View Full Version : NICS Check

08-07-11, 12:30
It was my understanding that the information collected by the FBI during a NICS check could not be stored indefinitely or given to a third party for a any purpose.

While reading this article (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/07/manhunt-continues-for-three-siblings-sought-in-armed-bank-robbery/), the following paragraph caught my attention:

NOTE: The quoted section of the article has been changed significantly by me but you will get the gist of it.

Police suspect the family members are carrying "an arsenal of weapons," after tracing prior background checks run by licensed firearms dealers and confirming that one of them bought an AK-47 assault rifle at a store two years ago. Authorities say the weapon is similar to the one used in the bank robbery. Similar checks also show another one of them owns guns also.

I have too say that their definition of an "arsenal of weapons" which appears to be two and mine are dramatically different...

08-07-11, 14:12
lol....they showed up at my house with a pile of 4473's and a spread sheet of firearms I had bought including many years prior from multiple FFL's.

The only thing they didn't have were guns my dad had bought and passed down to me once I got stateside and moved into my own place.

They also came with pictures/info sheets of relatives and copies of my military records.

The no database is a farse of huge proportions. Instead of keeping a central database of ALL sales they use FFL's as their database, and comb through their records. Then they copy the forms, and take them with them. Under Gunwalker they go to people's houses if you've purchased multiple semi auto guns and/or handguns. The dude who came to my house assured me the records would be destroyed after their investigation but I seriously doubt that.

I had 'thought' military records were confidential once you ETS but I guess these guys can just pull them up and print them off. It would take me months to get a copy of the same stuff they had.