08-09-11, 04:03
I don't think the United States Armed Forces are in cahoots w/ any plan, nor did I get that directly or indirectly by inference, inflection, intonation or inuendo from the OP ED. I think it's fairly common knowledge that the US has had contingency planning like this for decades. I do think someone else has a plan however. That distinction needs to be made Baccarat crystal clear.

Having said that, I do think we need to be codified as a Nation and find a solution to the problems rather than continued discourse. That would be productive. BTW, I also know for a fact that there are MAJOR issues between how the Commander in Chief wants to do things vs. how our Military wants to do things.
Therein lies part of the problem. HINT/CLUE, His ideology thrives on classic Divide et impera (divide & conquer) tactics....

Your 2nd paragraph is spot on.

08-09-11, 08:24
What's interesting & significant in my eyes is that we won't put additional troops on the Borders to enforce existing Fed Laws protecting/regulating our soverignty better even though we have confirmed intel regarding Hezbollah et al / DTO's using border BUT we will use resources of 20,000 troops for Terrorist/Civil unrest.

The irony is, I can think of several countries who view encroachment/illegal border crossings as a Terrorist act.







Here's an interesting report on DOJ / D0D (LE / Military convergence etc.)


say it ain't so Joe....


They view average americans who protest the direction of our government towards socialism as the problem, not hordes of invaders at the border who bring crime and trouble with them. I don't even think they worry about Terrorists, they just put that in so people wouldn't object. In the view of the Obamination the only real terrorists are the Tea Party and other conservatives.

Put the troops on the southern border and do whatever it takes to SEAL it.