View Full Version : I am free of her!

08-07-11, 11:05
So long soul eating wench. Yeah I'm not exactly sober for the first time in YEARS. But I digress. I'm done.

08-07-11, 12:27
So you've met my ex-wife too. :lol:

Here's to happier days. :dance3:

08-07-11, 12:49
Sounds like a painful relationship is over. Congrats. Sounds like you also go other items to knock out too. No time like the present to get started. Best of luck.

08-07-11, 13:14
Congrats Ghostman! I'd buy you a beer my man.

08-07-11, 13:28
Sounds like me a year ago. I wasted 7yrs and I don't know how many thousands of dollars. I was one of the stupid guys that tells his girlfriend/fiancee to quite work and go to school full time and not to worry I'll take care of the bills!! :haha:
Anyway she was a waste of time and money and I am the one now going back to school to change my profession. The money I blew on her sure would come in handy over the next couple of years.
The only good thing I have to say is that she was loyal and wouldn't cheat. So I was the lucky chosen one to bare the full brunt of her craziness!!! Good times!!!!!! :alcoholic:

08-07-11, 13:36
I'm right there with you brother!

I realized how bad things for me were when it dawned on me that my ex brought out the worst in me.
Then another realization that love is supposed to do the exact opposite.
I'm better off.
You will be too.

08-07-11, 14:17
You may not think so right now, but it does get better. The sun will rise tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.

Just take it slow and don't be in a rush to jump into a relationship too quickly.

I made that mistake after my fiancee dumped me and it poisoned the proverbial well for a while after that.

Enjoy life as a single guy for a while.

08-07-11, 14:40
Was this your 1st practice wife? :)

08-07-11, 14:43
I do feel for ya.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
Accept the truths, acknowledge your weaknesses and flaws and LEARN from them.

I have done the same.

Some people get very lucky and get the right one. Most do not.

Hang tough, tough times don't last, tough men do....

08-07-11, 15:12
Here's an M4c classic that is in line with your sentiments and may be therapeutic :D https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=42253

08-07-11, 17:01
This is one of those things you dont know whether to say congratulations or im sorry. Sounds like congratulations are in order though.

Now its time to start smoking cigars(if you dont already) and doing all the shit women dont like. Then when you find a girl that can stand all that shit, you will know you have a winner.

08-07-11, 17:10
Usually the term "I am free of her" translates into "Holy shit am I in pain right now. I know it's for the best but I just can't believe how bad I feel inside".

Been there, done that.

08-07-11, 17:31
Usually the term "I am free of her" translates into "Holy shit am I in pain right now. I know it's for the best but I just can't believe how bad I feel inside".

Been there, done that.

I stayed in a marriage five years past it's expiration date because I was too afraid of the loss, the embarrassment, the financial insecurity, a whole host of shit I used to justify my inaction.

Whatever pain I experienced when I finally called it quits was dwarfed by the "death by a thousand cuts" misery of those last years when we just made each other miserable.

Ya gotta get cut before ya can heal and, in hindsight, I wished I'd just nutted up and walked when I should have. We both would have been a lot better off.

08-07-11, 17:59
Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?”

The Princess said, “No!!!”

And the Prince lived happily ever after and shot guns and rode motorcycles and banged skinny long-legged big-breasted broads and hunted and fished and raced cars and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank beer and single-malt Scotch and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony and banged cheerleaders and kept his house and guns and ate spam and potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was frikin' cool as hell and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up.

The end. :D

08-07-11, 18:33
I stayed in a marriage five years past it's expiration date because I was too afraid of the loss, the embarrassment, the financial insecurity, a whole host of shit I used to justify my inaction.

Whatever pain I experienced when I finally called it quits was dwarfed by the "death by a thousand cuts" misery of those last years when we just made each other miserable.

Ya gotta get cut before ya can heal and, in hindsight, I wished I'd just nutted up and walked when I should have. We both would have been a lot better off.

These are wise words of experience talking.

08-07-11, 18:38
In the past year, being single equaled getting custody of my kids, living below my means and replacing all of the firearms that I sold from living above my means. No bill collectors calling, no credit cards, no arguing. Sometimes I feel selfish but I have spent several years doing for everyone else...... It's my turn! :happy:
Good Luck Bro!

08-07-11, 19:06
Usually the term "I am free of her" translates into "Holy shit am I in pain right now. I know it's for the best but I just can't believe how bad I feel inside".

Been there, done that.

Amen brother. I remember after my first serious girlfriend cheated on me with like 4 different dudes I told her to go pound sand but wouldn't admit why we broke it off because of the embarrassment that I was so oblivious. I was even thinking of picking up the engagement ring about a month before I found out. The best thing that happened from that break up: I lost 40 pounds from my break-up weight and now I am much healthier than I was back then.

08-07-11, 22:38
Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?”

The Princess said, “No!!!”

And the Prince lived happily ever after and shot guns and rode motorcycles and banged skinny long-legged big-breasted broads and hunted and fished and raced cars and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank beer and single-malt Scotch and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony and banged cheerleaders and kept his house and guns and ate spam and potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was frikin' cool as hell and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up.

The end. :D

For the record, Im happily married. But, this cracked me up! Good luck to those of you starting new journeys!

08-07-11, 23:10
I think we were married to sisters!

MY LIFE got a whole LOT better. She keeps coming around and repeatedly asking if I have ever wanted to "Reconcile" to which I ask "Why the hell would I want to"? Then I got a GF, and she really put on the boots, but finally got the message. This one feels the same way I do about how/where we might be going. What a BIG difference now. Just NOT going to jump into anything yet.

Here's to better: :dance3:

08-08-11, 05:06
I once dated a girl who did porn. That was stupid. Glad I got a good woman now.

08-08-11, 09:34
I do feel for ya.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
Accept the truths, acknowledge your weaknesses and flaws and LEARN from them.

Hang tough, tough times don't last, tough men do....

Super advice ghostman.
Hang in there man.

Suwannee Tim
08-08-11, 20:12
I hope things take a turn for the better now, ghostman.

08-08-11, 20:15

08-08-11, 20:15
For the record, Im happily married. But, this cracked me up! Good luck to those of you starting new journeys!

You know why divorce is so expensive?

Because it's worth it. ;)

I have my house back, I have my dog back, I've still got my guns, and my children love me.

Life is pretty damn awesome.

08-08-11, 20:21
So long soul eating wench. Yeah I'm not exactly sober for the first time in YEARS. But I digress. I'm done.

Here's to you Ghostman: 1 double of Abundah cask strength scotch straight up in lead crystal no ice. Followed by a Ranger IPA.
I too am in the midst of a divorce and feel your pain......or maybe not......hell I don't feel anything.......must be the Abundah!!!!! Hang in there it will all work out.

08-08-11, 22:03
It sure as hell isn't easy, brother. If kids are involved it will be 1000 times more complicated and difficult. Its not impossible. These guys here are the best for support.

The best piece of advice I can give, is to make time for yourself. Have fun. That's the one area of my "recovery," that I have had difficulty with. I work 100+ hour weeks on the road every week, and watch my kids on the weekend. I love my kids, and they are fun as hell, but it does not count. "Me time," goes a long way for morale.

Good luck.

08-08-11, 22:42
You are never free of them. 3 Years later and I am still dealing with her crap.

08-09-11, 03:30
Congrats brother, my ex-wife seems like a past life to me. Things go up from here. I'm about to marry #2, I am over fed, over sexed, and happier than I have ever been with anyone. All she wanted for graduation was a OD G19, I was sold!

Just don't go down a destructive path, some fall easy this way.

08-09-11, 04:42
Congrats brother, my ex-wife seems like a past life to me. Things go up from here. I'm about to marry #2, I am over fed, over sexed, and happier than I have ever been with anyone. All she wanted for graduation was a OD G19, I was sold!

Just don't go down a destructive path, some fall easy this way.

Life is great, isn't it?

08-09-11, 09:04
Look at it as a New Chapter in life my friend. Don't dwell on the negatives and losses, just look FORWARD to the new opportunities this opens up for you in life. Finances are a mess for awhile usually, but the peace of mind without the STRESS of a bad relationship, etc is gone and you can't put a price on that. No more bitching that you work too much, drink too much beer, buy too many guns or ammo, stink like a cigar, spend too much time on M4C, or whatever.

Make plans or a bucket list or whatever you wanna call it. When you're able treat yourself to a hunting trip, or a week-long shooting school, etc. This is now time for YOU, so be a bit selfish and treat yourself to some happiness for a change.

Look at it as a new lease on life...

08-09-11, 10:29
Christ its reading horror stories like this and seeing what some of my buddies have gone through make me give thanks for my wife.

08-11-11, 01:16
I once dated a girl who did porn. That was stupid. Glad I got a good woman now.

Wait hold on now......you want a woman that will do porn!;)

just not in front of a camera........for money.............for everyone else to see!:no:

08-11-11, 02:26
Wait hold on now......you want a woman that will do porn!;)

Date a girl who does porn professionally and see if you're still singing the same song.

Don't even bother asking who it was.

08-11-11, 04:33
Good on ya. Now go fold up some 20-something and knock the bottom out of it, never call her again, and continue to enjoy your newfound freedom.

Suwannee Tim
08-11-11, 05:03
You are never free of them. 3 Years later and I am still dealing with her crap.

Sometimes takes longer than that, especially if children are involved. It does get better over time.

08-11-11, 07:33
Date a girl who does porn professionally and see if you're still singing the same song.

Don't even bother asking who it was.


It's something you can tell your friends to make them jealous, though.

08-11-11, 08:17
I once dated a girl who did porn. That was stupid. Glad I got a good woman now.

Date a girl who does porn professionally and see if you're still singing the same song.

Don't even bother asking who it was.

PICS... or it didn't happen! :nono:

Yowza... I don't associate marriage with "fun" anymore, but this could make Oprah give up her day job. :o Glad we can be here for ya'!

08-11-11, 10:20

It's something you can tell your friends to make them make fun of you and feel better about themselves, though.

No pics. Never to be posted online.

08-11-11, 10:57
No pics. Never to be posted online.

As tempting as it might be to satisfy our collective salacious curiosity, this is undoubtedly a very wise and prudent decision on your part.

I have a friend who was photographed with a particular individual in a number of unflattering, to say the least, positions and those photographs ended up on at least a dozen different websites. It can't be very comforting to know that when folks (or kids and grandkids) do a Goggle search on you, those are the pics that are going to pop up.

Only way they're going away is if we have some kind of massive global EMP, and even that might get the job done.

The internet... it's forever!

08-11-11, 18:17
As tempting as it might be to satisfy our collective salacious curiosity, this is undoubtedly a very wise and prudent decision on your part.

I have a friend who was photographed with a particular individual in a number of unflattering, to say the least, positions and those photographs ended up on at least a dozen different websites. It can't be very comforting to know that when folks (or kids and grandkids) do a Goggle search on you, those are the pics that are going to pop up.

Only way they're going away is if we have some kind of massive global EMP, and even that might get the job done.

The internet... it's forever!

The main reason I'm not posting them, but not the only reason. I was actually referring of any picture I had with her at all. But you have a good point.