View Full Version : WWII Nose Art on a M1 .30 Carbine

08-09-11, 02:15
Hey team, it me just me.. link, that weird guy from so-cal who paints WWII themed firearms and firearm assessors ;) hey someone got to do it.. lol..

Anyway I just thought I would share my latest project with you guys, it far from complete but I think I’m off to strong start..

Basically I’m painting up the infamous = (more than famous) “M1 Carbine” in a WWII nose art fashion /look. I’m thinking something like the 870 I last year, but well.. better. ;)




08-09-11, 02:15
YES, yes, yes… I know!, I know,.. I went against all of the “Gun Gods” and painted the 1 firearm that no one else has. So before all the haters start up, I have decided to do this for the following reason.

1. I’ve got to me, this should come as no shock to the team members who already know me lol.. but for all the new guys, I’m a little different then most and that’s just the way I like it.
2. This is how (I) wish to honor some of the greatest warriors that have come before us and I am more than confident enough in my skills that I will absolutely nail this project, if I wasn’t, then I wouldn’t have attempted it. I have that much respect for the Carbine and everything it once stood for and what it stands for today. (Freedom and Sacrifice) Let us never forget the greatest generation ever!.. Good bless our troops!..

Here’s a little history on this particular carbine, if you’re curious.

It’s a Universal / # 5739x ~1965/66 I think per my research
It has the following GI parts (trigger assembly, slide with solid handle, bolt, etc,etc).. So Basically, it’s NOT a high end rifle, it’s NOT a significant history piece, blaa, blaa, blaaa.. It’s really just a nice, reliable plinker..

So with that said, lets begin..

I dismantled the M1 as far as I dare go, then I sprayed everything down with Duracoat’s Truestrip Cleaner / Degreaser. This stuff works GREAT for what it worth.

After degreasing all of the parts, everything was lightly sanded with 400 gr paper, then washed off with just water and thoroughly dried.

At this point I sprayed everything down with two light coats of Bulldog, BD is an Adhesive promoter and never let me down..

After waiting for the BD to dry (15 min) I started on my initial base coat and covered everything in the Duarcoat Urban Mirage White. It’s really more of a storm cloud look, IMO anyway.. Now that I’ve got everything dry I’m putting her back together so I can continue on with the base colors.




Sanded and cleaned, ready for paint.. Soooo there’s no turning back from here team.. Those with “week stomachs” please leave now.. hahahaa


08-09-11, 02:16
After the first 2 light coats of Bulldog and ready for the base color




Now its time to tape up lower portion of the rifle, and add the reaming base coat. I actually ended up mixing (or trying to) a 1946 WWII green, personally I’m kina liking it how it turned out.. It may be a little light but I can darken it with the seal coat, so no worries at this point.




08-09-11, 02:16
Hanging it out to dry for 24 hrs and this gives you and idea of what a single color would look like to..


Ok, so here’s what we have so far, the bodies base coat complete and it’s time to start on the nose art.



08-09-11, 02:17
I’m looking at a few different looks, trying to find my grove as it were







08-09-11, 02:17
But I’m just not feeling it, maybe I need to start to drinking again, IDK… I’m really thinking I need do something like a “Semper Fi” look.. I’m just thinking about the history of the rifle and when I think about it, I think about the USMC.. Rough and ready.. not pin up girls..





08-09-11, 02:18
So time marches on I’ve decided on theme and I’m going for it.. wish me luck..

Oooo yeah, I also ended up repainting it, remember team you cant make an omelet without breaking a few eggs :D





So that’s all I got for now team, my next update I’ll should have one side complete and something going on with the other side too..

Thank you for your time everyone and have a great one


08-09-11, 08:33
keep up the good work! I want to see a rifle painted like a F4U-4B or F4U-5N though... with US MARINES written as well. That would be a dream.

96 SS
08-09-11, 14:40
I love that shotgun - this is a very cool alternative to the traditional Krylon job.

08-09-11, 15:54
While a neat idea I have my standard objection if done to a collectible rifle. Everytime something like this is done that is one less original rifle. Not as horrific as a chrome plated Luger but still.

That said, I sorta dig the nose art pinup style and wouldn't mind having one if a quality reproduction M1 carbine or Garand existed.

08-09-11, 16:28
I'd like to have this one applied to my 590A1:


Took this pic with my cell phone and it turned out better than expected! :)

08-09-11, 23:40
That is AWESOME!!!

08-09-11, 23:59
Wow!!! Really nice paint job on the shotgun. Can't wait to see the Carbine as I want one of those rifles. I just like the look and feel of the .30. I almost got one of those instead of my AR. But my buddy persuaded me to get the AR instead. Still I might get a .30 yet.

08-10-11, 00:21
keep up the good work! I want to see a rifle painted like a F4U-4B or F4U-5N though... with US MARINES written as well. That would be a dream.
Thanks man.. I’ll defiantly have the US MARINES written on it well maybe not written out, I’m actually thinking of using some of these to represent the core..

and I’ve got a to think you’ll really like what I have planned for the ammo can hahaha


08-10-11, 00:21
I love that shotgun - this is a very cool alternative to the traditional Krylon job.
Hey thanks man, I had a lot of fun painting that 870 up and I get tons of complements every time I take it to the range.. It’s defiantly a conversation piece.. I just really like to be different..

While a neat idea I have my standard objection if done to a collectible rifle. Everytime something like this is done that is one less original rifle. Not as horrific as a chrome plated Luger but still.
That said, I sorta dig the nose art pinup style and wouldn't mind having one if a quality reproduction M1 carbine or Garand existed.
Fully understand SteyrAUG.. It’s not for everyone, but please note this is not, well at least in my eyes a collectible rifle.. It’s just a universal with some GI parts.. For what it worth.. But hey thanks for stopping bye and checking it out..

I'd like to have this one applied to my 590A1:
Took this pic with my cell phone and it turned out better than expected! :)

Got to love the pinups.. If may make a few suggestions, after all you can always do something like this too?
Gun cases

Reproduction panels to make it look like you pulled if off the plane ;)

Or even just a something different, say a sign for the man cave

That’s the great thing I love about nose art, it just works.. thanks again for checking it out.

That is AWESOME!!!
Thanks man, but it will get a hole lot better in a few days,,lol well that’s the plan at least.
Thanks again for the kind words

Wow!!! Really nice paint job on the shotgun. Can't wait to see the Carbine as I want one of those rifles. I just like the look and feel of the .30. I almost got one of those instead of my AR. But my buddy persuaded me to get the AR instead. Still I might get a .30 yet.

hey thanks sir. I'm glad you like it / them. I've got a long way to go but the important thing is progress is being made. haha well its important to me at least..

As for the acquiring a .30, I would defiantly look into it, the only problem is the cost of ammo.. if you don’t reload its pretty much the same as the 556 in terms of cost.. but it is a GREAT rifle with little to no kick.. well at least in my opinion..

Thanks again for the kind words and have a great one


08-10-11, 10:47
Fully understand SteyrAUG.. It’s not for everyone, but please note this is not, well at least in my eyes a collectible rifle.. It’s just a universal with some GI parts.. For what it worth.. But hey thanks for stopping bye and checking it out..

Have at it. Universals aren't USGI.

08-10-11, 10:52
A paint job like this:
I think this is my favorite though:

96 SS
08-10-11, 12:01
I'm seriously considering painting my 500 like a P-40 or P47 my two fav WWII planes.

08-10-11, 17:12
The art on Vietnam Era aircraft is truly underated in my opinion. Some of the best slogans and designs ever came off of UH-1Bs, Cs, D, and Hs as well as AH-1Gs.

08-10-11, 21:23
I always enjoy looking at your work, Link. Not everything has to be pure unadorned functionality. Sometimes you can just make something cool.

96 SS
08-11-11, 09:03
So - duracoat and bulldog?

08-12-11, 12:42
While a neat idea I have my standard objection if done to a collectible rifle. Everytime something like this is done that is one less original rifle. Not as horrific as a chrome plated Luger but still.

That said, I sorta dig the nose art pinup style and wouldn't mind having one if a quality reproduction M1 carbine or Garand existed.

I think the universal m1 carbines would be perfect for this. Also there are a couple of million m1 carbines out there I'm sure worse have been done to them than this.

If Obama wasn't such a dick we'd have quite a few more wwII era weapons to play with.

08-12-11, 13:07
While a neat idea I have my standard objection if done to a collectible rifle. Everytime something like this is done that is one less original rifle. Not as horrific as a chrome plated Luger but still.

I take the opposite, more Chip-Foose-esque attitude...

Every time you "ruin" a "collectible" some safe-stuffing collector sheds a tear in his mom's basement.

08-12-11, 13:52
While a neat idea I have my standard objection if done to a collectible rifle. Everytime something like this is done that is one less original rifle. Not as horrific as a chrome plated Luger but still.

That said, I sorta dig the nose art pinup style and wouldn't mind having one if a quality reproduction M1 carbine or Garand existed.

Here’s a little history on this particular carbine, if you’re curious.

It’s a Universal / # 5739x ~1965/66 I think per my research
It has the following GI parts (trigger assembly, slide with solid handle, bolt, etc,etc).. So Basically, it’s NOT a high end rifle, it’s NOT a significant history piece, blaa, blaa, blaaa.. It’s really just a nice, reliable plinker..

No worries Steyr.

10-20-11, 03:04
Hey first and foremost thank you all for the comments above and my deepest apologies for not responding sooner.. I got laid off from my job and.. Well I had more important things to do at time.. I’m sure you all understand..

Anyway / So time marches on and I finally finished up my M1 Car.. It turned out ok.. but unfortunately not great and nothing I’m really too exciting about other than of course its different. My biggest problem was that I couldn’t do WWII art, the Marines don't have any, so I was extremely limited to what I could find. Which means I’ll probably end up repainting it in about a year or so.. Oooo well…

I finished up the dog and it turned out pretty cool




I still have some touch up left, but you get the general idea.


10-20-11, 03:04
Then I moved on to the left side of the rifle and added the Marine raider emblem




10-20-11, 03:05
The Marine motto and some numbering



Painted up the one of the mag’s, I star on one side and some dog tags on the other side..


I’m actually liking the dog tag look, I just need to figure out what to put on the tags.


And then finished the look up by painting the ammo can.. I’m kinda digin it, I should probably add some numbers or lettering to it as well..


10-20-11, 03:06
Here’s the final product..











Anyway, so that’s what I got.. Thanks for your time team and have a great one gentlemen..


10-20-11, 03:07
The good news is now that this project is wrapped up I can finish up my garage sign.. ;)



And maybe start on my safe too.. I’ve been looking at few different things for ideas / inspiration.. hahahaha




Rotor Talker
10-20-11, 06:55
Top marks, Link,

You do great work!


96 SS
10-22-11, 11:59
Love it - keep up the inspiration. One of these days my Mossberg is going to get a P-40 job.

10-22-11, 14:39
Pretty slick, dude.

10-24-11, 00:13
Top marks, Link,

You do great work!


Thank you sir.. I'm glad you like it.. it was a fun project, and speaking of fun project lol.. check out my lastest one in the general section.. IE so I paint my safe hahahaha..

have a great one and thank you again for the kind words


Love it - keep up the inspiration. One of these days my Mossberg is going to get a P-40 job.

thank you sir, I've got to me.. ;) I'm really looking forward to your Mos project.. PLEASR post pics..

have a great one and thank you again..


Pretty slick, dude.

Hey thanks sir.. I'm glad you like it..


El Cid
10-24-11, 20:54
Those look great! I really love the shotty in the first post!

zombie killer
10-24-11, 21:21
Those are works of art

capt planit
10-25-11, 17:45

10-26-11, 00:22
Why would you wreck perfectly good guns? I hope that M1 carbine wasnt a WWII production. :suicide2:

10-26-11, 09:04
Well done OP.

You should look into a side biz doing this. I would send you one of mine to get done to that standard.

After all, they are tools and it's nice to see some unique personalization that won't affect peformance.

10-26-11, 11:31
I'm a wood and blue guy myself but I really like what you did, add's character over just painting a gun a solid color or camo pattern. The gun turned out great, thanks for sharing with everybody.

10-26-11, 21:12

Looks freak'n sweet! I love the pin up style.

11-04-11, 18:43
Hmmn, as one who has painted a 10/22 pink and covered it with Eeyore and flowers stencils for a girlfriend I guess I can go along with this:D