View Full Version : Westboro Baptist Church protest in Houston against Coast Guard

Iraq Ninja
08-06-11, 14:02
The inbred assclowns from Westboro Baptist Church tried to protest today at Ellington field here in Houston. They were trying to target the "Coast Guard Fags" as they called em.

The good news is that a counter protest was organized by various motorcycle clubs who road around them with American flags and revving their bikes so loud that the protesters were silenced. Bikers outnumbered the protesters and it was quite a show of force.

I had lunch with some of the bikers and cops and congratulated them on a job well done.

08-06-11, 14:29
I'm afraid of what would happen should these worthless turd burglars ever show up in my area. Did they happen to say why they were targeting the USCG?

Iraq Ninja
08-06-11, 15:40

From what I gathered, it was because they think the US military is now a fag loving organization, and the CG has more fags than the others...lol. They also dislike the worshiping of the American Flag.

Here is a song from their website about the Coast Guard. I think it explains their views...

Semper Faggots is your guide (U.S. Coast Guard Song)

Your Coast Guard efforts are in vain
Your god is all your sin
You claim that filty flag is great
This war you'll never win
The coasts you guard are leaking sieves
In spite of all your laws
You'll never stop your enemy
Your enemy is God (Chorus) So here is the Coast Guard Song of Doom
We sing to you today
The wrather of God is on this land
And He won't go away
Semper Faggots is your guide
Your pride your honor, too
You fight with God, you GO TO HELL
Coast Guard your God hates YOU!

08-06-11, 16:09
It should be pointed out that the WBC is a family of attorneys, who make their living from torts and other scurrilous legal activity. They do this to make money, not because they believe their own BS.

08-06-11, 16:27
It should be pointed out that the WBC is a family of attorneys, who make their living from torts and other scurrilous legal activity. They do this to make money, not because they believe their own BS.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. I think they do believe their BS...

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk

08-06-11, 16:59
I wish that a truck full of gasoline would conveniently crash into that whole group and they die a fiery death for their disgusting behavior.

08-06-11, 17:12
GS is correct, It is an organized group of lawyers trying to incite violence in order to go to court and sue under the name of civil liberties / free speech. I think the scotus has even ruled on them & in their favor.

They are just hiding under a name (which is really stupid now that they are outed) and most of these military funerals are being protected by the bikers all over the nation...God bless them!!

There are some great stories of small towns getting together and coming up with all sorts of ways to combat them from even getting to the funerals. Cars are mysteriously breaking down behind the ass hats in a parking lot with no way for them to back out and no tow trucks to be found. Police stand around and tell them 'they are doing all the can'. Road construction appears, burial dates are falsified in the papers. Pretty good stuff.

08-06-11, 23:08
I thought we had already settled this. One narcoleptic snow plow driver, and all this goes away.

I realize it's Houston in August, and well over 100. That's why we'll have the element of surprise. They will never suspect a thing, until it's too late.

On a more serious note, I place these vermin in the same category as child molesters. They do nothing but cause pain to their victims, and revel in the suffering they create.

And it irritates the crap out of me that they are attacking the Coasties. When I used to be a flight paramedic, I was more than happy to work with them. I learned their unofficial motto:

"You have to go out. You don't have to come back."

I'd buy them a tasty beverage any time, any place.