View Full Version : FlashMob MD and now DC

08-15-11, 09:18
13 August 2011 Germantown, Maryland

If the state run media and the prez continue pitting rich against poor, our country is heading into a storm that will certainly tear this country apart.




08-15-11, 10:36
Well, I blame those rich folks in Montgomery County for inciting these poor youths to commit such acts, no doubt out of economic desperation. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

And they'll get off, scot free....

08-15-11, 11:20
But defending yourself isn't the answer, folks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvvarvz3DQc&feature=watch_response_rev

08-15-11, 12:40
Lame response by the police. The 7-11 needs to start charging cops for coffee if they have that kind of response.

Seriously they are ****ing with the survival of "We The People!"

08-15-11, 12:54
But defending yourself isn't the answer, folks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvvarvz3DQc&feature=watch_response_rev

I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it again - it's just a matter of time before someone in a disparity of force situation feels threatened and protects themselves. The first one to shoot one of these "children" will be tarred and feathered by the media, unfortunately.

08-15-11, 13:11
But they're kids! so were these monsters.

08-15-11, 13:13
I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it again - it's just a matter of time before someone in a disparity of force situation feels threatened and protects themselves. The first one to shoot one of these "children" will be tarred and feathered by the media, unfortunately.

I don't wish to make light of the crimes being committed or real economic losses incurred by the businesses targeted by these "flash mobs", but I don't see this as a complete breakdown of the social order and another sign of the apocalypse. The video linked above looks like a bunch of teenagers doing some dumb shit that groups of teenagers are prone to do. There doesn't appear to be a lot of senseless property destruction or violence directed towards anyone; it's a bunch of kids shoplifting candy and soda as the latest "teen rebellion" thing to do.

It does not appear to be the kind of reckless, violent behavior which has been seen in Philadelphia or the Wisconsin State Fair.

But I agree, the lines are going to get blurred and if gangs of kids start imitating this behavior, someone is going to get killed. Then the fuse will be lit and the potential for a rapid escalation of racial unrest and retaliatory violence is almost inevitable.

I hope someone can get through to these kids that they are playing with dynamite but if they're anything like I was as a teen, it's unlikely to sink in until they find themselves in the middle of a total shit storm.

08-15-11, 14:40
I don't wish to make light of the crimes being committed or real economic losses incurred by the businesses targeted by these "flash mobs", but I don't see this as a complete breakdown of the social order and another sign of the apocalypse. The video linked above looks like a bunch of teenagers doing some dumb shit that groups of teenagers are prone to do. There doesn't appear to be a lot of senseless property destruction or violence directed towards anyone; it's a bunch of kids shoplifting candy and soda as the latest "teen rebellion" thing to do.

It does not appear to be the kind of reckless, violent behavior which has been seen in Philadelphia or the Wisconsin State Fair.

But I agree, the lines are going to get blurred and if gangs of kids start imitating this behavior, someone is going to get killed. Then the fuse will be lit and the potential for a rapid escalation of racial unrest and retaliatory violence is almost inevitable.

I hope someone can get through to these kids that they are playing with dynamite but if they're anything like I was as a teen, it's unlikely to sink in until they find themselves in the middle of a total shit storm.

You're right, this particular situation doesn't look very life-threatening. I guess my fear is that it's a gateway to more serious acts. These same kids might be threatening people instead of quicky-mart candy bars next time. That's where I see the need for someone to protect themselves.

You're spot-on about playing with dynamite. I know I was invincible as a teenager, and luckily didn't have someone prove to me otherwise. Hopefully someone will get these kids' attention before they push the wrong buttons.

08-15-11, 16:00
Hopefully someone will get these kids' attention before they push the wrong buttons.

The longest 'war' that the US has ever fought and is still fighting is the "War on Poverty" and we are still behind the eight-ball. Nothing will "get these kids' attention"! They have been enslaved from birth by the "War on Poverty".

The former Senator from NY and at the time of this comment was a holdover from the JFK administration: Moynihan contends that the much ballyhooed effort was oversold, underplanned and seriously "flawed" in execution. Writes Moynihan in the opening words of the book: "In his first weeks in office the President had proposed 'unconditional' war on poverty; in short order that whole range of metaphor had become embarrassing if not, indeed, obscene." The program quickly became a quagmire, and "men of whom the nation had a right to expect better did inexcusably sloppy work."

If you are bored this winter read Moynihan's Report on its study of the Negro Family's plight.

The WarOnPoverty created "community action groups" that further enslaved the masses. LBJ created a monster, that is growing and growing beyond the bounds of our sanity.

08-15-11, 16:21
No wheezing the juice!


08-15-11, 17:36
I don't wish to make light of the crimes being committed or real economic losses incurred by the businesses targeted by these "flash mobs", but I don't see this as a complete breakdown of the social order and another sign of the apocalypse. The video linked above looks like a bunch of teenagers doing some dumb shit that groups of teenagers are prone to do. There doesn't appear to be a lot of senseless property destruction or violence directed towards anyone; it's a bunch of kids shoplifting candy and soda as the latest "teen rebellion" thing to do.

It does not appear to be the kind of reckless, violent behavior which has been seen in Philadelphia or the Wisconsin State Fair.

But I agree, the lines are going to get blurred and if gangs of kids start imitating this behavior, someone is going to get killed. Then the fuse will be lit and the potential for a rapid escalation of racial unrest and retaliatory violence is almost inevitable.

I hope someone can get through to these kids that they are playing with dynamite but if they're anything like I was as a teen, it's unlikely to sink in until they find themselves in the middle of a total shit storm.

The world would be a much, much, much better place if they were all dead. All of them rob society of a quality of life. It is bad enough when a store owner has to deal with the occasional lone thief. Organized mass criminal activity is what separates the mafia from a lone criminal.

Flash mobs are nothing but the ghetto version of organized crime. They are discovering that in numbers they can get away with things they couldn't previously and they can victimize society more effectively. This was understood by street gangs in the 70s when they banded together in numbers too large to be challenged or deterred by polite society.

All of them are parasitic criminals who exist at the expense of everyone else.

08-15-11, 23:22
I don't wish to make light of the crimes being committed or real economic losses incurred by the businesses targeted by these "flash mobs", but I don't see this as a complete breakdown of the social order and another sign of the apocalypse. The video linked above looks like a bunch of teenagers doing some dumb shit that groups of teenagers are prone to do. There doesn't appear to be a lot of senseless property destruction or violence directed towards anyone; it's a bunch of kids shoplifting candy and soda as the latest "teen rebellion" thing to do.

It does not appear to be the kind of reckless, violent behavior which has been seen in Philadelphia or the Wisconsin State Fair.

But I agree, the lines are going to get blurred and if gangs of kids start imitating this behavior, someone is going to get killed. Then the fuse will be lit and the potential for a rapid escalation of racial unrest and retaliatory violence is almost inevitable.

I hope someone can get through to these kids that they are playing with dynamite but if they're anything like I was as a teen, it's unlikely to sink in until they find themselves in the middle of a total shit storm.

until its your property ? so I can come in your house trash it take whatever I want with 30 of my buddies and you will think its just some people being stupid ?

and when they do they will kill someone then what ? oh poor kids they just want to have fun

years back kids did this in Tacoma until they killed a guy one night and the one parents response was well my kid was bored what else is their to do ?

remember everything starts somewhere and it escalates ! this is the start wont be the end like the fair things this was a start the beatings I bet those same punks did these kind of things and wanted a bigger kick out of it !

and soon it will escalate more and when they decide they want your watch or ?? and what give up my rights and safety cause people are willing to say OH its OK just kids being kids ?

08-16-11, 00:00
I agree that this case was not as violent as what we've seen in Philly. I also agree with Dave about the potential for rapid escalation if someone were to resist.

I've noticed in each of these cases there seems to be one or two ring leaders. They tend to be the older, bigger, alpha male. If confronted by non-lethal (hands/feet) or life threatening violence that you can't run from, I suggest that you focus your efforts on incapacitating the ring leaders. This gives you the best chance of demoralizing and breaking the power of the mob.

08-16-11, 01:34
I agree that this case was not as violent as what we've seen in Philly. I also agree with Dave about the potential for rapid escalation if someone were to resist.

I've noticed in each of these cases there seems to be one or two ring leaders. They tend to be the older, bigger, alpha male. If confronted by non-lethal (hands/feet) or life threatening violence that you can't run from, I suggest that you focus your efforts on incapacitating the ring leaders. This gives you the best chance of demoralizing and breaking the power of the mob.

Mobs are groups of pussies who can't stand alone. Engage them according to proximity, taking care of the most immediate threats first. The ring leaders aren't gonna stick around any more than anyone else once you start dropping bodies.

08-16-11, 04:39
These aren't 'kids' they are criminals.

Speaking of Philly, check out the Mayor. Scroll to 09:52 of video


08-16-11, 05:00
The beat cops are stuck between a rock and a hard place with this type of ridiculous behavior.

There could have been a reason that it took them a while to get to the scene so I will not monday morning quarter back it because i dont know what may have been going on. Alot of PD's are stressed for man power these days.

They definitely should not have tried to blow it off and say, well we wont take the video because it will be difficult to identify them. That is a cop out(no pun intended) because we identify people by video all the time. Citizens are more informed now more than ever before.
They should stop trying to play people for stupid.

This is a serious incident and should not be down played.

In defense of patrol officers, we catch flack from EVERYONE!
-We are the ones who have the most contact with citizens who think just because they watch every cop show on tv they know what the **** they are talking about.
-We have to deal with a bunch of lazy detectives who think your case is useless unless it is a known conviction, so they down play it and give you shit everytime you try to pass on good info. It is frustrating.
-We have to deal with lazy DA's who couldnt give a shit about someone who has committed a bunch of petty thefts and small crimes and basically anything that isn't deemed as a note worthy case.

Not everyone is like the people i have described above.

But it wears you down over years of doing the right thing and busting your ass chasing these dickheads down over fences, through canals and rolling in the weeds to catch them. Only to have a useless crap sack DA let them plea out to lesser charges.

I dont want a pity party, and i know there are shit cops out there. But just remember there are a few of us out there doing good work just to get shit on more than we get praised.

08-16-11, 05:30
You are absolutely correct. And it doesn't help when we hear ****ing idiot politicians say that it's not their fault, it's the "lack of jobs", etc...

Quit making excuses for these people. If I had a store and they came in like that there would be some shit happening. Whether it be Louisville Slugger time or a couple of cans of OC.

The world would be a much, much, much better place if they were all dead. All of them rob society of a quality of life. It is bad enough when a store owner has to deal with the occasional lone thief. Organized mass criminal activity is what separates the mafia from a lone criminal.

Flash mobs are nothing but the ghetto version of organized crime. They are discovering that in numbers they can get away with things they couldn't previously and they can victimize society more effectively. This was understood by street gangs in the 70s when they banded together in numbers too large to be challenged or deterred by polite society.

All of them are parasitic criminals who exist at the expense of everyone else.

08-16-11, 06:05
This type of activity is only going to grow as it is being so widely publicized. I'd be willing to bet with school about to ramp back up we will start seeing this go on at football games or other events. Think about the field day 30 shitbags could have breaking into cars in the stadium parking lot while everyone is in the stadium. I'd also be willing to bet it's only a matter of time before one of these gets real ugly like if the decide to rape a female.

Can they not charge the assclowns with RICO for these acts? They should have an example made of them. A kids makes a gun gesture with his fingers & gets kicked out of school, but these clowns raid a store & it's passed over.

08-16-11, 08:37
You are absolutely correct. And it doesn't help when we hear ****ing idiot politicians say that it's not their fault, it's the "lack of jobs", etc...

Quit making excuses for these people. If I had a store and they came in like that there would be some shit happening. Whether it be Louisville Slugger time or a couple of cans of OC.

If anything, a way to deter flash mobs would be to paper the area with job applications, and watch them scatter to the 4 winds.

08-16-11, 11:24
Gabe Suarez had a good article on self defense in a flash mob situation. Cut, slash, bite, shoot, reload and shoot some more. Do whatever you can to survive because these animals will smell blood and wont stop til you and YOUR FAMILY are dead or in the hospital. Animals that behave like this are put down...

08-16-11, 11:28
This is very close to our NoVA M4C membership.....

08-16-11, 11:28
If anything, a way to deter flash mobs would be to paper the area with job applications, and watch them scatter to the 4 winds.


08-16-11, 11:35
A kids makes a gun gesture with his fingers & gets kicked out of school, but these clowns raid a store & it's passed over.

Friggin GREAT point!

Also loved GermanSynergy point about "paper the area with job applications"

08-16-11, 15:06
If you do that in a place like Maryland, you'll be bunking next to Bubba, and you'll be smeared in the media as a racist hatemonger.

Gabe Suarez had a good article on self defense in a flash mob situation. Cut, slash, bite, shoot, reload and shoot some more. Do whatever you can to survive because these animals will smell blood and wont stop til you and YOUR FAMILY are dead or in the hospital. Animals that behave like this are put down...

08-19-11, 04:23
Lame response by the police. The 7-11 needs to start charging cops for coffee if they have that kind of response.

Seriously they are ****ing with the survival of "We The People!"

The vid stated that the Police waited for the mob to clear before responding. Had they went in, there would have been a full on riot. God forbid they shot one of these "children" in the aftermath then there would be a full on race war.

The things they were stealing (individually) were not over $50. So we are talking about a Misdemeanor C, think parking ticket. So basically nothing would ever come of it in court or jail time.

So what is society to do?

I'm not saying the oxygen thieves should be allowed to get away with it. As for me I'm all for the Korean approach! ;)

08-19-11, 08:55
WASHINGTON -- A retail security expert advises armed retailers to keep their guns holstered if they are robbed by a flash mob.


08-19-11, 09:03
Make no mistake- these "youths" know this, hence their mirthful and carefree expressions.

The vid stated that the Police waited for the mob to clear before responding. Had they went in, there would have been a full on riot. God forbid they shot one of these "children" in the aftermath then there would be a full on race war.

The things they were stealing (individually) were not over $50. So we are talking about a Misdemeanor C, think parking ticket. So basically nothing would ever come of it in court or jail time.

So what is society to do?

I'm not saying the oxygen thieves should be allowed to get away with it. As for me I'm all for the Korean approach! ;)

08-19-11, 11:42
For the second time in a week, a flash mob robbed a convenience store in our area. Could it be a new trend in the Washington region?

In the latest incident, 10 women stormed the Shop Express convenience store along Benning Road in northeast Washington at about 3:15 a.m. Thursday.


08-19-11, 16:14
Ann Coulter is a lightning rod and despised by many, but her analysis in the last book she wrote Demonic is pretty much spot on. I'd recommend everybody read it, as the Left is marching us inexorably into a repeat of the French Revolution.

And her recent column:


08-20-11, 09:21
As a general rule, I stay out of Montgomery Co because of all of the rich libtards that live there. Crime like this and massive unchecked illegal emigration is now the rule in Mo-Co because most of the influential residents don't see what the big deal is.

It is my greatest hope that this sort of thing grows, expands, becomes more frequent, and forces the Mo-Co gentry to face some very inconvenient truths.

08-20-11, 11:58
As a general rule, I stay out of Montgomery Co because of all of the rich libtards that live there. Crime like this and massive unchecked illegal emigration is now the rule in Mo-Co because most of the influential residents don't see what the big deal is.

It is my greatest hope that this sort of thing grows, expands, becomes more frequent, and forces the Mo-Co gentry to face some very inconvenient truths.

My cousins son is a Trooper working out of the Rockville Barracks and was talking about the gangbangers (MS-13 & Latin Kings) leaving VA for a safe haven in Montgomery Co.

So far the flash-mobs aren't Hispanics.