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08-13-11, 06:55

08-13-11, 08:27
"Your just carrying the water for Mr. Obama" and he just sits there grinning ear to ear. :D Love it

08-13-11, 09:47
I love how he references Ron Paul. Paraphrasing...

CNN - What's the better solution?

Guy - The better solution is as Mr. Paul said, don't go at all, it's none of our business.

08-13-11, 09:56
Michael Scheurer nails it... "Both parties love to intervene in other people's business where there are no US interests at stake and where we spend enormous amount so money at a time where we're nearly bankrupt."

08-13-11, 10:17
Those women were clearly outmatched and were fighting from an untenable position. They should stick to giving weather forecasts in bikini's on a news channel for the blind.

08-13-11, 18:59
Imperial Hubris should be required reading for anyone who plans to vote.

Mr. Scheuer takes a funny position(I get it but some don't) regarding terrorism. He believes that as Paul says, we must quit interfering in the Muslim world to remove their ability to recruit, but also that we need to do a whole hell of a lot of killing on the way out(presumably in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan.)

08-13-11, 19:06
The women came to a battle of wits unarmed.

Don Robison
08-13-11, 19:16
Mr Scheurer is an excellent speaker with some interesting insight. If you ever get a chance to attend a course or lecture where he's speaking I highly suggest it. He spoke at the Mirror Image course I took in the 05/06 time frame.

08-14-11, 04:14
Bingo bango! LMFAO! :lol:

On another note, if you haven't read any of his books you ought to do yourself a favor and add his work to your reading list.


08-14-11, 06:07
Enjoyed that, thanks for posting. Love the Ron Paul mention.

08-14-11, 06:50
This is even better...

Everyone remember Jeremy Scahill? Left leaning investigative journalist...

What happens when he turns his attention on Barry Obama?


Mind you, in this case, Jeremy Scahill is doing what the press is supposed to do; shred the hell out of all political policies from both the dems and GOP equally.

08-14-11, 07:24

08-14-11, 22:10
Jeremy Scahill knows his shit.

08-15-11, 18:51
This is even better...


That was a good one. So is this one regarding the train wreck known as our Treasury Secretary. The man is a weasel's weasel, easily exposed and subsequently destroyed by a knowledgeable little old lady.

I tell you this spin doctor is the worst of the worst our modern government has ever had to offer. An absolute disgrace.


08-15-11, 19:11
I tell you this spin doctor is the worst of the worst our modern government has ever had to offer. An absolute disgrace.

Geithner is a crooked, lying piece of shit who should be in prison. Congressman Ron Paul has schooled him and Bernanke several times.

08-15-11, 21:45
This is even better...

Everyone remember Jeremy Scahill? Left leaning investigative journalist...

What happens when he turns his attention on Barry Obama?


Mind you, in this case, Jeremy Scahill is doing what the press is supposed to do; shred the hell out of all political policies from both the dems and GOP equally.

Damn I cannot stand Ed Schultz....but at least he says the truth when it comes to how rabid a tard he is. He is the one who said he'd vote 10X if he could.

Nice how Obama is a saint for helping the Libyan "freedom fighters" yet Bush was Hitler for sending us to Iraq, we went there for oil, and it was to make up for his daddy when Saddam was gassing his own people and killed a couple hundred thousand of (them at least).

Every military engagement from a dem president = good. Every military engagement from a rep = bad.

08-15-11, 22:04

08-15-11, 22:05
MSNBC reminds me of a very banal version of Radio Moscow, except the Soviets weren't as blatantly partisan.

08-16-11, 02:27
Great posts and getting down to truth. I Dig it. Great thread of truths !

Here's some more great links.
imo, they clearly expose the agenda, the lies, the deceit and we are in for a ride gents. Once you wrap your head around this you will need some time alone I think, seriously I kid you not. Let's hope these insane meglomaniacs at the wheel do not get us into a real WW w/ THEIR agendas.

I see a train coming & I want to get off the tracks !

This is NOT some joke this is serious so forgive me if I don't make jokes or chime in on the light hearted sacasim. I have lost my desire to make jokes at this point.

I would like to call to your attention to VERY telling audio bites in this audio/video (which really isn't much of a video)

Brzezinski again:
1) Listen to his referrence to "REHABILITATION" at the 57 second marker. He says it jokingly because these are his cronies/cohorts in their beliefs. He is in reality not joking about our future. I'm 110% sure.

2) Listen at the 7:20 on marker about his comment regarding he's flattered by the British Foreign Ministers comments (after he had said it himself).


If your switched on and paying attention, Brzezenski does not mix words or play scemantics with words or their meanings like politicians do. He is consise and rather clinical in his style. Make no mistake, he is highly intelligent & articulate.

You can't make this stuff up. Next, couple INTEL w/ these audio/video bites with these statements by Gen. Wesley Clark at @ markers I delineate. HINT again: Keep in mind even though he was lobbying for DEMS the agenda has stayed the same telling you it's a shoe in for both parties. There is an agenda & both parties are in on it. Bank on it.

Gen Clark's right except he got duped or ? and didn't realize the agenda continued on w/ Obama not only a DEM but even more dangerous a radical demo w/ communist agendas & ideology

1) 3:50 - 4:25
2)7:25 - 8:20 or so

Still not getting it:
Kissenger spills the beans again @:
1) 55 seconds or so
2) 3:00 minute mark on
3) 5:50 mark on

Think I'm going to hurl....because they are serious.

Outstanding collection of data, thanks for sharing!

Brzezinski doesn't even try to sugar coat it, the brazen bastard!

Gen. Clark was spot on about the neocon's agenda, but EPIC FAIL when he thought the Dems would get them out. I would have loved to have been in ear shot of him when he found out that Obama's admin not only intensified what Bush did in the Middle East but exceeded it by going into Libya and moving on to N Africa. SECSTATE Clinton called for international sanctions on Syria just this week, Google it.

Kissinger, "Paradoxically this moment of crises is also one of great opportunity."

Gee, I wonder what opportunity could he be talking about?

08-16-11, 02:50
Jeremy Scahill knows his shit.

He's a lefty but he certainly shows up with his game face on in every interview I have ever seen him in.

He does strike me as being quite principled because he will go after anyone and everyone irrespective of party, or ideology.

He rolled right over Chuck Todd on Bill Maher's show in 2009. He didn't even flinch over it.

08-16-11, 03:22
MSNBC reminds me of a very banal version of Radio Moscow, except the Soviets weren't as blatantly partisan.

As my dad (a political immigrant from the Soviet Union) used to point out, the difference between the Leftist media in the West and Pravda in the USSR was that the Soviet citizens knew they were being fed a lie.

08-16-11, 08:02