View Full Version : Financial Terrorism in the United States

08-12-11, 16:24
Most are aware of the economic statistics reflecting the ever-increasing disparity of wealth in the United States. The numbers are startling (http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/wealth.html) and never fail to generate vigorous discussions with respect to the causes and repercussions of such an unequal distribution of capital in a democratic republic.

The report linked below is a revelatory expose of the extent to which the financial elite, in conjunction with the government, have their boot firmly planted on the neck of the American public. Regardless of your political persuasion, it is well worth reading.


From the introduction of the article:

The American public has sustained intensive economic attacks across broad segments of the population. While the attacks have been increasingly severe in scale over the past four years, they have been implemented with technocratic precision. They have been incrementally applied thus far, successfully keeping the population passive and avoiding any large-scale civilian unrest, while effectively reducing living standards for the majority of the population. As you will see in this report, the 55 million Americans that have been hit the hardest have thus far acquiesced due to temporary financial assistance, such as food stamps and extended unemployment benefits.

The global Economic Elite have been much more strategic in handling the American public, as they are potentially the greatest threat to their continued consolidation of wealth, resources and power. National populations that are not as powerful, and on the periphery of the Economic Elite’s global empire, have been dealt with in much harsher fashion. In many smaller and less powerful countries the dramatic rise in food prices and costs of living have led to all-out revolt — Tunisia, Algeria, Albania and Egypt were among the first to rebel. While the contagion of rebellion has rapidly spread throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East, it is also spreading in a decentralized manner throughout most of the world, now threatening popular rebellion throughout Europe. Like the US population, the geographically clustered European nations represent a potentially powerful countervailing force to the Economic Elite’s continued domination.

Within the United States, the technocratic suppression of the population has been extensive. Increasingly severe economic and governmental policies have systematically eroded civilian wealth, power and rights. Intensive propaganda has effectively distracted, confused, isolated, marginalized and divided the US population. Despite the success of these efforts thus far, given the severe, prolonged, unsustainable and escalating level of economic suffering, outbreaks of civil unrest are inevitable. The US population, if a critical mass is reached, represents the greatest threat to the Economic Elite. In this regard, the American people are their primary adversary.

In writing this report, I will clearly demonstrate the severity and scale of the deliberate systemic economic attacks against the US population, in hope that we can urgently build a critical mass of aware and engaged citizens.

The author's views may strike many as radical, but the statistics cited should be cause for concern to anyone.

As Virginia Woolf advised, "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night."

08-13-11, 03:18
Good stuff, thanks for sharing.

Economic Terrorism is alive and well. Wall St wrote the f*ck'n manual.

08-13-11, 03:32
While we still can we can still vote at the ballot box and the cash register.

But I also dislike PREDATORY capitalism such as false advertisement, breaking contracts/laws, advertisements on TV being WAY louder than the program you are watching, 30 minutes of ads before seeing a movie, bait and switch, ect.

One thing Obonga has done right was the law about TV commercials being louder than what you wanted to watch. Makes me want to throw a remote through the TV when you have a program on at night, commercial comes on, and its so loud half the neighborhood can hear it.

08-13-11, 07:02
good post thanks

Here's something else to listen to.


08-13-11, 13:40
On one hand, you have globalist corporations working with government officials to ensure the rich stay rich at the expense of the average tax payer.

On the other hand, this is the USA, where anyone can go from minimum wage to middle class within 5 years as long as they smart enough, and dedicated enough.

Though most people are not smart enough, and are not dedicated enough, and want the easy ride to stability (Union, government job, etc)

A huge segment of the population qualify for Pell Grants, which is a great vehicle to a sound trade like engineering and medical. Yet it's wasted far too often on things like English, poetry liberal arts degrees, and those people can't make shit for a living.

That's not any banker's fault, or the President's fault. People can only blame themselves.

08-13-11, 23:54
Another recent article (with perhaps a less strident tone) exploring similar subject material.

"Can the Middle Class Be Saved?" by Don Peck in the September issue of the Atlantic magazine: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/09/can-the-middle-class-be-saved/8600/

08-14-11, 08:21
The bad news is all by design.

The other bad news is by FLOODING the country recently with OTM's, UDA's you now have a bigger work force to do the jobs for less. These new Americans that our elected officials & fed laws that are not being enforced promulgate new workforce Canon Fodder that will be trained by our tax dollars in Government subsidized programs to fill the void for some techinical positions & other areas etc.

Some will figure it out, others will perish, others will struggle in perpetuity....