View Full Version : 870 extracting issues

08-11-11, 17:24
For the last four years, the barrel I use for 'trap' from time-to-time has been giving me extracting issues. Have multiple barrels for the 870 and never have the issue with the turkey and or rifled barrel, 100% good-to-go. Only the 28” barrel that is used for trap shooting with club loads.

Finally searched the internet and came across what I believe is the solution. http://www.aiptactical.com/Page_2.html Yes, I know the guy has had issues with this board, but I believe he provided me with the solution.

Following his recommendations, I now have two wood dowel rods for cleaning the barrel that I use for ‘trap’. Dang what a difference.

I equate it to when I shoot a few boxes of .38’s through my .357 and then attempt to insert a .357 round it is a no-go. I then pull out by cylinder brush, stroke it one or two times and presto .357 rounds are a go.

It is my opinion that is same issue with club loads in my 870 barrel.

Just my $.02 and wanted to share.

08-29-11, 22:38
Extraction issues such as what? With my 870 I really had to slam it and even then shells would kinda fall out pathetically. Now that was more like 25% of the time, but the rest of the time the shells would still only land a foot or two away after a bounce or two. Does that seem like what you are having issues with?

08-30-11, 01:55
Extraction issues such as what? With my 870 I really had to slam it and even then shells would kinda fall out pathetically. Now that was more like 25% of the time, but the rest of the time the shells would still only land a foot or two away after a bounce or two. Does that seem like what you are having issues with?

The issue that I was having (note: was) when pulling the the slide back the spent round would stick. Even if I ripped it back, the spent round was stuck requiring multiple hard pulls. Prior to the solution, I replaced the MIM extractor (with the 870 Police steel), sear and carrier dog follower spring with the same friggin frustrating results.

Since I reamed out the chamber, it works slick as shit.