View Full Version : And people wonder why I am always armed

08-08-11, 18:19
Monkeys and meth are a bad combination.

The little ****ers go positively ape-shit! :lol:

08-08-11, 19:02
First, just to cover my butt. Everything in this post is what has been told to me today by others. I have no direct knowledge of these events.

Apparentaly over the weekend there was a MONKEY attack in town(Shelbyville TN). The story floating around is that there were multiple monkeys being kept in someones garrage. When the owner was in put in jail for meth related issues(seems manufacture) one of the monkeys excaped and later attacked a woman washing her car.

For goodness sakes, you wonder why some of us find it worthwhile to take the time to take care of ourselves.

Not only do we need to be aware and prepared for issues such as disaster, criminal intent, social and political mobs, but we have to watch out for the monkey apocalypse as well. If you would have asked me yesterday I would have never thought that roaming, raging monkeys were a threat.

08-08-11, 19:18
I'll have to add that to my list now.

Libtards, Muslofascists, EX's, Zombie's, assclown's & PMS-ing bitches, & now Monkey's.

what a list....


08-08-11, 19:21
Live marketing for the new Planet of the Apes movie.

08-08-11, 19:25
I'll have to add that to my list now.

Libtards, Muslofascists, EX's, Zombie's, assclown's & PMS-ing bitches, & now Monkey's.

what a list....


:lol: bwahaha

08-08-11, 19:33
I'll have to add that to my list now.

Libtards, Muslofascists, EX's, Zombie's, assclown's & PMS-ing bitches, & now Monkey's.

what a list....


If it has a nametag that says Ceasar, then dont think just perforate. You will have just stopped the monkey apocalypse.

Suwannee Tim
08-08-11, 20:08
Iguanas too. They can be dangerous. South Florida is crawling with them.

08-08-11, 20:42
Monkeys and meth are a bad combination.

The little ****ers go positively ape-shit!

Steven Spielberg Presents..........

Meth Monkey Mayhem

Mr. Goodtimes
08-08-11, 21:27
There are a whole bunch of monitor lizards living in a swamp a couple miles from my house. Apparently some got loose and started breeding, now there are several in the swamp.

08-08-11, 21:40
Monkeys. Not just for trunks anymore.

Don't forget giant subterranean worms.

08-08-11, 21:52
Shit it's almost like a really bad B rated 70's horror flick in the U.S. now a days. W T F in big way... giant lizards,giant snakes,killer fresh water fish that can breathe air and chase you,killer monkeys. It's ****ing Madagascar out there!

08-08-11, 22:47
Shit it's almost like a really bad B rated 70's horror flick in the U.S. now a days. W T F in big way... giant lizards,giant snakes,killer fresh water fish that can breathe air and chase you,killer monkeys. It's ****ing Madagascar out there!

And yet still no Sybil Dannings in tight latex space outfits forcing Earth men to mate with them. It just ain't fair.

08-08-11, 22:51
Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"

Change it to "spaced......"

08-08-11, 23:00

08-09-11, 01:19
Mistwolf, bring the sig line.

08-09-11, 03:38
From my SHTF movie & television thread:

No "Planet of the Apes" yet?

Nothing like SHTF when it is thrown by a monkey.

Suwannee Tim
08-09-11, 04:42
There are monkeys on the Silver River. My wife and I were paddling it once and paddled over to see them. The patriarch was nearby so I put the bow of the boat a couple of feet from him, my wife maybe six feet from him. I looked him in the eyes and grunted. He accepted the challenge and grunted back. We exchanged several increasingly aggressive grunts, my wife becoming more alarmed with each grunt. She was convinced the monkey was coming in the boat to kick my ass. I told her I wasn't worried about it. He would have to get by her first. She was not happy.:eek:

08-09-11, 09:18
I'll have to add that to my list now.

Libtards, Muslofascists, EX's, Zombie's, assclown's & PMS-ing bitches, & now Monkey's.

what a list....


LMAO yes it's a dangerous world!

08-09-11, 11:46
Mistwolf, bring the sig line.

As if I didn't have enough problems in my life. I haven't finished building my House Defense AR, RECCE Carbine, dedicated Shower SBR (in case the Apocalypse catches me with my pants down) or Zombie Killer carbine, now I have to start planning for a Monkey Slayer. Does anyone know if P-Mag has released their new banana clip yet? Here's a photo of the super-secret double banana clip DSA has been monkeying around with for the FAL

Know where I can find a dust cover that says "Get Your Paws Off Me"/"Damn Dirty Ape"? Or do you think that would get me in trouble in court for defending myself with a carbine that expresses anti-simian sentiments? WWMAD? (What Would Massad Ayob Do?)

So much sig line material in this thread to choose from!

08-09-11, 12:07

Weh ma money at foo?!

08-09-11, 17:50
Well I saw a picture of the attack on the woman washing her car. It has been floating around on cell phones here. It was not pretty... looked like someone dragged a pirates hook acrose her calf. Hard to tell by the picture it looked like a large calf and mostly ripped/torn/hamburgered in half.

08-09-11, 19:46
We are dealing with a potentially very serious situation here. If we were to have too many riots etc. as this financial crisis continues, we potentially are dealing with a POTUS who I have no doubt will pull the trigger on 2nd amendment issues.

His own ideology puts our precepts of that freedom afforded to us at risk for real. Unfortunately a potentially very precarious position for us harmonius law abiding peaceful folk.

Thought I'd share this with this group so long as we can discuss these issues w/o getting into name calling or condescending commentary w/ vituperative epithets.

This below was sent to me from my old Kickboxing Sensei from Germany. I studied under him many years and he is a great genuine super human peaceful soul BUT a real deal BadAss if provoked. He currently lives in Germany living the nightmare there and we correspond daily via email. I left it unredacted w/ grammatical errors etc.

Herbert writes today:
Date: 8/9/2011 6:01:30 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
From: XXXXXX@web.de
Reply To:
Sent on:
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Internet Address Card Attached

"Why UK cities are burning... 1. create a PROBLEM: disarm the citizens (anti gun laws etc), pour millions of uneducated ape like muslim migrants into christian countries, create social tensions, riots etc ... 2. wait for a REACTION from the terrorized people: let them cry in fear for MORE PLOICE and even demand MILITARY TROOPS on the city streets! 3. serve the SOLUTION: declare MARTIAL LAW and even tighter "anti terror laws", and establish the total NWO police state in no time...BINGO! this is just the beginning of riots all over EU and US, that will soon lead to the above...! now rioting in Stockholm, Sweden...


I checked, while it has been small it is happening w/ greater frequency.

While I'm not there yet where his head is at, he is living it & it does have the potential to be low flashpoint of volatility here.

Stay Frosty...Kumbi****INya

08-09-11, 19:48
Yup. "Temporary and regrettable suspension of firearms and ammunition sales nationwide, until order is restored."

We are dealing with a potentially very serious situation here. If we were to have too many riots etc. as this financial crisis continues, we potentially are dealing with a POTUS who I have no doubt will pull the trigger on 2nd amendment issues.

His own ideology puts our precepts of that freedom at risk for real. Unfortunately a potentially very precarious position for us harmonius law abiding peaceful folk.

08-09-11, 21:58
We are dealing with a potentially very serious situation here. If we were to have too many riots etc. as this financial crisis continues, we potentially are dealing with a POTUS who I have no doubt will pull the trigger on 2nd amendment issues.

His own ideology puts our precepts of that freedom afforded to us at risk for real. Unfortunately a potentially very precarious position for us harmonius law abiding peaceful folk...

"Why UK cities are burning... 1. create a PROBLEM: disarm the citizens (anti gun laws etc), pour millions of uneducated ape like muslim migrants into christian countries, create social tensions, riots etc ... 2. wait for a REACTION from the terrorized people: let them cry in fear for MORE PLOICE and even demand MILITARY TROOPS on the city streets! 3. serve the SOLUTION: declare MARTIAL LAW and even tighter "anti terror laws", and establish the total NWO police state in no time...BINGO! this is just the beginning of riots all over EU and US, that will soon lead to the above...! now rioting in Stockholm, Sweden...

You both make some very good points. These types of strategies have been used successfully by many governments in the past.

08-09-11, 23:59
Brzezinski's agenda Dawg. He's calling the shots I have zero doubts.

08-10-11, 00:14
This thread is racist.

08-10-11, 00:26
This thread is racist.

Against monkeys?

08-10-11, 00:29
Against monkeys?


08-10-11, 00:31
Brzezinski's agenda Dawg. He's calling the shots I have zero doubts.

"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." - ZB

"The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities." - ZB

08-10-11, 00:35
bingo Irish, it just keeps getting better from there.
He hates the Chinese & Russkies.
There's also no doubt he's got Pakistan's ass on the grill.
It's his final masterpiece as the architect/his gift before he passes.

08-10-11, 00:37
delete please

08-11-11, 00:31
Weh ma money at foo?!

I guess this one hasn't evolved enough to learn how to hold his pistol sideways! ;)

08-11-11, 00:35
Yup. "Temporary and regrettable suspension of firearms and ammunition sales nationwide, until order is restored."

or he gets to call a national emergency and implement martial law. This suspends congress, re election and pretty much gives him unlimited power. The he can use the military and even call the U.N. to intercede!!

I know this is a worst case scenario, but it is in the realm of possibility!:eek:

08-11-11, 00:42
From what I understand it's not legal or constitutional for the Feds to declare martial law

08-11-11, 04:09
"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

- Hermann Wilhelm Göring at the Nuremberg Trials

From what I understand it's not legal or constitutional for the Feds to declare martial law

Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator?


08-11-11, 13:24
Get a load of the winner who owned the monkees: http://www.wkrn.com/story/15213184/authorities-shoot-kill-pet-monkey-after-attacks

08-12-11, 06:12
Get a load of the winner who owned the monkees: http://www.wkrn.com/story/15213184/authorities-shoot-kill-pet-monkey-after-attacks

Wilma Santoro.....has a nice ring to it.


08-12-11, 06:25
Wilma Santoro.....has a nice ring to it.


Apparently monkey lovin' is a full contact sport. :haha:

08-12-11, 07:47