View Full Version : I have heard it all now....

08-05-11, 20:41

Watching 20/20 tonight i've learned that hoarding is a DISEASE. Really? Maybe in fantasy land. In reality, we call it LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does everyone hide behind disease? Cancer is a ****ing disease. Lou Gehrig's is a disease.

Being so god damn lazy you throw trash on the floor is not a disease. Its called being a piece of shit that like to wallow in filth.

Not a disease, but certainly a disorder. I don't mean to excuse people who simply lack self control, but my grandmother has it bad. For whatever reason she really can't stop herself. And she doesn't live in filth, she just won't stop buying crap and bringing it into her home. She thinks everything is valuable, part of it was growing up during the depression but there are many other issues involved. Not everyone who has gone without piles junk 10 feet high.

08-05-11, 20:43
Is anyone else seeing my reply as Post #1 in this thread or did my computer just go screwy?

08-05-11, 21:16
Not a disease, but certainly a disorder. I don't mean to excuse people who simply lack self control, but my grandmother has it bad. For whatever reason she really can't stop herself. And she doesn't live in filth, she just won't stop buying crap and bringing it into her home. She thinks everything is valuable, part of it was growing up during the depression but there are many other issues involved. Not everyone who has gone without piles junk 10 feet high.

Growing up either poor and/or during the Great Depression is a major factor, when I see this with certain people within my family. On the other hand, no matter how poor, "stuff" doesn't really affect your quality of life either.

08-05-11, 21:27

Watching 20/20 tonight i've learned that hoarding is a DISEASE. Really? Maybe in fantasy land. In reality, we call it LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does everyone hide behind disease? Cancer is a ****ing disease. Lou Gehrig's is a disease.

Being so god damn lazy you throw trash on the floor is not a disease. Its called being a piece of shit that like to wallow in filth.

08-05-11, 21:29

Watching 20/20 tonight i've learned that hoarding is a DISEASE. Really? Maybe in fantasy land. In reality, we call it LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does everyone hide behind disease? Cancer is a ****ing disease. Lou Gehrig's is a disease.

Being so god damn lazy you throw trash on the floor is not a disease. Its called being a piece of shit that like to wallow in filth.

I am no bleeding heart. BUT there is a difference between lazy and hoarding. Lazy won't put forth the effort. Hoarder can't bear to part with it. It is truly a mental illness.

08-05-11, 21:31
Id say in many cases its clearly a mental illness. Excusable, no, but an illness all the same.

08-05-11, 23:00
its a mental illness and addiction. There's a reason why they have to bring psychiatrists to help.

08-05-11, 23:09
Is anyone else seeing my reply as Post #1 in this thread or did my computer just go screwy?

Something is wrong with the forum right now. Is has a mental illness of its own.

08-06-11, 00:50
addiction such as hoarding and other things to me is just lack of self control
sadly most people have very little anymore and much easier to blame something get sympathy and get even more attention creating more problems !

drugs or hoarding or other so called addictions start out slow they were not born with it so its not a true disease or illness
one could stop it early or not even start it ! drugs and drinking are a good example ! never start and you will never have a problem

08-06-11, 07:35
Didn't we just have this argument a week ago with the Amy Winehouse thread? :rolleyes:

08-06-11, 08:01
I've known some folks who went through the Great Depression (mid-70's and older), who remember what it was like to have NOTHING, and have consequently lived frugally and never thrown ANYTHING away, that might still be useful.

That said, the ones who weren't mentally ill, ALSO took the time to categorize it, store it properly & neatly, and while they might have a SHIITELOAD of stuff, it's organized, and not randomly tossed on the floor.

My dad is 75 - a retired CWO4 USCG, and he's like this; so is our church's head trustee, who's an Army vet of Korea and pushing 80 now. Their lives were shaped by the Depression and WWII, and they see a lot of the same shit about to hit the fan again, what with our D.C. Loony Tunes running the show. :rolleyes: They DEFINITELY don't want to be caught unprepared in their twilight years!

08-06-11, 09:20

This "thing" is a prime example of what i'm talking about. She doesnt have a problem, other than being LAZY.

08-06-11, 10:23
if you watch the shows on A&E, the hoarding is always triggered by some traumatic incident like a loved ones death.

08-06-11, 10:27
addiction such as hoarding and other things to me is just lack of self control
sadly most people have very little anymore and much easier to blame something get sympathy and get even more attention creating more problems !

drugs or hoarding or other so called addictions start out slow they were not born with it so its not a true disease or illness
one could stop it early or not even start it ! drugs and drinking are a good example ! never start and you will never have a problem

You are correct. You are not born with it, you do not catch it like the measles. But a mental disorder can develop over time.

08-06-11, 13:44
addiction such as hoarding and other things to me is just lack of self control
sadly most people have very little anymore and much easier to blame something get sympathy and get even more attention creating more problems !

drugs or hoarding or other so called addictions start out slow they were not born with it so its not a true disease or illness
one could stop it early or not even start it ! drugs and drinking are a good example ! never start and you will never have a problem

Your reasoning is simplistic and false.

Addiction to a substance can be and in many circumstances is a disease based on genetic pre dispositions to addiction. In many cases, the addiction is created by a series of choices, but becomes a physical and psychological dependency. With some substances, including alcohol, the withdrawals can be fatal.

Your reasoning essentially equates a mental illness w/ a choice. It is not.

08-06-11, 14:11
It is amazing how some folks who have no knowledge, no experience and no training feel qualified to hold forth on an issue. Toss in some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s and an f-bomb or two, that really cements your credibility.

We did indeed.


That is what i am talking about. If you honestly believe that woman, and people like her have an "uncontrollable" disease or illness you are either NAIVE or Gullible.

Welcome to America, the land of entitlements and excusses. People wonder why we're in the situation we're in now....its because of entitlements and bullshit.

Suwannee Tim
08-06-11, 14:38

Watching 20/20 tonight i've learned that hoarding is a DISEASE. Really? Maybe in fantasy land. In reality, we call it LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does everyone hide behind disease? Cancer is a ****ing disease. Lou Gehrig's is a disease.

Being so god damn lazy you throw trash on the floor is not a disease. Its called being a piece of shit that like to wallow in filth.

It is amazing how some folks who have no knowledge, no experience and no training feel qualified to hold forth on an issue. Toss in some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s and an f-bomb or two, that really cements your credibility.

Didn't we just have this argument a week ago with the Amy Winehouse thread? :rolleyes:

We did indeed.

08-06-11, 14:50
Is anyone else seeing my reply as Post #1 in this thread or did my computer just go screwy?

It is not just you man. I had a post yesterday show up before the one I was responding to in the que and by the time stamp.

08-06-11, 15:02
if you watch the shows on A&E, the hoarding is always triggered by some traumatic incident like a loved ones death.

I've noticed this as well. Divorced spouses and children of broken families are common, too.

Suwannee Tim
08-06-11, 15:12
By the way, I'm sitting here this fine Saturday afternoon, wasting my time on this tread because I have a bum knee. I hurted it Tuesday evening and have been nursing it since. I went to Ichetuckee (http://www.floridastateparks.org/ichetuckneesprings/default.cfm) yesterday and snorkled for an hour and a half, walked a couple of miles, and that has it stirred up. I've been in the pool twice today, probably get in a couple of times more before bed time. After it cools off a bit I think I'll do some badly need straightening up in my garage. I hate being sick or wounded. I'd much rather be doing something rather than wasting my time of a thread like this. Did I mention that I planned to go shooting this morning. Yep. Laid out due to the knee.:mad:

Suwannee Tim
08-06-11, 15:18
Here is a pic of Blue Spring at Ichetucknee:


The photo is not mine, here is the link to the license. (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ichetucknee_Blue_Spring_Boil_Span.jpg)

Pretty isn't it? This photo does not show the dozens, nay hundreds of bikini clad babes swarming over the place. Nor does it indicate the wonderful cool of the spring, 72 degrees.

So what are you guys doing with your Saturday afternoon?