View Full Version : Recent Philly Bus Shooting Clip. Even In 2011, You Have To See It To Believe It

08-05-11, 18:11


08-05-11, 18:57
These days I don't have nearly the number of reasons to go downtown anymore and I couldn't miss the place less. What a frigging shithole it has become.

And what a slap in the face to the men that forged this nation in the very place these ****s defile it.


08-05-11, 19:18
And what a slap in the face to the men that forged this nation in the very place these ****s defile it.


+1 this.

08-05-11, 19:26
That's just ****in' sad. And that the folks in the neighborhood just seem numb to being terrorized by those punks is even worse.

They oughta toss the shooters (and the girl with the phone) into an old school bus, park it out in a field, and let every person who was in the line of fire empty a couple of magazines into it.

Then give 'em a fair trial and hang 'em. At the bus stop.

08-05-11, 20:13
That's just ****in' sad. And that the folks in the neighborhood just seem numb to being terrorized by those punks is even worse.

They oughta toss the shooters (and the girl with the phone) into an old school bus, park it out in a field, and let every person who was in the line of fire empty a couple of magazines into it.

Then give 'em a fair trial and hang 'em. At the bus stop.

Right on!

It won't stop until some of these bastards die as a result of their actions. Americans need to start defending themselves.

08-05-11, 20:37
Does he pull an AK out of his pants???

08-06-11, 01:52
The tension today is so thick you can almost cut it with a blade. Watch your six and carry at all times.

08-06-11, 08:38
Just had another racially motivated mob riot here in the Milwaukee area.
Thanks for sharing that. What you're seeing in your area is slowly creeping westward along 94. Be careful out there.
Time traveling post...

08-06-11, 08:50
Link seems to be wrong...linked to the bearded guy incident

I do find if funny though that these mini race wars seem to only be happening in Northern states where its not as gun friendly as down here in TX. Not to say it will never happen down here, but I just haven't seen it yet. I will still always carry regardless though. There's just too much shit going on to not be prepared.

08-06-11, 09:09
Just had another racially motivated mob riot here in the Milwaukee area.

08-06-11, 14:40
Not that shocking. Stay out of the big cities, and off the public transportation. You're in their lair in those places.

08-06-11, 14:59
Just had another racially motivated mob riot here in the Milwaukee area.

They seemed to have a bunch of jurisdictional issues. Deputizing EVERYONE prior to the event would make more sense, as would a centralized command , w/ the Sheriff of the host county or the State Patrol in overall command.

08-07-11, 11:04
Does he pull an AK out of his pants???

Yes; makes you wonder why some folks are worried if their EDC Glock is printing on their shirt. I say "F" it and pack an AK....:D


08-07-11, 15:00
That can't possibly be. There are laws against this kind of behavior. City of the first class :rolleyes: I think New Jersey and Philadelphia are in need of a Category 5 Hurricane.

08-07-11, 15:28
The morons who shot should be dealt with but I did not see child abuse and that other passenger is an idiot.

Yeah he is. Now, was he trying to use the bus driver as cover, or concealment:rolleyes:? Douche bag. Good on the bus driver for keeping cool though.

08-07-11, 16:02

08-07-11, 16:08
The morons who shot should be dealt with but I did not see child abuse and that other passenger is an idiot.

08-07-11, 16:48
Who put the whammy on this site again with the screwed up posting time lines?

08-07-11, 17:04
I think New Jersey and Philadelphia are in need of a Category 5 Hurricane.

Yep, that'll get things set straight. :rolleyes:

I'd eradicate the slop too if I could, but unfortunately it isn't that simple. Still there are many of us here on the right side of things, just that our spineless leaders refuse to call a spade a spade.

Though it should be noted that while the rest of the country hasn't heard about it yet, today Mayor Nutter did state publicly that not only is it time for black parents to step up and be more responsible, he also stated that they were becoming an embarrassment to their race. He called the situation regarding dysfunction black children in the city "a disgrace" and said the time for coddling was over. That alone won't likely accomplish squat, but if more black leaders develop the courage not to remain complacent something could get better one day down the line.

Or...it could all be forgotten next week, which is probably the most likely scenario.

08-07-11, 20:48
Yeah he is. Now, was he trying to use the bus driver as cover, or concealment:rolleyes:? Douche bag. Good on the bus driver for keeping cool though.

Yeah, way to climb all over the guy who is your best chance for getting the **** out of Dodge.