View Full Version : redacted.

08-06-11, 15:58
You just can't make this shit up. I'm so sick of hearing these stories. Many of these liberals/progressives are straight traitors as I see it.

08-06-11, 16:51

08-08-11, 01:29
Despite all of their harping about "rule of law" lefties sure don't seem to think much of it.

I'm all for rule of law. Why? Because when the legal system collapses under the weight of its own corruption you'll see the "people" enforcing justice as they see fit, and we'll become yet another 3rd world hellhole.

08-09-11, 23:32
This sort of crap boils my blood. Seems like this government goes out of it's way at every opportunity to screw over the people it works for.

I can't even imagine what benefit they would have to catching this guy, and apparently apologizing and giving him a gift before sending him on his way. The only thing that comes to mind is more funding.

08-09-11, 23:50
Despite all of their harping about "rule of law" lefties sure don't seem to think much of it.

I'm all for rule of law. Why? Because when the legal system collapses under the weight of its own corruption you'll see the "people" enforcing justice as they see fit, and we'll become yet another 3rd world hellhole.

I dont think we are a nation of laws anymore, but a nation of men lead by a cult of personality. i have some hope in changing administrations come jan 2013.